Status: Updates: Every few days or so. If not, check once every week to see if I added one. (Chances are, I probably did!)

Harry & Katherine Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Platform 9 and 3/4

Liv left her trolley and greeted me with a hug. Harry came up behind us as we let go. “Hey, Livvy!” She grinned broadly. “Hey, Harry!” She said embracing him. Harry left and gladly greeted Ron, when he was free of Olivia.

I saw the twins and ran up to Fred and George. “Hey, troublemaker!” I said as I hugged Fred. He wore cologne too. “Hey, Little Miss Proper,” Fred said as he hugged back. I let go and hugged George. He wore a different cologne. Cologne must be popular with the wizarding folk. “Georgie!” He also hugged me back. “Katherine-e!”

“So, how do we get...” I paused to pull out my ticket. “Platform Nine and Three Quarters?” Liv smacked my shoulder. “You run through this wall, derp!” I gazed up the wall. “Geez...Seems...Intense.”

Fred came over to me with his trolley. “No big deal, we can go...together!” He called George over. I could hear Malfoy's trolley roll over the granite as he approached. “Great, through the wall,” I could hear him mutter.

“Ready, Fred?”

“Ready, George?”

“Ready, Katherine?” They asked me in unison, goofy smiles on their faces.

I stared at the wall. “No.” They began to run forward, pushing me with them. “Too bad!” I screamed as I neared the wall. But there was no pain, and I found myself in a whole new station. There were new people dressed eccentrically, and a new train, black, with 'HOGWARTS EXPRESS' written across the front of the engine.

“Hogwarts Express!” They announced as the rest of my friends burst through the wall. Liv and Sam, then Harry and Ron, Percy came...Malfoy? I waited a couple seconds, and he burst through with two other boys. They were huge eleven-year-olds. One tall and built/beefy, the other, short and built/beefy. They looked funny next to him.

“Let's get our stuff on the train!” Liv called out above everyone else talking. I ran after her with my trolley as we neared the place to put your things under the train. As we were loading, I saw an awful-looking girl and pointed her out to Liv. Liv snorted. I looked at her again, and she was smiling and waving at everyone as they passed.

Her hair was bushy and brown, same with her eyebrows. She had dark brown eyes and slightly tanned skin. When she smiled, I could see she was in dire need of braces, as her two front teeth angled out and were huge compared to the rest of her teeth. I shall call her Rabbit, for now. I could see her hug her parents goodbye, and she began to make her way over to us.

Liv and I laughed harder. As soon as she came in arms distance, she stuck hers out. “Hi! I'm Hermione Granger! Pleased to meet you!” I shook her hand with the straightest face I could. “Hello, I'm Katherine Potter. Charmed.” She then proceeded to shake Olivia's hand. “And you are – Wait! Katherine POTTER? Isn't your brother Harry Potter?!” I nodded. “Yes?” “That's amazing! I've always wanted to hear the story first hand!”

Liv rolled her eyes. “She was a baby! She can't remember! Anyways, I'm Liv Randeer. Charmed as well.” She said imitating me, only saying it more elaborate.

Olivia turned towards me. “Well, we have to get on the train now...See you at Hogwarts.” She began to usher me away. Hermione (not Rabbit any longer) began to follow. “Wait! May I sit with you?” I shrugged as I was being ushered to the train's door. “Sure,” I said as I looked at Liv. “Why not?”

“Why would you do that?!” Liv hissed to me picking up the pace. I snorted. “Cuz she looks funneh.” Liv snickered and paused to let Hermi-one catch up with us.

Before we boarded, Ron stood next to Liv as Malfoy, Fred, and Harry all stood near me. “Everyone,” I said, still giggling. “This is Hermi-one.” She smiled. “Hermi-knee! That's how you pronounce it.” I nodded my head, the blonde way. “Oh, that's how you say it!”

“I'll point to everyone when I say their name,” I said, inhaling to introduce everyone. “Ron, Liv, Percy, Sam, Fred, George, Malfoy, Me, Harry.” Her brown eyes got wide and her thick eyebrows rose. “Harry James Potter!?”

He nodded. “That's what they call me.”

* * * *

We chatted for about twenty minutes, just catching up on everything that the Weasleys and Randeers did last night. They were talking about manhunt and Fred and George pranking Sam and Percy with little, awful-smelling bomb pellets. Ron stepped around Liv before saying that Fred had actually screamed: 'For Katherine!' during the biggest one that they had created.

I giggled and briefly told them about my adventure three nights ago about Dudley's room. Even Liv and Ron seemed impressed. Which was good, because they're not usually impressed with me.

“Yes, the room smelled terrible,” Percy said with a glare. He always acted like he had a tree up his ass. I scoffed in his general direction and leaned back against the chilly brick column behind me. I crossed my arms and sneered. He gives me no respect, he shouldn't expect any from me.

“So,” Liv said, leaning into Ron. “What did y'all do?” I snorted. “This morning or last night? We did a lot.” She rolled her eyes. “Last night, you idiot!” “Thanks, love!” “You are most certainly welcome.”

I paused, going through last nights events. “Well, Harry was on his top bunk, reading, and I was teaching Aladdin to come when called.” I gestured to Aladdin in his cage at my feet, then to Malfoy signaling for him to carry on.

Harry began to wave his hand frantically in front of him. “Wait, wait, wait! She was whistling the entire time I was reading so I had to fall asleep with a migraine I still have traces of!” Liv skipped over like a giddy school girl and placed her finger on his scar. She waited for a couple seconds and practically knocked him backwards as she pushed on him. “And now...You have it back!” She said doing a girlish, maniacal laugh.

I could hear Harry groan as she bounced away. “Thanks,” he muttered.

“Hey, can you guys wait here while I get my textbooks? I want to study on the train!” Hermio said after the period of her (blissfully) long silence.

She began to turn away as I grabbed her shoulder. “Grab my potions book would you?” She nodded vigorously, her rabbits teeth showing. “Sure!”

We all resumed our positions in our tight circle. “So,” Ron said half whispering, half hissing. “Should we, ya know, ditch her?” I fanned his head away. “No, she's getting something for me. And that is a good thing, my dear Ronald.”

He shrugged. “Whatever. If we're sitting next to her, I call sitting next to the window and Liv.” She turned to him. “You DO have a crush on me!” He gave her a straight face. “No, I just know YOU do and if she steps out of line, you'll be all over her like a vampire on a papercut.”

Liv squared her shoulders and rolled her eyes. “Weasley, you know very well that if I had a crush on YOU that I would've shot myself or something.” She shoved him into George as Hermione came up with a huge stack of her textbooks and mine on top.

She set the stack down with a grunt and picked up the top textbook and handed it to me. “Here you are, Katherine!” “Thanks,” I paused, mustering a fake smile as the tip of her fingernail touched my hand. “'ermione,” I strained.

“You're most welcome!” She smiled again. I wonder if her face ever hurt from smiling so much. A church bell sound emitted from everywhere, to call attention. “I love magic,” I could hear Harry sigh.

After the bell rang, a strong voice came out from everywhere, like the bell. “Welcome, new and old students of Hogwarts. We are using a new system, as you can tell. But please, board the train: you have a school to attend.”

The voice 'hung up', and Liv and I squeed with excitement. “We'll run ahead, and y'all can catch up!” I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet. Malfoy gazed around at the people he would be stuck with and sneered. “So we can get a booth,” Liv added, excitement fading from everyone's reaction.

Liv and I linked arms and began to dance away to the train. Once out of sight, we began shimmying around upperclassman and accidentally slammed into another girl, knocking her to the ground.

“Oh! We're so sorry!” I exclaimed, pulling her up, as Liv picked up her wand that had fallen out of her cloak. “Yeah, really sorry,” Liv said handing her back her wand. She smoothed down her hair and gave us a smile. “Hey, no problem. I'm Alex, nice to meet you,” She held out her hand.

Liv and I gladly shook it at the same time. “First years?” Alex inquired. “Yeah,” Liv said, excitement returning.

“Me too!” She said, equally excited. “Maybe I'll see you around? I have some people I need to meet...” I nodded. “That's fine, but if you want, you can sit with us later!” She nodded again. “Sure, will do!”

We skipped ahead after she left, immediately beginning to comment on her, as most girls do. “Her hair was gorgeous!” “I didn't know curly brown hair could look that beautiful!” “And her eyes were like...Mint blue!” “I know!” “Not to mention, she was kind of tall, but whatever.” “Yeah, I thought she was a second or third year!” “I guess not!” “But, we made a new friend!” “Yay!”

The doors to the train swung open with a hiss, and students began to jostle each other to manage to get in. Liv and I shoved apart two boys with yellow coding their house and a Slytherin. When we turned around, they gave us dumbfounded looks. “Yeah, two first years just did that to you!” Liv called back. All I cold think of doing was sticking my tongue out at them.

There were two more boys in the hallway down the center of the train, one in blue and a Griffendor. We decided to be polite this time, as we spied a totally empty booth for all of us to sit in. “Agh, let us through!” Liv complained.

The Griffendor just brushed us away. “Come on, there are other people who need to get on!” Liv said as more students filled in. “You can wait, stupid first years.” The one in blue said, with a sly grin.

“And what are you?”

“Fifth, Ravenclaw.”

I stood for a few seconds after his simple statement. I stepped around Liv and glared at him.

He payed no attention to me. I grabbed the Ravenclaw's shoulders, pulled him close to me, and then shoved him away as hard as I could sending him falling onto the ground. I placed a foot on his chest and glared at him again. “Next time, I certainly hope you listen to me, asshole.” I took my foot off and swished by both of them, tall and proud.

Liv opened the compartment and we took the lookout as we watched for our friends to come by. We could hear them pounding down the hallway as we flung open the sliding door. Fred burst in first, then Harry, then Ron, then Malfoy, then George.

“We saw ALL that!” Fred exclaimed. “That. Was. So. Freaking. Awesome.” They all took their seats. Ron next to Liv, Harry next to George and Fred next to him, and Malfoy next to me.

“That Ravenclaw is a douche, he deserved it!” George added.

“But it was still really mean,” A whispered voice mentioned as the door slid in. “You should be ashamed of yourself, Katherine Potter!” Hermione said as she waved her index finger in my face. I stood up. There was no way I would take this. “Granger, I wouldn't speak like that to me if I were you.”

“I'm not afraid of you!”

“You should be,” I said, glaring at her. “Because I'm not afraid to do the same to you.” She straightened herself and tried backing me up. She didn't look too menacing with a purple striped long sleeve shirt and frizzy hair. I straightened myself, becoming taller than her again.

“Bad girls finish last!” she said, raising her voice to me, taking a half step toward me. I took one full step toward her. “Last time I checked,” I said, pausing to glance down for effect. “YOU finish last.”

George stood up and pulled her down to sit. “Watch yourself, Granger.” I picked up my potions book and began to read for the remaining amount of time we had stopped.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me so long to update! I was doing a lot of homework and catching up on sleep! Haha!

But anyways, happy belated birthday, Rose! Happy Writing!