Status: Which is better this or the original?

You Have My Heart 2.0

Chapter 4

*8 moths later*

"Answer your fucking phone!" Thursday's voice said from my five day old voicemail.

I dialed Thursday's number, on the fourth ring she answered. "What?" She sounded mad

"I'm returning your call."

"Oh only five days this time, wow someone must have to much fucking time on her hands!"

"What's wrong with you!?" I yelled

"You're what's wrong with me! We never talk anymore, all you care about is MARC!!"

"I'm sorry I've just been busy."

"Oh no! Lilian is busy and overworked, lets stop the whole fucking world!!!" Thursday yelled

"Thursday I'm sorry how many times do I have to say it."

"You think just because you're dating Marc-Andre fucking Fleury you can ignore everybody!"

"You're fucking Jordan!"

"And that's why I called."

"What do you mean?" I said confused

"God Lily are you ever smart, I'm pregnant with Jordan Staal's baby you whore!"

"Oh my god Thursday are you serious!?"

"Yes bitch, and if you would pay attention to everyone like you did Marc you would've known five days ago!"

"Thursday please come over so we can talk." I begged

"One hour, you get one hour and only one hour."

"Okay one hour."

"Whore." Thursday said just before she hung up.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked myself

"What's going on where?" Marc said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck softly.

"Thursday is pregnant." I said

"Thursday and Jordan are having a baby!?" Marc said surprised

"That's what Thursday said." I grabbed Marc's hands.

Marc kissed my cheek. "Maybe we should have a baby." Marc said

"What!?" I yelled "I love kids and all, but we've only known each other for eight months." I turned towards Marc "I'm just not really ready for a baby."

I kissed Marc softly on his lips "We wouldn't be able to do this as often." Marc grabbed my ass with both hands.

"Or this." He said with a sexy laugh. Marc began to pull my shirt over my head, he was just getting to my bra when we heard a knock at the door.

"Hold on a minute." I yelled as I hurried to put my shirt back on and pushed Marc into our bedroom.

"Why do I get punished?" Marc said as he stuck his bottom lip out

"Girl talk, make it up to you with sexy time in about an hour." I closed the door before Marc could say anything.

I ran to the front door, fixed my shirt, and opened the door. "Hey baby on board!" I said cheerfully

"Stick your sunshine up your ass and die."

"You're having a little Staal baby, be happy."

"I don't want a baby bitch, it's all your fault I gor pregnant anyway!"

"Are you saying I'm the father not Jordan!" I said laughing

"If you could go two fucking inches without crashing I wouldn't be pregnant!"

"You won the contest to meet the Pens, it would've happened anyway."

"Shut the fuck up slut!"

"NO! You shut the fuck up, I'm not a slut, I'm not the bitch who got pregnant after eight fucking months! It was you and your stupid "I know everything, I'm smarter than you! I HATE BABIES!!" shit!! I just tried to help you but no, Thursday doesn't need help. People are the enemy, even her fucking bestfriend!!"

"I hate you!" Thusrday said as tears formed in her eyes "Fuck you I'm leaving."

"Good take your whore sellf and get the fuck out of this house!"

"I am , you dumb slut fuck!" Thursday said as she stormed out and slammed the door behind her.

I ran to the door and threw it open "Thursday wait! I'm sorry!" I yelled

"Fuck you bitch!" Thursday yelled back

I closed the door, plopped down on the couch and cried into my hands. "What the hell is wrong with us?" I mumbled into my hands.

I heard the door to the bedroom open and Marc's footsteps getting closer. He sat down next to me on the couch and wrapped his arms around me as I continued to cry. "I'm sure you can work this out with Thursday."

"What id we can't?" I asked

"You'll still have Chelsea and Nikki." Marc said trying to lift my spirit.

"You're right, I'm going to call them right now." I said with a smile

"Oh, so no more sexy time?" Marc said as he stuck his bottom lip out again.

"Okay." I said with a sigh "Lets go have some sexy time."

Marc jumped off of the couch, picked me up and ran to the bedroom. "Sexy time!" Marc yelled
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hahaha sexy time <3
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