The Ballad of Mona Lisa

The Beginning

Give me a sign. I want to believe.

‘Smile. At least look happy.’ Monica thought to herself, she instinctively crossed her arms over her chest as she watched the event in front of her.

Her eldest sister, Marina, grinning exultantly as she and her groom took pictures with the many happy guests. Her long ivory satin lace dress hugged her small figure. Her hair was pinned back into an elegant up do which brought attention to the striking features upon her face. Just as everyone would agree, Monica’s twenty-one year old sister was beautiful. It was no wonder that she had tied the knot as quickly as she had, but no one knew Marina like Monica did. No one knew that the reason she had just married her boyfriend of one year, the handsome Brendon, was not a reason from love but from greed.

“Family picture!” she heard her mother announce as she positioned herself next to Marina, followed by their father next to her. “Where’s Monica?!”

Monica sighed as she walked towards them from her previous place of standing, right next to the DJ who wasn’t playing music just yet. She fiddled with her loose curls and her bridesmaids dress. Her sister had picked the most uncomfortable and revealing pale pink cocktail dress for Monica to wear. Probably the only thing on it she liked was the little bow that tied around it.

“There you are Hun, hurry and get in the picture!” her mother rushed.

Monica walked beside Brendon, he smiled at her. “You look very pretty Mona.”

Monica felt herself blush as he placed his hand on her waist; she quickly turned towards the camera and faked a smile. She guiltily admitted she’d had the smallest of a crush on Brendon for a while now. Monica had always kept her distance from her sisters’ fiancé, but she couldn’t help falling for his adorable smile, his humorous actions and his friendly personality. Even if her sister wasn’t with him, she was 17 and he was 22, so it would never work.

“Okay! Enough with the pictures! I want to dance with my hubby!” Marina proclaimed. She glanced at Monica, her hazel eyes looked fractious but she smiled as she pulled Brendon away to the dance floor.

Monica always wondered if her sister knew about her feelings towards Brendon, but then again, why would she care. She just wanted his money.

After what seemed like ages, the wedding celebration was over. People had slowly left, the music had died down and Monica’s parents and Brendon were thanking guests as the left. Yet the bride was nowhere in sight.

Monica started towards the women’s restroom just outside the ballroom the wedding had taken place in. It was a beautiful ballroom. Aligned the walls were porcelain pillars that complemented the golden colored walls. A large crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the dance floor. As Monica walked by she noticed the cherubs painted upon the ceiling along with clouds. It was the perfect setting for a wedding.

‘Only the best for Marina.’ Monica thought before feeling guilt-ridden. This was her big sisters day, she should be happy for her.

Monica walked into the bathroom just as Marina emerged from a stall closest to the entrance.

“Oh, hey little sis.” Marina hiccupped before going into a giggling fit as she staggered towards the sink.

Monica’s brows creased into a frown, “Are you okay?” she said making her way closer to her, studying her sister’s reckless behavior.

“Yeah! Just peachy.” As Marina said this, she pulled out a flask from her chest and took a swig.

This shocked Monica, “Mary!?”

The 21 year old swallowed down a big gulp before taking it out of her mouth, liquid slowly fell down her chin, “What? You want some?” Her words slurred as with one hand she offered the flask to her underage sister and with the other she wiped her face.

Monica looked at her incredulous; Marina just smirked and took another swig. “Oh, now you’re playing miss innocent.”

Monica frowned at her, confused, “What are you talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about!,” Marina raised her voice, throwing her arms out dramatically with the flask in hand, “Don’t think I don’t see the way you look at him! He’s my husband now! Mine!” She hiccupped again.

Monica was taken aback but regained herself quickly, “You don’t even love him!”

Marina’s face lit up with anger, “So what!? That gives you the excuse to screw my boyfriend behind my back!?!”

Monica shook her head at the lie, “You’re incredible, Mary. You really are a piece of work.” Monica moved towards the door, tired of the argument. Marina quickly followed.

“Don’t walk away from me!” Marina was right behind as Monica swung the door open.

Monica locked eyes with Brendon who was standing 5 feet away, but wasn’t given much of a chance to react.

“Get back here you little slut!” Monica felt a tug on her hair as she was lugged back towards the inside of the restroom by her sister. She yelped.

Brendon’s eyes went wide as he raced towards the two girls, trying to pry Marina away, “Mary! Stop, let her go!”

Marina slipped on her dress, falling into Brendon’s arms as Monica ran from her grasp. She looked back to Marina who was still in Brendon’s arms sitting on the ground, that same grim look in her eyes. Monica felt tears begin to stream down her cheeks as she heard footsteps emerge from behind her. It was her parents.

“What’s going on here!?” Their father’s firm voice was the first to speak.

Everyone continued to stay silent, glancing from Marina to Monica. Their mother walked up to Monica, touching her hair confused, Monica flinched from the pain in her scalp that still lingered. “Hun, what happened?” That just made more tears fall from her brown eyes.

Marina hiccupped once more as Brendon helped his bride up to her feet.


Everyone’s eyes followed the flask that fell out of Marina’s hands. Marina’s eyes grew big; it seemed the anger that fogged them was gone. She looked up to Monica, dazed.

Monica just shook her head. Something was definitely different with her sister, even before the wedding she noticed. Yet, it was this event that finally got her to realize that. Monica spoke monotonously, “I don’t even know you anymore.”


Months had passed but Monica hadn’t spoken to her sister. Her mother had told her Brendon was trying to get her some help from AA.

‘What a great way to start off a marriage.’ Monica smirked at the sarcastic thought as she set down the book she was reading but now just staring at and slowly made her way to the light switch to flick off. It was nearly 10 p.m. and though she hadn’t been getting much rest lately, she figured staying up past 12 again wouldn’t help.

Monica had been having nightmares. Nightmares about death that shook her to the core. She’d wake up in sweat and wouldn’t let herself fall into another slumber for fear of waking up screaming. Her mother told her it would probably help if she’d stop watching CSI and Criminal Minds, but Monica doubted TV shows caused the nightmares. Still, she admittedly stopped watching them.

Once turning the lights off, she made her way towards her queen sized bed and got comfy. She was about to close her eyes when she heard her cellphone buzz.

She sighed annoyed but picked the iPhone up off her nightstand and flipped it open. Her eyes widened as she read the text.

Sweet dreams little sister (:

It was from none other than Marina. She shuddered and for some reason felt crept out. It wasn’t a creepy text; it was a simple ‘goodnight’ message. But coming from a sister she hadn’t talked to in ages was a bit uncomforting.

She shook the thoughts out of her head and went back to lying in her bed. She couldn’t shake that eerie feeling so she took her iPhone and played music to get her mind off things. Though even with a little distraction, she knew she’d have nightmares again.

The next day Monica woke up feeling, well no too bad. She did dream last night, but it wasn’t the usual creepy nightmare. As a matter of fact, it was about Brendon. Sure thinking about him made her sad, but in the dream it was like a ‘perfect day’ with a best friend.

She got out of bed and did her daily morning routine and made her way towards the living room.

First thing Monica noticed was the silence. Usually her father had the TV blaring loudly on the news channel. And her mom wasn’t calling for her to wake up for breakfast.

The second thing she noticed was the hushed voices.

Monica hesitated as she entered the living room. “Mom?”

Everyone looked towards her entrance; Monica was shocked by the extra person standing in the room, speaking to her parents.

A police officer.

Her mother’s eyes were red, tears forming in her eyes. Her father’s arm was around her and he looked back towards the cop, the stress wrinkles formed upon his forehead. The police officer nodded his head and walked out the door.

Once he was gone Monica rushed towards her dad. “What’s wrong?”

Her father spoke quietly, “It’s Brendon.”

“Brendon?” she asked quizzically, frowning.

He nodded, “Last night, Marina found Brendon unconscious in their bedroom.” Monica felt herself catch her breath. “He’s dead.”

Mona Lisa, I’d pay to see you frown.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you’re curious about what the dresses looked like, here are links: