Coming Home


Adrienne smiled as she watched Shannon and Julie Moore with her daughter. Lily loved everyone to death, and everyone loved Lily just as much.

“I still can’t believe how big she’s gotten,” Julie commented as Shannon raised Lily over their heads.

“She’ll be a heartbreaker that’s for sure,” Shannon said, bringing Lily back down to where his face buried into hers.

“Yes she will be,” Addy sighed, not saying what she really wanted to say. How the baby’s father was just as much a heartbreaker as they believed Lily would become.

According to everyone in North Carolina, she was over Brian. The truth was, she wasn’t. She still loved him more than anything, she just couldn’t be with him any more. Right now, she had to think about what was best for her daughter, and having an unstable marriage was the last thing Lily needed in her life.

“Adrienne,” Gilbert, Matt and Jeff’s father said suddenly. Adrienne loved the older man. He was like the father she never had. Her own father died when she was real young, so she didn’t remember much about him.

“Yes?” she replied to him. He indicated for her to follow him. Julie smiled, showing that they would be fine with Lily, so Adrienne stood up and followed the older Hardy into the kitchen.

“I know you’re struggling. I can see you want to go back to California.” Gilbert whispered. “I want you to think about this, would that be best for Lillian? Would going back to a place that made you so unhappy be best for your daughter? The little girl who picks up on what you are feeling like it’s nothing.”

“If I ever go return to Orange County, it’ll be for more than just going back to Brian. It’ll be so I can be with my mother again. I was all she had left, and I feel like I abandoned her.”

“Addy, I talked to your mother remember. She understands why you left and why you’re staying away. You just have to decide, going back to California, or staying here.”

“I know,” Adrienne sighed. “Whatever I decide, I know one thing for certain. I’m divorcing Brian. I don’t want my daughter growing up in an unstable home.”

“That’s a good way of thinking,” Gilbert smiled. Before they could say anything else, Adrienne’s cell phone rang. She pulled it out, planning on ignoring the call when she realized it was her lawyer.

“I need to take this,” she said apologetically to Gilbert. He shrugged and walked away from her, sitting next to Julie to play with baby Lily.


“Adrienne, I need you to come in.” Alexander sighed. “We need to go over some ideas I had on how to get your husband to sign the divorce papers.”

“I’ll be right there,” she replied, hanging up the phone. “Hey guys sorry, but Lily and I have to run.”

“Aww, okay,” Jeff groaned. Shannon and Julie kissed Lily goodbye, then passed her to Gilbert.

“Behave for your mama now,” he told her. Matt took Lily from his father, then finally she came to Jeff. He placed her in her car seat, and carried her out for Adrienne.

“What’s up?” he asked her after making sure Lily was secured.

“Alex called, he has some ideas he wants to run by me.” Adrienne replied with a sigh. Jeff nodded and hugged her close to him.

“Be safe,” he stated.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Adrienne asked, smirking up at him. She sighed, her smile disappearing instantly. “I have too much to loose to be reckless.”

“I know,” Jeff sighed. “Call me, tell me what happened.”

“Will do,” Adrienne said, hugging him a final time before climbing behind the wheel of her car. Jeff watched her pull down the driveway, worry filling him for no real reason. He knew she could take care of herself and Lillian. He still couldn’t help but worry.


Brian sat in the rental car, waiting for some sign of anyone coming in or out of the law firm. It had been two days since he arrived, and everyday since then he sat outside, waiting for something, he just didn’t know what.”

A car pulled into the parking lot, so Brian went on alert. His eyes widened when he realized it was his wife. She looked just as beautiful as she ever had. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was wearing a light sun dress. The heeled sandals on her feet added a couple inches to her height, but she always added inches to herself because she felt she was too short when in fact, she was just the right height for him.

He opened the car door, getting ready to call for her when she surprised him. Instead of heading straight to the front doors, she opened the back door and reached inside, coming back out with a baby carrier.

“What the…” Brian muttered, watching her grab a diaper bag as well. “She had a baby?” He watched as she started walking toward the door. He was able to catch a glance at the baby, and his heart skipped at beat when he saw her.

“Adrienne!” he called out before he realized he even opened his mouth. Addy turned around, her green eyes holding confusion as she looked his way. When she realized who he was, he saw the confusion deepen, but noticed a hint of anger.

“Brian?” she called. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think? I’m looking for my wife.” Brian replied, jogging up to her. “Why are you here?”

“This is my lawyer’s office. I’m here talking to him, about our divorce.” She replied coolly.

“What divorce? I never signed the papers, there is no divorce.” Brian said, folding his arms across his chest.

“Why can’t you see we’re over Brian? Stop playing these damn games and just realize we did not work out. We can not keep this up.”

“Because we can,” Brian muttered, staring at the ground. “If you would just come home, we can work this out.”

“This is my home now Brian,” Adrienne whispered, adjusting the carrier on her arm.

“You had a baby?” Brian asked, looking at the seat and bag.

“Yes, I have a daughter.” Adrienne stated.

“Let me guess, your location isn’t the only thing you kept from me. How old is she? About nine months? That means she was born after you left. What, did you find out you were pregnant, and decide to skip town so I couldn’t know my child?”

“Fuck you Brian,” Adrienne spat. “I found out I was pregnant after I left. She’s seven months old for your information. Yes, she is your daughter, and no, I don’t want you to have anything to do with her.”

“Why the hell not? She’s my daughter Addy, I’m her father. I have a right to know her.”

“I don’t want you to know her,” Adrienne stated. “I don’t want her to part of a broken home…”

“We’re not a fucking broken home Adrienne.” Brian snapped. Lily, sensing her mother’s unease, started fussing in her seat before full out crying.

“Damn it,” Adrienne muttered. “I’m not doing this in front of her Brian.” She turned to walk into the building, but Brian stopped her.

“We’re not done with this.” he said.

‘Until Lily is taken care of, we are.” Adrienne glared at him. “You want to know why I left? Because you’re a selfish prick how only cares about himself. I was so blinded that I couldn’t see it, so I married you. The past couple of years, however, I opened my eyes, and saw just how selfish you really are.”

“Adrienne, my best fucking friend had just died. I wasn’t thinking clearly at the time.”

“Okay yeah, Jimmy died I get that. Think about what I was going through though. Jimmy was one of my best friends too! And not too long before that, I get a visit from the Army General telling me my brother was killed in battle. I lost my brother and my friend within a matter of weeks. Don’t fucking tell me you had it bad.” Lily cried out even harder, causing Brian to grimace and Adrienne to become even more impatient.

“If you don’t mind, I have to take care of my daughter.” Adrienne snapped, this time pushing past Brian to get inside. She automatically went to the women’s restroom, knowing he wouldn’t bother her while she was in there.

“Hey princess, you’re okay.” Adrienne cooed at her daughter. She set the car seat on the counter and unhooked the straps, picking Lily up gently. The baby started calming down at once. “It’s okay baby, big scary man won’t hurt you any longer.”

Brian waited outside the bathroom, looking around the law firm offices. He had to admit, he was impressed. This guy seemed like he knew what he was doing.

“Hello, can I help you?” A tall man with piercing blue eyes asked.

“Nope, just waiting on my wife and daughter.” Brian replied.

“Are you here on some form of business?”

“My wife is, I’m just here to talk to her.”

“Might I ask your name?” The man asked suddenly.

“Brian Haner Jr.”
“Mr. Haner, I’m Alexander Brawl, Attorney and founder of Brawl Law Firm. Your wife as you are calling her is my client.”

“Oh, so you’re the asshole trying to tear my family apart.” Brian replied. “Well, your services are no longer needed, thank you, have a nice life.”

“I will back away, only when Adrienne Haner informs me to do so.” Brawl said, standing his own ground.

“And I don’t agree to it,” Adrienne said, coming back in with a much calmer Lillian. “I don’t love you anymore Brian. Get that through your head. I don’t love you and I don’t want to stay in a loveless marriage. Now please, just give me what I ask for. We signed the pre-nup, meaning that since I’m asking for the divorce, you don’t owe me a thing toward alimony. I don’t need child support, I’m doing just fine on my own. All I want is your signature, and you can be free to live you life however you want. No wife to worry about, no child to think about. Just you, yourself, and only you.”

“Don’t forget Pinkly,” Brian muttered, referring to the small white Maltese he and Adrienne decided to adopt when they got married.

“Keep her if you want. I’m tired of this battle Brian. There’s a war going on between us when there shouldn’t be one. Just, please.”

Brian let his head hang down to make it look like he was thinking. Really, he already knew what his answer was, and it wasn’t the one Adrienne would be wanting.

“I still have to say no,” Brian sighed, looking up finally. “Addy, when I married you, I never wanted to end up here. Fighting with you on coming home with me. I don’t want the fighting period. I want you home with me. Now that I know she exists, I want to be in my daughter’s life, and help raise her to be a beautiful, smart, caring woman just like her mother is. I don’t want to ignore the fact that I have a child in the world now. Hell, what am I saying? I won’t be able to ignore it. She’ll be the only thing I think about.”

Adrienne now let her own head hang, trying to block the emotions coursing through her.

“I’m sorry Brian, I can’t go back with you.” she finally whispered, picking up Lily’s car seat. She rushed from the office and to her car, thankful when she realized Brian wasn’t following her. She quickly made sure Lily was secure in the backseat before getting behind the wheel and heading toward home.

Brian sighed as he let his head fall against the wall. Why the hell did he just let her go again? Now he lost her, and he’ll never get her back.

“This is beyond anything I’ve ever done,” Brawl said suddenly. “But I can see that if I put the divorce through, she will truly be unhappy.”

“There’s nothing I can do to change her mind.” Brian mumbled. “Once an idea is inside her head, it’s never coming out. Draw up the paperwork. I-I’ll sign the damn things.” Brian couldn’t stop the tears from welling in his eyes if he tried. He leaned against the wall and let his back slide down, his knees touching his chest as his face buried into them. He heard the lawyer walk away, so he pulled out his cell phone.

“How’s things going?” Brian Sr. asked his eldest child.

“I found her, I can’t change her mind. T-the divorce is going to go through.” Brian said, a sob making his voice crack.

“Maybe it’s for the best son,” his father replied.

“I have a daughter Dad. You have a granddaughter and we never knew about her.” Brian whispered. “I have a seven month old daughter who is never going to know her father now. How the hell is that best for her?”

“I don’t know, but Adrienne wouldn’t have had a baby if she couldn’t take care of her.” Brian Sr. replied.

“I didn’t want this Dad,” Brian said, his voice cracking again. “I never wanted this for the two of us.”

“I never thought your mother and I would end up divorced either, but it happened. Now look, I have Suzy and Kenna. Sometimes things happen, and it’s just so something else can happen.”

“I know,” Brian muttered, his hand covering his eyes. He didn’t notice the lawyer returning to him with a sheet of paper.

“Mr. Haner?” Brawl asked gently. Brian looked up at him and told his father he would call him back. Brian hung up the phone, but didn’t look back up.

“Where do I sign?” he sighed.

“Nowhere,” Alex replied. “This is normally against my practice, but I can see you care for Adrienne, which is something she really needs right now.”

“I never meant for things to get so bad between us. I was in a bad time, and I was too consumed with self pity pretty much that I didn’t think about how she was feeling at the time. Her brother had just died, then our best friend died. I was too upset over losing our friend to see how much she had truly lost.”

“We all deal with things in different ways.” Alexander sighed. “But, this is her address. If she’s not there, she’s most likely at this address. Go to her, don’t give up so easily.”

“I’ve been trying to get her to change her mind for a year now. It’s not gonna happen.”

“Let her see this side of you, and she will change her mind.” Alex said. “Go, find her.” He held his hand out toward Brian, who accepted the help. He quickly ran out of the building, and followed the directions given to him to a very small town.

“Cameron North Carolina,” he said, looking around. “No wonder I never found her.” He slowed down his car, making sure he paid attention to where he was looking for. When the directions told him to turn down a driveway, he pulled up to a house. Adrienne’s car was sitting in the driveway, but it wasn’t the only one.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update. One more chapter maybe and this is done. This is super long too, so sorry about that. haha
Thank you everyone for reading/subscribing. And thank you ShadowsFiction for commenting. Glad you like it so far. haha
So yep, hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon, so stay tuned!