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Mystery Girl


(3 months after meeting Justin)

Nomal POV:

I still remember that day so well. The day that I met my inspiration, Justin Bieber. I had the picture of me and Justin together on my wall along side the one Justin had on his phone. He asked me for my twitter so he could tweet it to me, and then he ended up following me as well! I of course got loads of hate because of it, but their all just jealous. Me and Justin dm'd each other a bit, but not much as he was still doing meet and greets in different places.

I’m in my room once again, listening to the radio, but this time I’m just sitting on my bed chilling, looking at phone constantly for a message, who of? Who knows, just feel like getting one. I decide to check Facebook, when the music stops and the news flash comes on.
‘We are expecting Justin Bieber back in Birmingham! Justin has told his close friends Ryan and Chaz that he has found his ideal girl in the area and is coming back to Birmingham to meet all his beliebers again to find the girl his searching for. Justin has said he will stay in Birmingham, he visited just three months ago, for a week, so he has more time to meet his beliebers again. Are you his mysterious girl that his coming back to to look for? Check out Capital FM’s website for date details!’
I picked back up my phone that I had dropped while hearing the news and then the music started back up again, and this time it was Right There by Nicole Scherzinger. My blackberry light was blue, which meant Alex had text me. I guess she’d heard the news on the radio to. It said:
RING ME!xxxxx
I pushed the call button, and turned my radio down. The phone just seemed to ring endlessly, until Alex’s familiar voice met my ear.
Me: Hello?
Alex: Hey gorgeous! You heard the news about Justin?
Me: Yeah! Do you know what the dates are yet? I can't be bothered to turn my laptop on.
Alex: Yeah! Just been checking so we could arrange it with the family. It’s sixth of august till the thirteenth, which is next weekend up until the weekend after. We'd have to go on Sunday because of school, and your dancing.
Me: I’m meant to be going out with the family for the day on Sunday, I'm sure of it.
Alex: ergh, why can’t you just make up some excuse and come and see Justin with me? You never know who could be that mystery girl!
Me: My mum and dad wouldn't let me, we've been planning this for ages! Can’t you go with Chloe, I’m sure she’d go with you!
Alex: Yeah I could, but it won’t be the same without you!
Me: I know, I'll try and get round it somehow, and I'll text you soon.
Alex: Okay.
Me: Bye Smelly!
Alex: Bye.

She sounded a bit annoyed when I put the phone down but I couldn’t really blow it off with my family, although I love Justin with all my heart and more, we'd been planning this for ages, and I wanted to see some of my family I didn't know about. Ergh, just wish I could be in two places at once.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Justin's coming back?
