Status: Active


The Rock

Even after that day, Craig was the only one here I talked to.

I was comfortable with him.

"I overheard that sometime this week will be family days." Craig said one morning out by the lake.

He picked up a rock and threw it at the lake.

"Great, my mom won't come though, she doesn't support nut-jobs." I said doing the same as him but instead of throwing the rock I just examined it.

"I hope my bandmates come. Then they can see my improvement."

I felt the sharp edges of the rock and sighed, "Who says there is anything wrong with you at all?"

"everyone." He chucked another rock as I held mine.

"Craig, don't ever listen to them, there is nothing wrong with you. My theory, everyone's crazy, it's just some people don't care if others see, and frankly its the people that suppress their craziness that are the most messed up ones."

"I'm not crazy Chloe, Dr. Carls said I'm just confused."

"Call it whatever you want, I call it crazy."

"You know you are so stubborn and blunt." Craig chuckled and chucked another rock into the water.

"Why do you look like you are examining me like a doctor?" Craig smiled pushing aside his soft hair and grabbing my rock.

"I over analyze everything and try to remember every detail." I stole my rock back.

I placed the rock on Dr. Carls dexk.

"Is that the rock chloe?"

I nodded.

"Dumb of me to keep it, I don't know why I did. I suppose I don't need it anymore. Silly really, keeping a rock."

"Chloe, obviously that day was important to you somehow. Thats what the rock is representing."

"Doc, we're talking about a smelly ol' rock." I said putting my legs on the arm of the chair.

"No, we're talking about Craig's and Your rock."