Fuel to the Fire

Always Trying to Tear Off Her Catholic Dress

Eliza smirked as she made her way to her large closet. She knew her mother would be furious with her attire for the night, but she could have cared less. “Channing Eliza, can you come down here right this moment!”

There was nothing more that Eliza loved than making her mother angry. The way her mother’s face became red as an apple; also the way her right eye would twitch slightly. It gave Eliza a rush to see the action. Slipping on pumps and walking down the stairs, she glided into the kitchen.

Marie started to get the plates onto the table for dinner to be ready. She almost dropped them when she saw her daughter. Her eyes were wide and filled with many different emotions at once. Her voice became a booming echo. “Channing Eliza Farrah Holmes, what in the world are you wearing?”

“They’re called clothes mother. Would you rather me go around town in my birthday suit? I know a lot of guys that wouldn’t mind that, maybe even some girls. I’m heading out to a party anyways, see you in the afternoon.” Eliza replied with her infamous smirk gracing her fully lips.

“You are something completely different from how I raised you. What happened to you? Promise me you won’t get into any trouble tonight though, we have church in the morning, Channing.” Her mother said, while handing her daughter a plate of food. “At least eat something before you get consumed by the alcohol.”

Eliza rolled her eyes at her mother. Every Saturday night her mother would always tell her the same old thing; that they’d both go to church when in reality Eliza would just end up sleeping in. Suddenly, there was the sound of a loud car horn. She ate a bite of her mother’s pasta, put it down gently on the table, and then with a goodbye was out the door.

Brighton’s car was outside and waiting. Eliza smiled widely as she ran over to the car. Her best friend was grinning from ear to ear as he greeted her. “Don’t you look sexy tonight? All the boys and girls won’t be able to resist you.”

Laughter filled the car as they drove to the nearest party. It was like they were back in high school all over again. Eliza just barely made it out of there the first time. The radio was blasting as they made it to a pit stop.

“Hurry up El, it’s already ten. Most people are already drunk by now.” Eliza waved her hand at the twenty year old Brighton. She walked into Walgreen’s drug store and instantly went to the cashier. “Marlboro lights, please.”

The cashier raised his eyebrows and asked to see some identification, which caused her to sigh. Even though she was twenty-one, they still asked. It nerved her to no end when people asked if she was really twenty-one. They had thought she had looked around seventeen. A few seconds later her cigarettes and id were handed to her and she was out the door.

“You took so long, was there some hold up? What did you do, take up the whole store?” Brighton let out an exasperated sigh. Eliza just rolled her eyes and opened the carton. “I thought you said you quit a while ago.”

“There’s just been a lot on my mind lately.” Her reply only made Brighton sigh to himself. He knew absolutely everything about Channing. She was his best friend and she his. To be truthful, Brighton had no other ‘real’ friends. She was only one he could confide in.

Eliza let out a puff of the relaxing substance. Nothing was said between the two friends for a few minutes. There was only music to fill in the comfortable silence. “Whose house is it at tonight? Fisher, Clemmons, or Dancers??

“None of the above. A new guy moved in last week. He and his girlfriend apparently bought a place together. I’ve heard from a couple of people that they’re in their early twenties, probably twenty-three.” Brighton said, which in return made Eliza nod.

By the time the two had made it to the party, it was already in full swing. Brighton immediately went to get a plastic red cup. Eliza rolled her eyes. He was always ready to get drunk. She on the other hand didn’t feel like drinking tonight. She thought it would be more entertaining to watch other people make fools of themselves.

“Eliza!” she knew that voice anywhere, it was a pestering buzz in her ear. “I know its you El, come on, look at me.”

She rolled her eyes dramatically then faced her most recent ex boyfriend. He had changed since the last time she had seen him. It had looked like he got a spray tan while his hair was three inches shorter and gelled up. “Well hello Jacob. It’s nice to see you too. Have you been spending some good time at the Jersey Shore?”

Jacob’s eyes were filled with nothing but fire. Like her mother, he too would become rather red when angry. Eliza could see that she was agitating him. She loved to spin his top and see where he would go.

“Calm down Jacob, we’re at a party. Lets just enjoy ourselves for the night,” she smirked at him and grabbed a red plastic cup from the countertop. The taste of coke and rum danced on her taste buds. Jacob just looked at her for a second then left her be. They weren’t going to get anywhere in the conversation anyways.

Eliza dumped out the drink and went to get some different liquor. She was feeling more in the mood for something fruity with a punch. It didn’t take but a few seconds before someone came back into the kitchen. The music was too loud and she wanted to go to a real party; not a cheap one like this. “Hey baby,”

Turning around, Eliza saw a man no older than twenty-four. He looked at her with a lazy grin on his slightly blue lips. His breath reeked of vodka and diet coke. He looked like the owner of the house, but she wasn’t sure. “You’re pretty, how about you and me have a little fun somewhere more private.”

It took only a few seconds for Eliza to come up with a good reply, but she finally found the right thing to say. She loved playing games with men. The only think she did was grab onto his wrist and take him to the nearest door. She had no idea where anything was, but she opened the door to a big enough closet.

Immediately, the random guy’s lips were attached to Eliza’s neck. There was no feeling inside of her; she was bored in a matter of seconds. She didn’t even realize when he had pulled down her shorts, stockings, and underwear.

There was no shame in her game; she smirked slightly as she began to tug on the little hairs on the nape of his neck. The moan the man was suppressing was louder than she thought it would be.

She was a little more than surprised when his member had traveled its way inside of her. Sometimes she wondered what was so fun about sex. It seemed like the men got most of the pleasure anyways. We’re girls just a sac made to give men pleasure?

Eliza became bored in the first five seconds. She pushed him off lightly before the main climax erupted. Unprotected sex was never a good thing in her book so the next best thing was the pull out theory. He came right she had pulled up the whole lower portion of her outfit.

When she exited the closet, she went back into the kitchen to fix herself a drink. It wasn’t until she went into the living room until the drama began to erupt. The man from previous minutes ago looked at what must have been his girlfriend. Was it wrong that Eliza got a thrill from stuff like this?

Suddenly Eliza felt a couple of eyes on her and a finger was pointed in her direction. A short red head was making her way over to Channing. Her voice was loud and infuriating. “Are you the girl that just had sex with my boyfriend, in my house?”

“That really depends, doesn’t it? I wouldn’t actually call what happened sex, more like a boring lousy fuck. It only took a few seconds and I was bored when he started.” Her famous smirk was now plastered onto her face. The red head walked up to Eliza and tried miserably to be the same height. “Come on, hit me, I’d like to see you try.”

Brighton, as wasted as he was, stumbled over to where Eliza was. He didn’t want her to get in trouble, nor did he want the cops to come again.

“You won’t do it. You don’t have enough balls to do it. Come on, hit me, I dare you to.” Brighton grabbed onto his best friend’s forearm lightly. The touch didn’t faze her. She just kept on looking at the girl in front of her.

“There’s no reason for me to whores; they’re not worth anything. They’re all just cheap and dirty, like trash on a sidewalk.” Crowds of people were now forming.

Eliza smirked and laughed at the girl who was a good three inches shorter than her. “Whore? Well that just my feelings. Plus, your boyfriend wouldn’t have asked me to have ‘sex’ with him if you were maybe better in bed.”

Her eyes were dancing with excitement as the scene started to unfold. The redhead actually threw a punch which was surprising to Eliza. With all the mosh pits she had been to in her life, she definitely knew how to throw a punch. “Get out! This is my house!”

Just then, the front door immediately opened. Two police officers walked over to the girls who were brawling vigorously. The two stopped instantly as soon as they saw the cops. “We got a complaint on the noise level. Are there any problems here?”

It wasn’t as if Eliza was going to say anything, but the redhead sure was. There was no need for all of this and Eliza knew that. It wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Yes officer! This girl is causing a disturbance in the party of my house!” the ginger’s nose was lightly bleeding. “Take her away!”

“It’s nice to see you again Channing,” smiling, Eliza greeted Officer Bill, they go way back. Brighton came into the scene and suddenly Eliza’s eyes widened. He was only a minor; he couldn’t even legally drink yet. He tried to grab onto his best friend but fell. “Son, are you drunk? How old are you?”

Brighton’s eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything. The smell of alcohol was evident on his clothes. Officer Bill took both of the young adults into his cop car.

As the two sat in the backseat of the cop car, it was silent. Eliza knew she was in for some trouble when she got home. She didn’t exactly agree to the promise her had made earlier. Brighton and Eliza looked at each other and laughed. “Damn El, we fucked up this time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Brighton. Outfit
So, I was supposed to post this story on Sunday, but then I kind of got distracted with this thing called life. As I've said before this is my first John, so I would like to know if I'm doing good at writing it, though John is not going to appear until the third chapter. My bestie on on here, Nikki, has a STORY and its good so you guys should check it out. I hope you guys this chapter.


Pathetic Souvenir;