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Harry & Katherine Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Me + Meanie = Pretty Wolf Howling?

“Ah, first years...” Ollivander stepped out from behind his desk and looked Harry in the eye. “Why, it's like I was selling your father his wand just yesterday.”

Harry kept staring at Ollivander, as Ollivander looked up and smiled a sweet old-man smile. “Miss Olivia, would you like to go first?” She pointed at her chest and looked quite nervous. “Me?”

“Of course you, who else?!” Malfoy snapped from his spot. I glared at him, and he immediately gave me the 'I'm sorry' guilty puppy dog eyes. I looked back up at Liv, who was silently pissed and I could see her discreetly give him the finger.

“I guess so...” She hopped up from her seat and held her shoulders high as she walked by Malfoy. Ollivander already had a box pulled out for her.

Harry leaned into me, “Alright, so how does this work?” I shrugged. “I guess we wait?” Ollivander gave the wand a basic description. “Birch, dragon heartstring, 13 inches,” He paused as she gazed at the wand. “Wave it,”

She simply flicked her wrist and the boxes on the shelves flew out, while some little fireworks exploded from the wand tip. I jumped behind Harry, as the loud noise startled me.

Before she could hand the wand back, Ollivander had another box. “Willow, phoenix feather, 14 inches. That crystal on the end is rare, and I believe that is the only wand that has that in my shop as of now.”

Harry put his arm brotherly around my shoulder. “I hope she gets that wand. It's pretty.” And it was. It had a decoration around the shaft that made it look as though a fairy was flying around it. And instead of being a plain wood, it seemed to have a purple tint to it. And if she got the wand, I couldn't help but be jealous.

Ollivander patted her shoulder. “Go ahead and wave it,” he said softly. When Liv waved the wand, it let out the little silver sparkles that you'd see in Cinderella from the Godmother's wand. She had the wand. And I was very jealous.

Ron had to go through several attempts to get to his final wand, yew with dragon heartstring, 11 inches. And it was unique, it basically looked like a stick. Which was charming in it's own little way when you think about it. But other than that, he had left the shop in a pretty shabby condition. And at one point, a small explosion singed the bottom of Malfoy's hair. And I couldn't help but laugh. Finally, the pretty boy had something not so pretty about him.

Harry's wand took about five tries to get. It was unique as well; Ollivander said that it resembled our father's wand.

“Katherine?” I decided to be humble: I mean, even though I didn't like Malfoy, I didn't want me on his bad list. “No, please, let Draco go first. It's the least I can do to make him wait.”

Ollivander smiled. “Nonsense, you two can go together!” He smiled, but deep down I knew that was the pure smile of a jokester. And then I heard Fred and George snicker. I turned back to them and glared with a sneer. “You're totally screwed!” laugh-whispered to me. “And I hate you, too, Fred,” I snarled, mostly to myself as Malfoy stood next to me.

Ollivander flashed another wicked smile. “Alright, now hold hands.” Malfoy shot me a flirtatious and an 'I told you so,' kind of grin. When I let his hand engulf mine, his skin seemed to match his personality: shitty, dry, cold. Well, I went a little far with that. He's just cold. But warmer than me, at least.

“Your hands are freezing!” He whispered in my ear. “I know,” I dead-panned. “So are yours.” “Not as cold as yours.” “Shut up, Malfoy. You've really got a talent for stating the obvious.”

“Why, thank you, beautiful,” he said to me. I could practically feel his sarcastic smirk burn on the side of my face. I do have to admit, that did make my heart skip a beat, I'd never heard that from anyone before. Apparently, my hand twitched or something, because Malfoy noticed. “I knew that would get you.”

“I'm going to shove your testicles into your stomach.” I hissed to him as Ollivander returned with our wand boxes. “You know you love me.” He said raising his chin with a white smile. “You know I don't.” “Whatever. If it's not me, it's someone in the room.” “Yeah, Fred,”

“WEASLEY?!” He exclaimed, obviously surprised. “Yes. Shut up.” I could see his cheeks fill with air and I could hear a snort. All the Weasley boys were staring, it could be anyone he was referring to.

Ollivander handed us out wands, mine being Macassar Ebony, black in color, unicorn hair, 13 inches. Malfoy's a plain holly and ebony that didn't even come to a point, unicorn tail, 12 inches. “Alright, together wave your wands. On three...One....Two....Three!” I waved mine gracefully, as he did, but with a more boyish essence. What looked like a smokier version of fog emitted from our wands' tip. It danced around together to make a double helix figure and at the top, came together created a moon and wolf howling. I thought it was quiet beautiful actually.

Malfoy and I turned our heads towards each other at the same time, blushed and I let go of his hand. “Heh, sorry.” “It-it's fine.” Ollivander stared curiously at the spot where the wolf had vanished when we disconnected hands. “My, Lucius,” Mr. Malfoy turned his head away from the spot to look Ollivander in the eye. “I haven't seen that in years,” He then turned to us. “That is extremely rare, and has never happened to anyone but one other couple of children. They were young lovers from the age of five, and it was a stallion running through a field. Please, you two stay close.”

I broke out of my trance. “Me and him? We have barely known each other for forty-five minutes and we hate each other. I doubt it.” “Then act civil and become friends.” I simply gave Ollivander the four galleons I owed him for the wand and left the store.

I could hear the bell on the door jingle as everyone else came out. Malfoy ran out to catch up with me. “Katherine! Katherine Potter! Please wait!” I huffed and turned to face him. “What?!”

“Maybe he's right, maybe we should be friends.” “Civil.” “Fine, deal.” I nodded and shooed him away to continue my shopping, but he tagged along with me anyways.
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