Status: Active


Jealous Eyes

"Chloe, so you are saying, that the day you tried to kill yourself, was the day your father was released, which was father's day?"

"Yes Doc. That's how it happened. That's how my life turned upside down. But really I wouldn't want it any other way. If this wouldn't of panned out the way it did, I wouldn't of met Craig. Craig was, I mean is everything."

"Chloe, I know we've made progress, but I'm going to have to cut you off for the day, it's time for dinner."

"Alright, tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll see you at ten am sharp." Doctor Carls suggested.

I got up from my black leather chair and placed my hand on the gold handle.

The handle that had been touched by Craig.

"Chloe!" Craig was pacing outside of the dinner hall.

"Hi Craig." I smiled and placed my hand in his, "guess where I was?"

He placed a soft simple kiss on my smooth forehead, "Where?"

"I was talking to Dr. Carls."

"I'm so proud of you! Why did you wait until the day before I leave though?"

"Craig, please. This is our last night together."

"Right." He pulled me into the dining room.

We saw the few eyes linger on us. The eyes that always looked at us during dinner.

The jealous eyes is what I called them.

The people who didn't have other friends.

We sat down at our familiar table and waited for our supper to be brought to us.

"Chloe." Craig grabbed my hand. " I thi-"

He was cut off by our supper being placed down in front of us.

A hunk of burnt chicken.


A bruised banana.

And a piece of stale cake.

Not any better or worse than the days before.

For me, it would only get worse, it was my last day with Craig.

We ate our dinner in silence.

Something that was normal for the two of us.

The way I liked it, I was able to observe Craig.

The man that I love.