‹ Prequel: So Much

Second Chance


The alarm on Matt’s bedside table sounded. He grumbled before switching it off. Rubbing his eyes with his fists, he frowned as he caught sight of the tattoo of Jimmy’s skull on his right hand. Removing the cover from his legs he shivered as the cold air met his legs. Opening his door he went to the bathroom across the hall and did his business. Once he was done he slowly opened the door to Maddie’s room. Walking over to the bed he crouched down and switched on her bedside light.

“Maddie, it’s time to wake up. Come on baby, open your eyes.” Gently shaking her shoulder he chuckled as she shook her head and buried her head into her covers more. “Five minutes and your fruit loops and orange juice will be done. If you’re not there in five minutes, I might just have to shove you in the shower.” He got up and after turning off the lamp opened the purple curtains in her room. As he was about to leave he heard her small voice question, “Can I have a hot chocolate with whipped cream instead please?” he smiled,

“As long as you’re downstairs in five minutes, I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” He left her door open as he made his way downstairs. Bella, his golden Labrador’s, head popped up from her bed in the kitchen as he entered. Opening the back door he let her out to have a run round before beginning to make his and Maddie’s breakfast. Getting out two bowls and mugs he put the coffee machine on and made the mixture for her hot chocolate. Putting her mug into the microwave he grabbed the box of Fruit Loops and poured some out into the two bowls followed by milk into one.

Placing them both onto the coffee table in the living room he turned on the TV changing it to Disney Channel like every morning. Taking the finished hot chocolate out of the microwave he stirred it taking the can of whipped cream and squirting it on top of the hot chocolate. He smiled as he saw Maddie sat on the couch eating her Fruit Loops with her fingers. “Baby girl, I really don’t care that you don’t have milk in your cereal however I really do not want you eating them with your fingers. Go get a spoon.”

“Not my fault you forgot them daddy you silly person.” He shook his head as she carefully placed her bowl back on to the table and made her way into the kitchen. As she came back in and sat down next to him, he was handed his spoon when the house phone rung. Picking it up he placed the phone to his ear not bothering to look at the number.

“Hello.” He spoke through a mouthful of cereal.

“Hey man, is my niece still coming to see me today?” Matt rolled his eyes at Brian. Of course Matt wouldn’t forget that Maddie was meant to be spending the day with him. “Yes she is how could I forget with you continuously nagging me about it for the past week. You only saw her two days ago.”

“I know this but I got Kenna with me today and she is dying to see Mads.”

“We’ll be there in an hour, hour and a half tops, anything special she needs?” he asked as Maddie looked up at him curiously.

“No man, just planning on taking her down the pier have lunch at Ruby’s then maybe to the fair that’s in town. That alright with you?”

“Yeah man, mind if I tag along? I have nothing to do all day.”

“Go for it, see you later then?”

“Yeah man, see you later.” Hanging up he placed the phone on the arm of the couch. Picking up his mug he took a sip and finished off his cereal. “Mads when you’re done put your mug and bowl by the sink and get the clothes you want for today.” She nodded and continued to watch the cartoons.

Opening up his walk in closet he ignored the empty side where Jenna’s clothes used to be, having given most to charity shops a few months after her death. Pulling a random shirt off a hanger he pulled out a pair of his trusty gym shorts. Going into the bathroom he jumped in the shower and quickly washed himself. Changing into his clean clothes he begun running a bath. “Madison!” he called down the hallway. She walked out of her room holding clothes for her to change into “Time to get a quick bath.”


“Where are we going Uncle Brian?” Maddie asked from her place in the back seat,

“It’s a surprise baby girl, just wait and see.” Maddie huffed and crossed her arms not happy that she wasn’t being told. “Calm down, good things come to those who wait.” McKenna smiled over at Maddie which widened when Maddie smiled back. Jimmy the teddy sat in the middle seat, strapped up as Maddie had wished he had been when they got in the car.

When they pulled in to the parking lot of the fair Maddie’s eyes widened. Getting out of the drivers seat, Brian opened the door and went to remove her seatbelt until she pushed him away. “Come on bub let me undo your seatbelt so we can go to the fair.” He cooed as he tried again to undo it with the same result,

“No.” The one word came from her lips as she pulled Jimmy into her arms and glared at the head rest in front of her. Brian, Matt and McKenna exchanged curious glances as Matt took Brian’s space.

“Come on baby girl, we can go on the carousel.” He smiled at her hopefully his dimples showing clearly. She just shook her head this time instead of replying verbally. “Why not?” she mumbled something into the bears head making it impossible for him to hear what she said. “What was that babe?”

“I said the last time we were here, Uncle Jimmy was wif me and took me on rides. I don’t want to go there wifout him.” Gently wiping the tears from her eyes he smiled sadly at her.

“You went to the beach a couple of months after mommy went to sleep. Uncle Jimmy would’ve wanted you to go to the fair again. How about we try and win him a teddy and take it to him later yeah? And we will name that teddy Maddie?”

“I want to call her Squidge, that’s what he used to call me.” Matt smiled and finally managed to get her seatbelt off.

“Now go see Uncle Brian, he put a lot of thought into today.” Placing her on the ground he smiled as she ran and jumped into Brian’s arms. He followed them in and Brian paid the entry fee for them all. Their first stop was the tea cups, much to Matt’s and Brian’s despair. Maddie was practically bouncing on her feet as they waited in line. Parents in the queue with them looked at the two men weirdly as Matt tried to calm down the now hyper four year old. They heard one child ask if they could draw on their skin like Matt and Brian had, McKenna trying not to laugh as the mother scolded the child for asking such a question. Rolling their eyes they followed the woman and her son onto the ride choosing a teacup as far away from them as they could get.

Matt’s despair at being on the ride disappeared as soon as he saw the joy in Maddie’s eyes. As the ride came to a stop he and Brian chuckled as Maddie pouted wanting another go. Taking her hand in his he tried to explain to her that there was a line of people also wanting to go on the ride so they would have to wait again before having another go. Maddie pouted but finally agreed following Brian over to the bumper cars.

An hour later Maddie made Matt stop at a can stall begging to have a go and win Jimmy a bear. Brian picked her up and rested her on his hip as Matt began trying to hit down every can. After a few failed attempts he finally managed to hit down enough to get a tiger bear not much bigger then his hand though Maddie didn’t care.

“Daddy I want to go on the Ferris wheel.” Maddie spoke as the made their way to the exit,

“Well if it’s okay with Uncle Brian I don’t see a problem.” Maddie looked over at her uncle with puppy dog eyes that no one could deny. With a nod of his head Brian agreed making Maddie squeal with happiness. Brian and McKenna got on the first carriage and within minutes Matt and Maddie were sat on the one behind.

Taking in the sight of Huntington not usually seen, Matt smiled at the memories of him and the guys, him and Jenna and also him with his family. Maddie’s head rested against his side as she held onto Jimmy and Squidge tightly and giggled.

“What are you laughing at baby girl?”

“Uncle Bwian’s making faces at me.” Looking ahead Matt caught Brian whipping his head around acting as if he had done nothing wrong.
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Thoughts? :)

Thanks to everyone who subscribed and commented. There definately won't be an updat for this or my other story until the first of September the earliest as I am on holiday until the 31st of August, sorry :)