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Harry & Katherine Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Maybe Malfoy Isn't All Bad...

As Zelda did up our robes, Malfoy and I regained our hissiness towards each other and I was back on Fred's best friend list. Which is good. Very good. I smiled to myself at the thought.

It took maybe an hour for the entire robes to come together. The boys being boys, looked the same. Black dress pants, long sleeve, white, button down shirt, along with a short sleeve. We both got wool vests, soon to be colored by our houses. The cloaks turned out nicely, and my grey pleated skirt flattered me quite well.

“Why Fred,” I said, prim and proper, “You look quite dashing, sir.” He grinned. “And as do you, Miss Katherine.” We joked around as our robes were suited to our sizes. I then thought about how nicely my wand should look with these robes. I turned by head to Fred. “Is there a class where you make potions?” He laughed. “Wow, you really were raised by Muggles! Of course, there is. Professor Snape teaches it. He hates Griffendor.” I rolled my eyes with a smile. “I can only wonder why.”

“What's that supposed to mean?!”

“You're a trouble maker!” I giggled.

“I suppose so,” he said, stroking a fake beard.

* * * *

I thought about him saying that I was raised by Muggles. He obviously wasn't, and neither was Malfoy. I wonder if Liv and Sam were.

Since all of us were suited and ready to go, I paid for mine, and pitched in for the Weasleys. Liv gave her just the right amount. “Au reviour! Come again!”

Liv and I began to walk together again to the exit. “Shut up, Big Boobs...” I muttered. “She's too full of herself!” Liv giggled. I could help but laugh myself.

“Were you muggle-raised?” I asked flatly. She stopped laughing and looked at my in the eye. “Nah, but I live in the Muggle world. I'm a pureblood. You're a half-blood.” I nodded. “Oh,” I paused thinking about houses again. “Slytherin would accept me, even though I'm a half-blood, right?”

“Whatever the Sorting Hat says,” was her reply. Ugh, why did I have to raised in the Muggle world? “I'm guessing the Sorting Hat sorts you into your house?” “Correct,”

“Well, where do we go next? We're done shopping. I said. Harry ran up. “Look, Hagrid's outside!” Hagrid was peering in the tailors, tapping on the glass. I smiled. “Hagrid!” “Oaf....” I could hear Malfoy mutter.

I bursted out the doors. “Hagrid!” Harry stood next to me as we rushed out together. “Whatcha got?” Harry asked, bouncing on his toes. “Happy Birthday!” He held up a cage with an owl in it. I couldn't help but be jealous. She was beautiful, a pure white, snowy owl. “Oh, tsk, Harry! Lucky!” Hagrid smiled a cute smile. “Don' worry, I didn' leave yah out, Katherine.” He held up another cage. “I though' you were kinda an eagle person.” A beautiful eagle stared me straight in the face and cawed. I thought of Aladdin, from Disney, what with the eagle being golden and all. Through the bars of the cage I stroked his beak. “I shall call you Aladdin.” He cooed this time, and pressed the top of his head to the bars. “Oh, Hagrid, can we hold them?” Harry asked, like a puppy.

Harry began undoing the door before Hagrid's head nodded. I carefully opened the cage and stuck my hand in. Immediately, Aladdin stepped up to my forearm. “Aladdin's been under some abuse, Katherine.” Hagrid said. “He's timid, but will definitely lash out when he needs to, or to protect you, if you make the right bond. I could hear the door open as Malfoy stepped out with his father gazing at the crowd of my friends and Hagrid. I mean, Hagrid's not that hard to miss.

I ran up to him, face beaming. “Malfoy! Do you want to hold Aladdin?” I bounced my arm up once and Aladdin crowed again. “Sure,” Malfoy responded, holding his arm out. Aladdin looked at me, with his striking blue eyes. He looked a lot like Malfoy now. Golden hair, blue eyes...I might change his name to Draco! In my head, I giggled at the thought.

I nodded to Aladdin, and he carefully stepped onto Malfoy's arm. “He's beautiful isn't he?” I said, leaning into Malfoy's side. Was that cologne he's wearing? If it was...Dong. “He is,” Malfoy said. I could tell that he was mesmerized by the beautiful bird.

“Say, where are you going after this, guessing your shopping is done?” I asked both of them. Lucius replied. “Leaky Cauldron, it's closer to the train than our home.” I smiled. “That's where Harry and I are staying! Malfoy, you and I can play with Aladdin when we get there!” Malfoy nodded vigorously as he reluctantly said goodbye to Aladdin. He really liked him. I held Aladdin out on my arm, and Malfoy stroked his beak gently. I smiled. “Kiss him.”

He gave me a sarcastic and funny look. “Seriously?” “Yeah, like this...” I puckered and kissed Aladdin's neck. “Go on.”

I could sense the rest were watching, because I could hear Liv and Ron snickering. Malfoy quickly leaned in and pecked him on the same spot I did. “See you in the Cauldron!” I smiled and waved goodbye as they began to head forward. “Wait!” I yelled as a thought came to my head. “Malfoy! You should get an eagle like mine too! Make it a girl, then maybe they can have chicks!” Lucius nodded. Malfoy raised his chin to me and smiled. “Sure.”

Malfoy wasn't all bad, after all.

* * * *

I slid on a pair of blue pajama bottoms, with a purple plaid pattern. Afterward, I threw on a purple maternity tank. What? It was comfy.

I heard a knock at the door, and Harry glared at me to get the door, but it was still a gaze, because he was lost in his book. I opened the door with a smile. Be it eight at night, but Malfoy was at the door, with an eagle to match mine. My eagle was pretty attached to me already, as he sat on my left shoulder. Malfoy's sat near his elbow.

“Come in!” I said, beaming to see him anyways. We trotted in together and I spun down onto the floor next to the bunk bed. “Harry! Malfoy's here!” I could see his hand shun us away. “That's cool, don't be loud, I'm reading. Right now, Sarah Kotter is taking on Killerdeath...” I laughed. “Oh him and his book; don't mind him.”

Malfoy smiled. “So what's his name again?” “Aladdin. It's a cartoon character from the Muggle world. He's supposed to live in Arabia.” I let Aladdin down, who happily scuttled across the floor to lightly nip his index finger, as if to say 'hi'. Malfoy smiled and stroked his head. “Well, I don't know what to name her.” She looked a bit more reddish, like my hair, and she had darker blue eyes. She was darker in general. “Oooh, she's beautiful,” I cooed. I held out my arm and she gratefully crawled on. “Wow...Good pick.”

He rubbed the hair on the back of his head. “Heh, thanks.” I inspected her, giving thought to what could be a possible name. Then it hit me. It was PERFECT. “Malfoy, how about Jasmine? Aladdin's love interest’s name is that.”

He nodded. “I like it. Now we're connected in another way.”

“What's the first?”

“Our wands.

I laughed. He was right. “Want to try that again?” Malfoy nodded and pulled the wand out of his black gym shorts. He was wearing a baggy grey tea as well. It looked good together. “Sure, why not?” I grabbed the box mine was in and examined it once more. “Mine is definitely more ornate than yours,” I said. He nodded. “Not to sound cheesy, but maybe to represent each other's lifestyles? Mine is fancy, like your wand, and mine isn't so fancy, probably like yours.”

“True, true,” I said crawling over to him. Jasmine and Aladdin were perched on my bed, getting to know each other, as they examined each other. “Let's do this....” Malfoy and I raised our wands.

“One,” I said.

“Two,” He proceeded.

“Three!” We said in unison.

As soon as we waved them, the same fog emitted from the ends of our wands and formed the moon and wolf's head howling. But this time there were a few differences. There was more color to it, instead of being a pallid, see-throughy white. The wolf's eyes were a darker blue, and there was a golden tint to it's fur. And the moon was farther back with a pine tree in front of it, which had the color tints of a tree. And the tree obviously had to be on another cliff. As we were watching, another wolf stepped out, standing near the tree and howled back to the first wolf. The second wolf's coloration was a pale yellow, with brighter blue eyes. They both looked majestic, as I have never seen a wolf like that.

Once the second was done howling, they looked at each other and pawed and the ground. There was no ground in between the two cliffs, apparently. The image dispersed.

“Wow,” we both said, in a hushed tone. “That was pretty cool.” Malfoy looked up at Harry's bunk. “He didn't notice?” I shook my head. “Heh, nope!” I bolted up. “Oh! I just remembered! Look at what I taught Aladdin to do!” I went on the bottom bunk opposite of mine. I put my index and middle fingers in my mouth and whistled. Aladdin perked up his head and flew over to me and perched on my shoulder. “Pretty cool, huh?”

Harry leaned over his bunk. “She's been doing it all night, Malfoy.” Malfoy didn't listen. “Can you teach mine?” “Of course!” I said and patted the bed twice for him to come sit with me. “You can whistle, right?”

Malfoy nodded, “Yeah, but with no fingers.” “That's fine.”

* * * *

It was ten by the time we finished hanging. We had taught the birds to come when called, we had talked, we laughed, sometimes 'til we cried. I was right earlier. Malfoy wasn't all bad. He wasn't all mean. He's really nice, actually.

“Is tomorrow school?” I asked him. He nodded. “Yup. Everything packed?” I laughed. “Heh, no.” I fixed my position as I was sitting on the floor after a laughing fit. He rolled over on the spare lower bunk, looking at me. “Well, neither am I! Want to pack together? We have to be at the station by eleven. We can hang tomorrow if you want, since we'd be packed.”

I nodded. “Sure, why not?”Malfoy gingerly hopped off the mattress and scurried out, and came back quickly with everything shoved in his suitcase, waiting to be packed neatly. “Father's asleep,” he informed me. I nodded. “You can crash here, if you want,” I looked at Aladdin's cage, as both the eagles were snuggled up to each other, asleep.

I grabbed the trunk Hagrid had bought me earlier, and Malfoy and I began to pack up.

After about a good half-an-hour, both Malfoy and I closed our trunks and stacked them by the door. Harry could pack in the morning. I climbed up to his bunk and saw he was no longer reading. He could've been sleeping for hours. I removed his glasses and placed his bookmark in his book and placed them on the nightstand by my bunk. I closed the bird's cage and locked it.

I climbed up to Harry's bunk again and kissed him on the forehead. “G'Night, brother...” I climbed back down to the floor, where Malfoy was waiting. I could see he had gone back through both our trunks and laid out the shirts, bottoms, socks, shoes and robes for us the next day.

“I figured we'd put on the cloak on when we got on the train,” he said, slightly shy, but I could tell he was proud of himself for thinking ahead as such. “And I'm hoping you'll be using your toothbrush tomorrow; you didn't pack it.” “And you are correct on both things. I shall be using it tomorrow.” I rumpled his hair at his 'cleverness'. “Crashing here?” He nodded. “Sure, why not?”

“In that case,” I said approaching him. “How about a...” I said, pausing for suspension. “A hug?” We both laughed at my stupid antic. “Oh, sure.” We hugged and I made sure to hug him long. Maybe he was bitter because no one hugged him. I could feel him squeeze me hard around my waist, so I returned the favor and squeezed twice as hard. “Let go!” I could hear him wheeze and I let him breathe again. “Haha, I got you.” He laughed as we were still hugging. It felt weird to feel his stomach and mine press as we laughed.

I inhaled. “You ARE wearing cologne!” I exclaimed in surprise that I was right. “What, you don't like it?” I laughed and giggled at the same time. “Haha, no, I smelled it earlier.” “Well, what do you think of it?” he asked. I paused looking for the right word. “Dong.” “You like it?” “Yes. It's total chick magnet.” I paused inhaling more. “I love it!” Just one last time, I inhaled it.

“Dong!” He exclaimed.

I giggled. “Okay, yeah, sorry, I love cologne.” I said as I broke away. “Man, I have got to wear that more often!” I laughed again and gave him a quick hug. “'Night, Malfoy.”

As I crawled into bed, I couldn't help but think, Wow, enemies to friends in one day. Those birds are good role models. After this thought, I immediately fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
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