Just Got Myself In Some Trouble

Chapter 11- End

Dre P.O.V

This is the right thing to do . I know it is. There two boys who have a life and choice. Me , I'm an old ass man , still in the game . This is was the best desicion to make, even though it has me crawling through smelly ass sewer.

The two guards I hired told me it's an entrance way threw the sewer that'll lead me straight into the building. From there on I was on my own. Even though my plan was simple and easy. 'Get Caught'

I crawled out the sewer ,popping the vent open with my foot . I smell like shit, just nasty. I crawled out , and stood stretching my sore back, and knees. Damn arthritis.

Casually I walked down the hall, whistling a random tune. I had 15 minutes to this.

I turned the corner and , BINGO.

"Hey ! Who are you!? What are y-" He said rushing over to me , quickly putting me in a choke hold. He started coughing, and almost let go of me . "What is that....Damn! You stink!"

"Who are you? You have any guns on you? How'd..?"

"Stop with the damn questions. I stink , I know. Let's skip that , I'm a friend of Amier's." I replied, as he took me into an elevator. He pressed in a code on the number pad and the elevator went up. "Before I take you to see , Amier I have to make sure your unarmed. "

"I don't have a single weapon on me , but .. if you want to check , go for it." I said holding my hands up as he patted me down, which was awkward. The elevator beeped, and the doors slid open. He pushed me threw the door way , telling me to go forward.

This is it... Amier,this is the end for you and me. Everything.

The two doors opened wide as he brung me in.

There Amier sat ,in his jet black desk, with two men dressed in all black as well on each side of him. Amiers eyes went wide in shock, as he stood up. "Dre ? What the-- How the hell did he get in here!?"

I smiled deviously. "I just snuck in. You have some weak ass security, other than this one though. He caught me unfortunatley , I was hoping for alittle more time time to look around."

He glared at me evily digging into his pocket, and pulled out a pistol. "Your a dumb ass , walking in here without a single weapon, for what. What up?"

I chuckled ,yanking my arm from the guy in back of me. "Let's see. Over the pass few days it's been hell. Finding out you were alive.." He snickered ," But that wasn't the worst. No the worst thing was finding out my sisters death was because of you!"

He began laughing,"Yeah I did , theres nothing you can do about it though. I have the upper hand ; the gun. You don't have a single weapon on you." He shook his head with a victorious smile.

I smiled , bowing my head ."No I have the upper hand. 45 seconds.." I muttered.

"Wha... " He stopped, " What do you mean 45 seconds.."

"My sister had nothing to do with any of this, yet you killed her. She was inoccent and you took her away from away from her kids. But, this'll all end here though, your done . I'm ending you ,me and everyone in this building that's unfortunatly associated with you." I smiled at him, deviously. He was clueless of the weapon I had.

I took my shirt off , and revealed a time bomb going on 10 seconds.

Horror filled Amiers face and his guards. The one behind me, dipped out the door like he could get away.

"Who has the upper hand now , Amier..."

His pistol fell out his hand to the desk, knowing he couldn't do a single thing. Soon as his mouth opened to speak ...

Ramell's P.OV

We all, as in me , Nyala , D , Rex and Dasia were in the living room finishing up watching up watching this random scary movie. Nyala was on my lap with her hands covering her face . D was laughing his ass off, Rex and Dasia was all hugged up , not watching the movie. If you know what I mean.

The end came , and the credits were rolling.

"Is it over?" Nyala asked, peaking through her fingers.

"yeah babe, it's over." I shook my head trying not to get weak. I flipped it to the news , since it was pretty late anyways. It's never anything on at night , this late. Might as well see what type of crazy shit is going on now. It something new everyday.

' An old warehouse burst into flames all of sudden today. Rumors say it was stocked up with drugs, and was currently being used by one of America's most wanted 'Amier Willets' Know one knows who exactly was in the building at the time. We don't know what caused the explosion , but they have an idea of it being a bomb that caused it. The police has the area blocked as they're searching the premises for any one or thing that has survived the fire. I am Jane Walkins and we'll be right back with the news. ' the reporter said , as it went to comercials.

I turned the tv off , setting down the remote. I slid Nyala off my lap gently by her hips and stood walking to the window.

"Mell.."I heard Nyala say, and Rex came and stood beside me.

"You think Dre..?"

I looked down.."Yeah.."

Rex placed his hand on my shoulder. "Well bro , this is what'll I'ma tell you. Dre didn't sacrifice his self , for you to be sad about him. We got to live our lives like he said, and you know, do us. Take care of your lil bro D , and your girl Nyala. He did this for you and your brother, so live your life man . He didn't do all that for nothing.." He said , and then walked over back to Dasia.

I felt a hand slip into mine.

"You ok, Mell." Nyala asked and I gave her an assuring smile.

"Yeah I'm good. Thanks." I said dropping her hand , and pulling her close to me , by her waist. "I'd feel alittle better if you kissed me though.."

She smiled ,rolling her eyes. "Come here." She grabbed my face, connecting our lips together. I can't ever get enough her.

"Come on...that's nasty. Take that somewhere else." D yelled , covering his eyes. Nyala pulled away laughing.

"Sorry D." She said.

He interrupted us , but over half the movie Dasia and Rex was over on the other end of the couch making out and shit.

"Damn D, that was messed up."

"Whatever, let's watch another scary movie! Please." He begged grabbing the remote, flipping the channels.

"Nah, it's time for you to go to bed. I'm about to walk Nyala home in a minute so , go head and start getting ready."

He stuck his tongue at me, and walked out the livingroom.

"We're out bro.." Rex said giving me a quick dapp. Dasia waved and gave Nyala a hug, then they left out quick.

"You ready ."I asked her, grabbing my jacket.

She pouted,"No, I don't feel like leaving yet . Can I just...stay and you walk me back in the morning."

I bit my lip," What about your parents ma? and school?"

"They know where I'm at, I can stil get to school on time too, so can I stay or not?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Course." I said, leaning in to kiss her.She wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me back passionatly . "So sleeping in a bed with me wont make you uncomfortable" I whispered against her lips."

She smiled,"Hell no,"then continued kissing me.

I chuckled pulling away, and pulling her close to me, wrapping my arms around her. "I know it's been a hell of month for you, and we've gone through some things where Iv'e done and said some stupid stuff but you've always stayed by my side. Even though you'd stop speaking to me for some days." She giggled , "Not to sound lame, but I love you for that babe, real talk. No girl has ever done that for me. Thanks ."

She layed her head on my chest. " Your welcome and Love you too."
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Welp thats the end , thanks so much for all the reads and comments. Sorry about the extremely long wait, hope you guys liked it:) Still thinking about making a second book,but not sure so let me know what you think! KK