Status: In the process of being re-written, bear with me >_<

A Little Piece Of Heaven


There were so many people crowding the pavements, I was scared, my Momma had disappeared from my hands grasp a little while ago. Right now I was walking up and down the crowded pavements, trying to avoid people, no one seemed to stop and help the obviously lost child that I was right now. The further I walked down the street the less busy it did seem to get, which I think is better because I could probably spot my Momma easier. Suddenly across the road I spotted a flash of what looked like my Momma’s bright red hair.
“Momma.” I cried, she couldn’t hear me, my voice was too weak from the tears now trickling down my cheeks. I could see a car speeding up the road but it was quite far from me, I hoped my little legs can get me across in time to find Momma. I pushed through peoples legs and ran out into the road, I heard someone shout at me in a panic and try to grab me, I looked back at them and heard a painful screech. Next thing I know I was lying on the road dazed, people were running over to me.
“Momma.” I screamed out in a panic. Trying to sit up, I felt someone push me back down and hold me onto the floor.
“Don’t move darling. What’s your name sweetie?” The lady has such a calming voice she seemed to make me feel safer.
“Mom an Ambulance is coming.” I heard a boy say. Without moving my head I looked around a saw the owners of the voice that had been talking to me. The woman was knelt next to me and her son was next to her presumably, I felt blood filling my mouth and spat it out, but blood kept coming out. I touched my tongue to where my two front teeth used to be, but they were missing. I was worried but I kept telling myself they were my baby teeth so they wouldn’t matter.
I choked out, “My teeth are missing.” I cried out, I should have been less worried for my teeth but if I didn’t have my teeth how would the tooth fairy know.
“William go into the shops please and ask if anyone has a, how old are you Coco?”
“Go into the shops and ask if anyone knows Coco. Don’t worry Coco when the Ambulance arrive I will find your teeth for you.” Suddenly I heard a few men’s low voices boom out.
“Ah shit man, you hit a child.” I heard one of the voices say in shock. “Excuse me ma’am do you know the child?” I heard the voice ask.
“No but she say’s her name is Coco and she is only seven. Can you stay with her whilst I try and find her teeth?” The woman hurried off trying to find my teeth whilst the man stayed with me.
“Coco?” The man asked.
“Where’s your Momma?” More tears started to slip down my swollen cheeks.
“I don’t know, I was trying to find her.”
“How about your Papa?”
“Papa’s not on this earth anymore.” More tears trickled down my face. I heard the man gasp then swear quietly.
“Zacky is she alright?” I heard a man ask quietly.
“Come on Brian does she look alright?” The man Zacky, who had been talking to me, said standing up. “Tell the others we won’t make it on time, might not even make it at all. I am sticking with Coco.” He said stroking my hair gently.
“So tired.” I muttered.
“No Coco, don’t close those beautiful blue eyes on me. Stay awake darling” He said.
“Sleepy, please.” I muttered struggling to keep my eyes open. Suddenly I felt someone grab my hand squeezing it gently; I squeezed their hand tighter guessing it was Zacky’s large hand. “Stay with me please.” I muttered, my eyes gently drifting shut but springing back open as I tried to stay awake. I heard an Ambulance’s siren coming closer. I heard the kind lady running back with my teeth in a little bag. She handed the bag over to Zacky and stood with her son, watching in sorrow as the paramedics lift me into the back of the Ambulance, with me still grasping Zacky’s hand tightly. I hear the paramedics asking Zacky my name and asking if he is family.

“Her name is Coco, I’m not family, but a friend. She says she is sleepy?” Zacky muttered asking the last part.

“Tell her she can go to sleep now we are here.” Zacky gently squeezed my hand and I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.