The Ballad of Mona Lisa


A lonely speaker in a conversation

Monica frowned, looking down at her feet. Her head was held up by her arm as she slouched in the uncomfortable chair. Her parents sat next to her, comforting each other. Her father’s arm was wrapped around her mother whose eyes were filled with worry. Monica held her mother’s hand tightly. The whole scene was gloomy as they waited in anticipation in the police station.
Monica and her parents had quickly gone to pick up Marina from her place. Two cops and an ambulance surrounded the condo they were residing in. Marina was taken in by the police officers for questioning and there they were, waiting for Marina. They hadn’t really informed them on the exact details of Brendon’s death, but they knew enough.

‘He’s dead.’ Monica felt her lip begin to quiver. She didn’t want to let herself cry, but she felt so distraught. She could only imagine what her sister was feeling. ‘If she’s feeling anything at all.’
“Mr. and Mrs. Martinez.”

Monica’s eyes stung as she glanced up at the officer emerging in front of them. Her parents quickly stood up, her father still supporting her mother.

“Yes? Is my daughter released?” Her father quickly asked. His forehead showed his stress clearly.

The policeman cleared his throat, “We’ve taken your daughter into custody because we have reason to believe that she is behind Brendon Smith’s death.” Monica flinched at his name.
Her parents became exasperated, “You’ve got it all wrong! Marina wouldn’t harm anyone, let alone her own husband!”

The cop put his hands up to calm them, “There isn’t a lot of evidence to say she committed the murder –”

“Murder!?” Monica stood up quickly; she looked questioningly to the officer. “He was murdered!?”

He nodded, “We are not sure what the cause of death was and until results come in about Mr. Smith’s death we are permitted to release your daughter.”

Monica’s mother gasped in relief. Monica was still astounded by what he had said. ‘Brendon was murdered?! But how?’

Her words are swimming through his ears again
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is a really short chapter, but I figured getting something out was better than nothing. Enjoy, and please comment!!