Fuel to the Fire

It's Her Face And Those Eyes, I Can't Escape 'Em

There was nothing more annoying than the feeling of being woken up. Sleeping With Sirens’s If You Cant Hang blared through Eliza’s phone, informing her that she was getting a call. It was Brighton’s smiling face that appeared all over her screen.

“Why hello my dear friend, sorry I haven't been able to talk to you since I’d dropped you off more than long enough.” Brighton stated, there was no doubt that he would have a smile on his face.

“Its all fine, I’m sure since I’ve been gone your mom has been riding your ass on things that I am sure she wouldn't say if I was around. You know how she loves the idea of me being out of your life.” Eliza said while chuckling aloud.

Silence was on the other end of the line. “Yeah, almost as much as she loves the idea of me not liking men.”

When it came to sexuality, it was always tough subject for Brighton and Eliza knew that but she also didn't know that he would turn the conversation in that direction.

“Come on, forget about your mom, she’s a bitch that can’t get her head out of her own ass long enough to except her own son. How is my town without me by the way?” she was trying to change the topic and make her best friend smile.

Even though Brighton knew that Eliza was trying to make it better it still didn't help the situation. “Its pretty boring here without you. Oh yeah, Gem called me and told me some pretty huge news. You two are related to Garrett Nickelsen? How is it that you didn't tell me?”

“Brighton, a week or so ago I didn't even know who the fuck Garrett Nickelsen was and now we’re cousins. Plus, there is a distinction between some of our tastes in music.” Eliza said in a tone that was difficult but light.

Suddenly there was a knock on the young girls door, Eliza told Brighton to wait for a moment and told the person that they could come in. It was just the person that she was hoping wasn't in her doorway. “What do you want John.”

“Well, there is going to be a party tonight at Garrett and I’s apartment and since you are new and don't know anyone I’m inviting you to come. Think of it as a welcome party with as much beer and fun as you can take ” John said appearing to sound swave.

“That is so nice of you to invite me to your little party, but I don’t know if I’d truthfully want to go. I mean whats going to go down? All the people in the room are going to be drinking, grinding on one another. its just so predictable and unoriginal that it doesn't even seem enjoyable.” Eliza said with a smart tone and smirk to match. “Now if you don't mind, I'm on the phone with my boyfriend.”

John’s ears had perked up when he had heard that single dreaded word. It wasn't a word that he wanted to hear come past her lips. “You have a boyfriend?”

“Yeah, his name is Brighton. Do you want to talk to him?” the look in Eliza’s eyes would have made almost anyone laugh if they hadn't heard the conversation. She knew John wouldn't have enough balls to say yes.

“You know what I think that I’ll pass, the band needs to practice before the party, hope to see you there tonight.” John said with a small grimace on his lips and proceeded out the door.

It took Eliza two seconds before she decided to get back on her phone. She didn't want John to be listening in on her conversation. “Sorry about that Bright, had to take care of some trash.”

There was a slight pause on the other side which made Eliza confused. She wait for a minute and noticed that it was not too long after noon. Her mind wandered on what she wanted to do today, she knew she didn't want to stay in the house, she was done with moping around.

“My apologies if I had you wait. While you were talking my mom wanted to talk to me.” Brighton replied softly.

It was never a good thing when Brighton became quiet. Eliza was now worried for her best friend. “What did your mom say to you? Was it anything bad? What happened?”

There was the dramatic pause that Eliza knew that she was going to get. Brighton loved to keep people on the edge of their seats waiting for what was going to happen. His tone of voice was nonchalant. “Oh its really nothing. In a month, I’m going over to Tempe to visit you!”

Eliza screamed at the top of her lungs. Finally she gets to see her best friend in the place where she thought was hell. She was overly excited just about the thought of seeing Brighton.

“You are kidding me aren't you? You’re trying to get my hopes up and then when a month comes around you aren't going to be here, am i right?” Eliza said in a blunt tone. It had happened to them before and it may be just the same.

“No, its not going to be like that time when I forgot about you. I talked to my mom and said you were going to Michigan and said that I wanted to go to Arizona. Some of my family lives in Phoenix that my mom wants me to go see. She says that they will change me to be a real man.” Brighton stated once happy and now a little displeased. “That doesn't matter though, I'm going to see you!”

The thought of Brighton’s mom always sent Eliza on a frenzy. She hated how his mom would treat him, it was crude.

“Well Bright, sorry to let you go but I need to get out of this house.” with that being said Eliza got into the shower and was going to start off her day the way she normally would.


Eliza looked at herself in the mirror and thought she looked fine for a day of going around town. The constant heat was partially normal to her as she put her phone into her black jean shorts. She adjusted the beanie on her head and was out the door.

She had no idea where she was going, but she knew her feet would take her somewhere. Eliza smiled when she had finally seen one place that looked familiar. It was a little shop that she had stopped by when hanging out with the boys. She went inside with a smile on her face.

“Hello, what can I do for you today?” there was a girl that looked to be slightly younger than Eliza was, she took an interest to that.

There was nothing too interesting in the store, Eliza just wanted someone to talk to that wasn't John or his band mates. Plus, she had only seen Dakota that one time when they had first met.

“Um nothing really. I know that this must sound really random, but do you want to hang out sometime? I’m staying here with my cousin for the summer and I’m alone.” Eliza had asked bluntly. The younger looking girl just stood there with

“Sure, that sounds awesome. My name is Nicole but I’d prefer it if you called me Nikki. There a party tonight at my boyfriend’s friend’s house if you want to go?” She was starting to like this new girl.

Eliza smiled at the girl with a real smile. “That sounds really nice of you to invite me. Here’s my number, message me all the details and I’ll meet you here when its time.”

The two girls grinned at one another as they exchanged numbers and like that Eliza was out the door with a smile on her face and walking to wherever her feet would take her next.
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Outfit Of The Day
Its been a long time since I've updated this story and i'm so glad. All today I've been working on this story and now its updated. I don't really know what to say in this. My birthday is next Monday and i'm really excited for it. I might get to see All Time Low live, but i'm definitely going to see Sleeping With Sirens live, I've become in love with their music and them of course, hence why I used them in the beginning of the chapter. Hope you guys liked the chapter, id really love your opinion.


Therapeutic Gin.