Status: Slow going.

My Unusual Family

Chapter Two: Twins and Friends

I looked back and forth between the two boys slightly confused at what they had said. “One of who?” I repeated again, less patiently this time. “Oh nothing,” said Chris “We had just heard that some new people had moved to town with a large family is all.” I didn’t believe them in the slightlest but I let it go. I was too tired to argue with them and I wanted to have some friends, I didn’t need to drive them all away with my questions and mistrust. They looked a bit relieved that I was letting the topic go and I smiled internally. “So, what’s any fun to do around here you guys?” They looked at each other and then smiled. “How about we introduce you to some of our friends Princess?” Merrick grinned as he said this. “I nodded happily and let them drag me down the beach to where a cluster of kids our age stood.
“Attention everyone! New arrival here for us to torture and befriend.” I looked at Chris warily after he said that. Merrick grinned down at me and said, “Don’t worry Princess he’s only joking.” The other kids gathered around myself and the twins. “Alright. This is: Nichole, Frewin, Gryffin, Kayla, and then us of course. We make up the merry band of misfits in this town.” I looked over the group whose names Chris had just listed. Frewin was dark haired and petitie. Kayla was a blondie with a big smile. She appeared to be the yongest of the group. Nichole had startling green eyes and a refined manner. Gryffin stood slightly away from the group and looked as if he were in deep thought. He had brown hair with blond streaks and deepset green eyes. Chris and Merrick were red haired identical twins with happy attitudes. “Hi everyone! I’m Kara Elise but you can call me Kara. It’s nice to meet you.” They all said their various hello’s and just like that, I was a part of the group.
We spent the better part of the day on the beach just hanging around and playing in the water. Good thing I put on my suit this morning, I wryly thought to myself as Chris dumped me in the water again. I was soaked through and loving it. Although I was a dragon, I had always been the odd one out in the family because I liked the water. James even teased me about it saying that I should have been a nymph rather than a dragon. I heard a silent voice at the back of my mind then. Kara, you have to come home now. That would be my father, most likely angry that I had snuck away for the entire day again. He only uses mind speech when he is irritated. Yes, that did mean I was hearing a voice in my head which is not normal for a sixteen year old girl I am pretty sure. Of course, I turn into a giant flying creature so I was never “normal” anyways. I snapped back to the present and told my new friends that I had to leave. Frewin and Kayla protested buut I gave them both my number and told them that I had a Facebook. “That only works if we know your last name Kara.” Nichole sighed as she patiently pointed this out to me. “Oh right. My last name is Drakon.” Gryffin glanced up sharply at me when I said that. I looked at him with a puzzled expresion and when he saw my look he dropped his head back down. I shook it off and then, after giving everyone hugs, left.
Upon my arrival back at my house my little brother Ben almost punced on me. he had always been my favorite sibling. Not that I was supposed to have favorites but I couldn’t help it. Ben was the sweetest, albeit craziest, of my brothers and sisters. Perhaps it was that very reason that he and I got on so well. “Father and Mother are waiting in the kitchen for you. They are mad that you stayed out all day today. You also left your phone off so they couldn’t call you.” I groaned in my head. I knew there was something that I had forgotten to do when I left this morning. I sighed and then went into the kitchen to confront my parents.
It was just after luch time so the remenants of luch still lay on the table where my parents sat, deep in thought about something. I cleared my throat so that they would know that I had come into the room. Mum looked up and then nudged my father. He looked up at me at my mum’s elbow to his ribs. “Why were you out so long today Kara Elise? You had us worried and you didn’t have your phone on.” “Sorry mum. I forgot to turn on my phone when I left to the beach this morning. I met some really cool kids my age so I hung out with them.” “It’s good that you’re fitting in sweetheart but next time please eave us a note so that we will know where you are.” My mum’s tone was happy although rebuking at the same time. She seemed happy that I had made some new friends in such a short time.
I left my parents in the kitchen and went up into my bedroom to finish th picture that I had begun this morning. It took me a while but I was quite pleased with how it had turned out. I pinned it up to the wall. It was the first picture, hopefully of many, to be up there. Then I put my charcols away and got on the computer. the first thing that I did was check Facebook for any friend requests. Six of them popped up and I cicked on them all. Kayla, Nichole, Frewin, Chirs, Merrick, and Gryffin all popped up. I smiled and accepted them. Gryffin’s had surprised me because I hadn’t expected him to do that. It didn’t seem as if he liked me much. I chatted with Katlynn and Ella for a while but then they had to get off. It was latter for them there now that I was all of the way across the country. Then Gryffin’s name popped up on the bottom of my screen. I sent him a “Hi” message. He didn’t reply but I hadn’t expected him to. It was still somewhat disappointing though. I got on a website where you could graphically draw things adn started transferring my beach scene to thecomputer. I got tired however and decided that I would take a nap before going to have dinner.
I flipped off the computer and laid down in my four-poster bed. I closed my eyes and let sleep overtake me.
I was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking out over the soft blue water shimmering below me. Kara. A voice called my name from the liquid darkness around me. Oh it is so nice to finally meet you Kara. I have been waiting, only I didn’t know what for. Now I do. I was puzzled. I opened my mouth to ask the darkness a question but no words would come out. Suddenly a huge golden dragon swooped soundlessly out of the sky and picked me up. I climbed onto it’s back and looked out at the vast expanse of open ocean beneath me. We flew for about ten minutes and then he landed on the silky white sand of a small island. It had some trees, grass, and rocks but not much else. It was a very small island after all. The dragon transformed into a human. I couldn’t see it’s face but I knew that this man was someone thatI could trust. I still couldn’t talk but that was okay. the man just seemed content to lay there with me on the beach, gazing up at the stars. Truthfully, I was happy to just lay there in silence. It was peaceful here but hten the silence broke. A huge red dragon came soaring out of the sky, headed straight for the man who lay beside me. The man jumped into the air, chaning his forms in the blink of an eye. I watched in wonder as the two dragons circled each other before spitting out white-hot flames. They flew away, locked in deadly combat.
I wanted to yell out for my dragon-man to come back but I couldn’t make my voice work. Then I looked out over the sea to find that the once calm waters were rough and violent. The sky had turned gray with clouds that threatened rain and the glistening stars were gone. I paniced as the water level rose up higher and higher, covering up the island. Just as the water reached my knees, the golden dragon soared down from above and gently lifted me into the air. He took me back to the cliff and left me there.
*End Dream*