Fuel to the Fire

There Was A New Girl In Town

Both Kennedy and Garrett grabbed Eliza's bags. All she had to do was worry about was getting some sleep and making a good first impression on her aunt. Her penguin backpack was slung on one of her shoulders as she walked in the same direction as the two guys.

She observed the guy next to her cousin, wondering what his name was. He had brown hair and facial hair that she had not enjoyed. There was just something about facial hair that made Eliza turned off; peach fuzz was a completely different story.

Eliza's eyes widened and a large smile on her face as they had arrived to the glorious looking yellow automobile. "Please tell me that this beautiful piece of machine is yours?"

Garrett laughed loudly at his cousin's reaction to his car. Most people didn't seem to enjoy that yellow vehicle of his. "Of course it's mine. Can you see a resemblance in our styles?"

Laughs emitted past all three young adults as they put the luggage into the trunk. Eliza shifted uncomfortably in her dress as she made her way into the backseat of Garrett's car.

"Pardon me for being so careless towards you dear cousin." Garrett said smiling lightly. She could tell that he wasn't normally out there, she could tell that he was more of a shy guy. "Eliza, this is my best friend and band mate Kennedy Brock."

Kennedy smiled at the younger girl and extended his hand out to her. She gladly accepted it. "Its a pleasure to meet you Eliza. I'm sure you'll fit right in with the girls. As for this town, life is what you make it."

They were both grinning as Eliza frowned and scrunched her nose cutely at the choice of music in the car. She grabbed her penguin backpack from beside her. She began taking out some of the contents quickly.

Eliza thought the quicker she got out of the dress she was wearing the happier she would be. No one was paying attention to her at the moment so she thought that it was a perfect opportunity for her to undress herself and put on some different clothes.

Her shorts were being pulled up with ease. It wasn't until she lifted up her dress that she heard a voice. "Whoa, what the fuck are you doing?"

The car swerved slightly to the left and then was back to its normal position. Kennedy looked at Eliza with wide eyes. She didn't think that it was out of the ordinary at all. "I'm changing, what does it look like? My mother made me come here in a dress and i don't like dresses at all so I'm changing. Give me two minutes and I'll be done."

No one said anything for a few seconds, the only noise was the radio coming from the front of the car. Eliza took off her dress and put her favorite tank top on and started to braid her hair.

"So where do you live? Whats there to do in Tempe?" she asked the boys as she put a flannel over her tank top and started putting on her shoes.

"It really depends on what you are looking for. There are some awesome clubs, but those are mostly in Phoenix. There are some shops here that the girls like. There's more stuff here and there." Kennedy said looking at the newly dressed girl. Her style was completely different than what she had had on before.

She tapped her fingers on her bare thighs as she took out her headphones and ipod from her backpack. She hadn't had a cigarette in hours and she was beginning to crave one. She'd have to wait until it was dark outside.

"Cool, so all of you have girlfriends I'm guessing then? You guys said you had a band, whats up with that?" curiosity filled her brain about what kind of music they played. From what they listened to, she thought that it would be the pop-punk that was circling across America at the moment.

Garrett made his way to his parent's house and Kennedy spoke up. "Well, there are five of us. Four of us have girlfriends and Pat is trying to convince Nicole to go out with him. Yes, we do have a band, its gotten pretty big now. Our band is called The Maine."

That band name seemed really familiar to Eliza. She tried to take a few seconds and think about it, but she gave up. She'd probably call Gemini later tonight and ask if she knew of them. "I've never heard of you guys honestly. I'm pretty sure my little sister has. Shes all into that indie pop-punk style."

"How do you that's the kind of music style we are? How do you know we aren't some hardcore band?" Kennedy asked with a raised brow and Eliza laughed loudly.

"All I'd have to do is look at you. I mean come on, skinny jeans with a flannel doesn't really scream hardcore band. Plus, everyone today seems to either be straight up pop or that pop-punk overrated shit." She said smiling at him.

It only took five more minutes before they had arrived at Garrett's parent's house. He smiled at her and told her that they were here. The house was quaint and that's what Eliza loved about it. All three of them didn't feel like getting her bags yet so they didn't.

Taking out his keys, Garrett opened the door of his parents and immediately heard a voice coming closer. "Garrett honey, the boys are down in the basement waiting for you and Kennedy."

"You must be Channing. I'm so happy that I finally get the chance to meet you. You look so much like your mother. You're such a beautiful girl." Garrett's mother smiled at her niece.

"My name is Eliza and thank you so much." she said as she saw her aunt sigh. She must have known the issue with that. Kennedy asked Mrs. Nickelsen if they could steal Eliza away so she could come to band practice and she agreed.

When they were down in the basement, Eliza noticed three other guys and one girl. She didn't smile at them, but she didn't glare. Her mood was content for the moment with the situation. Kennedy introduced her to the group as he walked over to the girl. "Guys, this is Eliza. She's Garrett's cousin."

The girl that had just hugged Kennedy was now right next to Eliza. "Hey, my name is Dakota. I'm Kennedy's girlfriend."

Eliza smiled at the other girl and already had a feeling that she would like her. She didn't really look as if she were Kennedy's type but more like hers, more on the rocker than the pop-punk.

From a slight distance, Eliza could feel a pair of eyes on her. She noticed a boy looking straight at her and her body. It irked her when guys did that. "Is there any problem here?"

The boy smirked at her but didn't say anything to Eliza, that irritated her even more. All of the boys stood now in the positions that they usually rehearsed in.

"Don't worry about John, he's just a little prick but he means well." Dakota said with an oh so sweet smile directed in John's direction. He smiled at her as well and gave her the bird.

Music began to fill the average size basement as a few of the members of the band started moving from their previous spots.

"Got caught running up a tab, couldn't drive home so I had to share a cab. Introduced herself by her last name, the kind of girl you steal from the football team." that was all it took for Eliza to know what kind of band they were and that she didn't preference them the slightest bit.

Eliza thought that the song was too cliche and that it just wasn't personally that great. It would have been great for the fourteen year olds and younger that were fawning over them, but not people their age. She didn't pay attention much after that. Her mind was drifting into different thoughts.

She didn't even realize that the song had ended and everyone was looking at her. They had probably wanted her opinion, she could see that in their eyes. "Yes?"

"What did you think of the song?" the one with the microphone in his hand had asked, John.

"Its not really my style, your band that is." she said simply. With that, she stood up and went up the stairs of the basement.

Her whole body felt tired at this moment, her eyes were falling suddenly. Eliza walked up the little flight of stairs and started opening doors. It took her a few tries, but she had finally made it to the right room.

The minute she had hit the pillow she was out and free to dream of whatever her heart desired and that she did.


It was dark when she had woken up from her nap. The door was now open, it was strange to her because she had recalled closing it. The time on the clock had proved that it was nine thirty-five. She got up from the bed slowly and looked at her surroundings.

Eliza wished that all of this hadn't been happening to her. She didn't need to be shipped off to some relative that she hadn't even heard of before with a cousin who had a prick of a banadmate. All she wanted to do was sleep in her own bed while watching movies with Brighton. Oh how she wanted a smoke.

There was a window not to far from her, she opened it without even thinking. It didn't have a screen and it had a place where she could sit or lay on, she was more satisfied with that thought. She grabbed a cigarette pack from her bag and instantly went over to the window opening it and stepping outside.

Heat was the first thing that seemed to embrace her. She was used to the eastern weather, not the western heat. Eliza's hand shook slightly as she placed the cigarette against her lips. She stayed in that position for a few moments.

"You know that could kill you if you keep it up." Eliza looked back surprised that anyone had come to see her. She wasn't delighted when she saw the person. John had a smirk on his face as he looked at her.

"Whats it to you what i do? You have no say in my life." Her tough exterior is the first thing that John had noticed about her. It had also attracted him to her.

John was surprised by this girl. Without saying many words, she had captivated all of his thoughts for the moment. It was silent for a couple of minutes. "So, Eliza, that's a pretty awesome name."

"I guess, its not my real name but I like going by it." she said nonchalantly. Her statement caused a smile to turn on the corner of John's lips.

"That's pretty bad ass. Whats your real name?" it was like there was a game going on between the two. There were intimidating glances and smirks going around.

Eliza loved playing this game with boys, they always seemed to fall for her charm and spunk. She smirked at him while winking cutely. "I don't seem to recall. Whats your name?"

"John Cornelius O'Callaghan the fifth, now its time for you to tell me yours." he said lightly looking at the smoke that was surrounding the two of them.

"How about no? I'm gonna go see whats going on downstairs." Eliza said, climbing back into the house. She smirked after spritzing herself with perfume that usually got rid of the smoke smell.

Before shutting the door to the guest room, her room, she smirked at John. He stood there breathless for quite a while before opening the door and down the stairs to his friends.

He saw Eliza on the couch with Dakota laughing and smiled to himself. "John! Hey we're gonna watch a movie, come on!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I KNOW ITS NO EXCUSE, but I am so sorry for not updating this faster. I physically couldn't do it though. My computer had been broken for a month and a half without anyone seeing what was wrong with it. The only reason why I was able to write/post this is because i had prewritten it onto paper and went from there. It also took a long time because i had no inspiration to write anything, like i barely do now. School started as well so that's why the updates are slower. Ohh and shout out to me and Lauren's story if you want to read it. its called Phone Calls Of Our Song. The story needs to be fully written out though before we post so it might take three months or so. i might convince her halfway through to start posting though. Hope you all liked this chapter and thank you all for being so patient. i don't really know what direction this story is really going in but i hope its great.


Treasured Scars.