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Harry & Katherine Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Pissed off...Fat Asses...Train Station...

I woke around six thirty, due to the birds constant scuffling. I could hear Harry snoring softly, and Malfoy was getting up as well due to Aladdin and Jasmine. When I rose, the first words that tumbled out f his mouth were: “Well, you certainly look like a princess.” “Well, it's not like you look like a prince, yourself.” I countered.

“Whatever. Let's get breakfast.” He suggested, getting out of bed. I sprung up. “I CALL BATHROOM.” And I scampered to get my stuff the Malfoy had laid out for me, ever-so-graciously, and rushed to the bathroom and quickly locked the door. “HA!” I screamed from inside.

“I don't care, Potter!” He yelled back.

“Well, Malfoy,” I paused, failing to think of a counter. “You should!” I could hear him groan outside the door. “Whatever.”

“Go wake up Harry!” I yelled to him. I could hear his feet hit the floor as he walked away. The bathroom had all the necessities, sure, but it was crammed in the little room. I pulled up the new grey, pleated skirt and banged my elbow on the damn sink, and put a dark green – more like olive green, mixed with forest, now that the light lets my eyes focus on it – and threw on my white, collared, button down blouse over top.

I brushed through my hair and quickly brushed my teeth, as Malfoy had to get in. I could hear a small, slightly hissed argument between Harry and Malfoy. I came out the door, and slammed it to get their attention.

As Malfoy was standing on my bunk, on his toes, to see Harry, he nearly fell off, and I could see Harry's entire body lift off the bed, maybe an inch or so. “Harry,” I paused, smiling with little patience. “Get up! You need to pack; we're going out soon!” He sprung out of bed. “CRAP! School!”

“Yeeeaaah,” Malfoy said, nodding his head vigorously and sarcastically. Malfoy realized that it was his turn and he snapped back to the hustle-bustle of the morning. “Malfoy, toss me the Mary-Janes!”

“The what?”

“Buckle shoes on my trunk.”

“Oh,” he said as he tossed me the shoes and grey knee-highs that went with them. The Hogwarts dresscode was now complete as I put the shoes on. I think I looked kind of cute. Harry stumbled down the ladder and began to throw all of his supplies carelessly into his trunk. “Ah, crap, how are you guys packed?!”

“We did last night,” I laughed. “Ugh,” he groaned and resumed throwing everything in. Malfoy whammed open the door, and looked my over.

“You look good,” he said, flatly.

“As do you, Mr. Malfoy,” I responded quite toneless myself, but I think the smile on my face revealed that I thought he looked rather spiffy in his uniform.

I felt around my waist, feeling around for a belt loop. After realizing that there were none on my skirt, I shrugged and pulled out the waistband as I used it to store my wand. “Time?” I called out to Malfoy as I began to feed the birds, placing Jasmine in her cage again. From my peripheral vision, I could see Malfoy quickly look at the analog clock on the wall. “Six forty-five!”

“At seven, we're out of here!” I called out to them. “Okay!” I could hear Malfoy call back. Harry let out a yelp. “I'm not done though!”

“Go change; Malfoy, start folding the uniforms,” I ordered. I could hear four feet tromp around on the floor. Thank goodness this was the first level of bedrooms. We'd be screwed on the second level.

I heard a knock at the door as soon as Harry closed the bathroom door. “Day-lay Prophet!” I could hear a male announce from outside. I got out a knut and flung open the door. “Yeah, thanks,” I said and grabbed the paper and replaced it with the coin.

“Ma'am, we don't require pay–” He began to speak. “I don't care, have a nice day!” And slammed the door in his face.

I could see a pile of pants on Malfoy's right and shirts to his left. “Here, I'll help when I change the bird's paper!” I said, still rushing.

I began to remove the tray's below the cages. Jasmine squawked in surprise and I raised a finger to my lips. I threw out the old newspaper and replaced it with two sheets of new. I did the same for Aladdin, but he remained silent as I did so.

I scampered over to Malfoy and we began folding Harry's things rapidly. Harry burst out from the bathroom, looking sloppy. “Brush your hair and teeth, grab all the toiletries, and bring them out.” Harry slumped and went back into the bathroom.

“How did you know he didn't?” Malfoy questioned, still folding double-time. “I'm his sister, I should know. Plus, when he rushes, he doesn't,” “Oh.”

We finally got all the clothes folded and we removed the new textbooks and I grabbed the wand, still in the box. “Okay,” I sighed, examining the inside of the trunk. “School stuff on left, clothes on right,” “Makes sense,” Malfoy said resting.

The door opened and Lucius stepped inside dorm. “Good morning, children.” I glanced at him. “Morning, Mr. Malfoy.” This morning was NOT a good morning, I thought. “So, I think we're going out this morning?”

Malfoy smiled sweetly at his father. “We were hoping so!” He nodded. “Very well,”

Malfoy resumed packing Harry's luggage, stacking his textbooks neatly on the left, placing everything else on top of them. As he started loading his clothes, I rushed over to help. Everything fit perfectly. I grabbed his Sarah Kotter book and placed that on top. Harry opened up the door to the bathroom and threw us our toiletries.

“Thanks!” I said to him. “But now you owe me two galleons,” Harry gave me a dumbstruck look. “Why?” He whined to me. “I let you live through this morning.” I could hear both the Malfoys laugh. I was quite pleased with myself. “Sor-ree!” He huffed.

“Alright! Come on!” I declared. “Out the door!” I grabbed Aladdin and Malfoy followed suit. Harry knelt at the foot of my bed with his newly named owl, Hedwig. We practically hurled our trunks out the door.

“Maybe we should just get a bite to eat here?” I suggested. Mr. Malfoy shrugged and we picked a table. A waitress, no older than fifteen, came up to us immediately. Before she could speak, I raised my hand to silence her. “White milk, two eggs over medium, two slices of butter toast, and two bacon strips,” I pulled out two galleons. “This should cover all of us.” I nodded to Mr. Malfoy so he could order. I suppose, in order to be easy on the employees they all followed in my suit and ordered the same thing. The only change was that Mr. Malfoy ordered a coffee.

Once she disappeared with the orders, Mr. Malfoy turned to me. “What was that all about?” He asked with a grin. “You handled that...Like we would,” He said gesturing to him and his son. I shrugged. “It's seven in the morning, I don't want to wait, we've got a train to catch, and I really don't want to deal with her crap. Simple as that.” I laid back in the chair, placing the napkin in my lap. “Sorry if that was snide, Mr. Malfoy.”

“Oh, no,” He paused, the smile turning into that happy, trademark Malfoy smirk. “I think I was right to approve of you when we met in the wand shop.” I placed my hands behind my head. “You were right to approve, Mr. Malfoy.” Malfoy huffed a laugh.

“What about me?” Harry asked. I wasn't actually sure if he wanted to be approved of, so I jumped in to save Mr. Malfoy. “Harry, I don't believe you've done much to show yourself to Mr. Malfoy.” He shrugged. “I suppose you're right.”

Mr. Malfoy slightly turned his head to wink at me for the save. I turned around to face the kitchen and couldn't help but to not yell. “Come on! I'm waiting here! We have a train to catch!” I paused, wondering if what I was about to say would be okay. Ah, screw that, I was pissed already. “Get your fat asses to work!” I turned back to the table with a pissed look.

They all looked like they were holding in a laugh. The waitress hurried out with the tray of drinks and food. “So sorry, Miss!” She looked like she was nearly crying. Whatever. “You should be,” I muttered, putting on a Malfoy smirk as she handed around the plates and drinks. “Here's your change,” she said, fumbling for the change. She had placed it in a neat stack next to my plate. I scooped it onto my left hand and threw it into a satchel I had attached to my luggage. “Jeez...Finally!” I growled. I began to wolf down what was on my plate eating the bacon first, whites around the egg, then popping the egg to dip my toast in.

Before I knew it, both my food and drink were gone and I was fat and happy. But still pissed at everything. I stood at the table and stacked all the plates in the center, placing everything on top. “Let's go!” I announced.

“Let's apparate,” Mr. Malfoy annoucened. “I really don't know or care what that is...Let's go!” He held out an arm. “Hold onto my arm, we'll be there in a second or so.” I grabbed onto Mr. Malfoy, and Harry put his hand above his, Malfoy below.

He snapped, and I felt like I was going through a pipe. He was right, it did last practically a second. Soon enough, we were at the station. But not where we needed to be. I could see Liv and Sam Randeer walking with the Weasleys to a brick wall to wait. I grabbed a trolley and loaded all my things with the help of Lucius and dashed over.

That's when I heard what we had to do.
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