Status: Updates: Every few days or so. If not, check once every week to see if I added one. (Chances are, I probably did!)

Harry & Katherine Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

And I Want to Be the Best.

Well, for a short while anyways. Malfoy kept on my tail for maybe, seven minutes? Then his father told him to come with him to get a cauldron.

By now, we'd gotten all the necessary equipment needed for the year. Quills, cauldron, ink, wands, books...All except for clothes. And that's why we were headed to the tailors. I couldn't wait to get everything color coded to my house. I know, I must sound like a nerd, but it's true, I want to hold true to my own house. And apparently Slytherin was the best, from what I heard, and I wanted to be the best.

The moment we all walked in, I was taken aback by the shelves of needles and sewing kits and thread and yards and yards of different fabric. A young girl, maybe in her twenties came up to us and ushered everyone to a room of chairs.

She had quite large breasts, a very curvy waist, big hips, long legs, a tan, big, sky blue eyes, and platinum hair that was in the cut of being short in the back and long to frame her face in the front. “Bonjour! J'mappalle Jamie! Comment t'appelle – tu?” She paused smiling as everyone gave her a dumbfounded look. Except for the Weasley twins, giving her a dreamy smile, probably getting lost in her abundant boob. And the fact that Fred was staring made me very jealous. And kind of of angry.

She giggled at her mistake, “Oh, pardon! Excusez moi!” She giggled again. “I am very sorry! I am learning my Eenglish, and I switch back to French from time to time! Let me begin again,” She repositioned her angled haircut and began again. “Hello! My name is Jamie!” She slightly held out the 'Jay' part of her name. “What's your name?” She gestured at us, making a swooping half circle with one arm.

Before we began, I heard the bell above the door ding. She stuck her head out the arch to the waiting room. “Sadie! Help ze othzer custamers!” As soon as she was done, she stuck her head back in with one of those cheesy, 'I'm a pretty salesgirl' smiles. “Okay, ze Madame is not 'ere, but Madame Zelda can 'elp you with your new clothes. Good luck in 'ogvarts!”

Harry turned to me. “Well, that was odd. Did she assume that we all spoke French or something?” I shrugged, just as confused as Harry. “I suppose so, because I can hear her speaking it now. Same thing she said to us.”

We both leaned toward the entrance. Liv must have overheard us, because she stood up. “Ah, screw it, what are we doing, I'm going up to the archway.” Not wanting to be left out, I joined her. It must've looked like a cartoon, where the ten girls hide behind a flagpole and sit only their eyes out to watch that 'cute guy' walk by.

Before I got to stick my head out to look at who French Poodle was talking to, Liv shoved my head back. “Incoming,” she said with all seriousness. We did that little tip-toe run that gets your short distances very fast to our seats.

Then he walked in. Just him. No father. He made a 'ha-ha' smile and rose his eyebrows. Then he lifted his chin to show his superiority. “Well, well, if it isn't Weasel, Potty, and Deer crap. I rose, but not to face him. I was better than him. “Malfoy, would you like a seat? You may have mine.” I slightly growled the last part, but I knew I had to control myself.

He strutted over to me and lifted my chin with a curled index finger. “Darling, can't you feel the love tonight?” He threw back his head and laughed. I hit away his hand and he rolled his eyes with a smile. “Oh, Katherine, I'm just joshing.” A smile split his lips.

I rolled my eyes as well, minus the smile. “Oh, ah ha-ha. Hilarious. Shut up, Malfoy.” The woman who must have been 'Zelda' came in, quite timidly, compared to Big Boobs down the hall. She was short, brunette hair, big green eyes, and freckles mixed with acne(?). Along with that, she had a mole on her right cheek. She looked in her early twenties. She had huge glasses as well.

I leaned into Malfoy to whisper in his ear. “Oh...She's Zelda?” I asked with an awkward frown. He leaned in as well, with the same awkward frown. “Guess so?” I took on giant step behind Malfoy and slid my right foot to my left. “Pffft, you first.” Draco turned around to face me. “No way, you first.”




Her voice sounded of a sore throat and overuse and yelling. “Ah yew kidding? I can take in three at a tyme!” She pointed at Malfoy, Fred, and I. “Yew three...The rest can split between Sadie and Jamie...”I glanced at both the boys. Ah, Fred. I giggled in my head.

As we each stood on top of the three platforms, me in the center, Malfoy to my right, and Fred to my left, we spread out arms and waited for Zelda to finish spinning around us with measurements. “Yew can sit down, I need fahbric.”

I hopped down from the platform. The first word out of all of our mouths: “Wow.” Once we got that out, we couldn't help but burst into total conversation. “Did you see that engagement ring?” “Ring!?” “How is she engaged?!” “I know!” I could sense Malfoy and Fred scoot closer for conversation. I made it so I was closer to Fred. If anything, my hand or his hand would 'accidentally' lay on his.

“She's so....” Malfoy paused, searching for a word. “Nasally,” I couldn't help but giggle at the way he said 'nasally'. He scrunched up his nose and angled his eyebrows down. It was funny looking in that cute kind of way. Sort of?

Deciding to change the topic, “So, what house do you suppose you're going to be in?” I leaned back onto the platform. Fred began, rubbing his knuckles on his jacket. “Well, ahem, I am in Griffendor.” He leaned back to bask in glory. “Aw, yeah.”

I slightly scoffed. “Malfoy?” I asked returning to my usual sneeriness to him. “I want to be in Slytherin. My entire family has been in Slytherin.” I nodded, waiting for one of them to ask me. Thankfully, Fred did.

“I want to be in Slytherin,” I paused waiting for Fred's gasp to end. “I thought–” “Fred, YOU told ME that I should be in Slytherin yourself.” Malfoy assumed a more casual 'The Thinker' positon. “Why do you want to be in Slytherin? It would seem you would follow your parents in Griffendor.” I rolled my eyes. “That's the most intelligent thing you've said all day. But anyways, I want to be in Slytherin because I have been told I should, aaaaand Slytherin is the best. And I want to be the best.”
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