Status: Writing! Comments are encouraged! Subscribe if you enjoy! <3

Run Away

Chapter Thirty Four

"Yes!!" she squealed, pulling John up and wrapping her arms around him.
Jenny and Missy cried, while Shane and Ross high fived each other. John's dad walked around and patted his son on the back.
"We all kinda knew. We just didn't know when he was gonna do this today." Ross laughed, rubbing his neck.
"The anticipation was killing us!" Missy smiled, her cheeks wet from tears of happiness.
"I love you John." she smiled, and kissed her fiance.
Fiance. She only dreamed of this moment.

That night, she played with the new ring on her finger, while John got dressed.
"Max's party is gonna be sweet." John smiled, kissing her on the forehead.
"I know, I'm so stoked to tell everyone!" she said, excitement building up in her stomach.
"Eric was the only one who knew, and he wouldn't have told a soul. He knows I would kill him. It's going to be the best surprise for them. They've waited for this for a while."
John smiled at her. She gazed up at him, her eyes so full of love and hope. He thought of their wedding. Their baby. Their love.

"Are you ready?" he asked, grabbing her hand.
"Of course." she grinned, opening the car door.
John followed her lead.
She stood on the sidewalk in front of Max's house, her tummy dancing.
"Let's go." John smiled, grabbing her hand and walking her to the front door.
When the door opened, they were greeted with the smell of booze, and loud music.
"O'CALLAGHAN!" Max screamed from the back of the living room, where he was getting himself a fresh beer.
He walked over and hugged his friends.
"Max motherfucking Sisson!" John smiled, as Max handed him a new beer.
"And you're beautiful girlfriend and beautiful spawn." Max smiled over at her, pulling her into a hug.
"Merry fucking Christmas, Max!" John laughed, patting his friend on the back.
"Lauren." Max looked down at her hand.
She blushed instantly, as Max put his hand over his mouth.
"OH SHIT JOHN!" he yelled, grabbing John's shoulder and shaking him a little.
"I'd like to make an announcement to everyone in a few minutes here, if that's okay. Everyone is here, right?" John asked, running his hands through his hair.
"Yeah, we were all waiting on you, man. I'll turn off the music and then you can do your thing. I'm proud of you, man. Fucking finally." Max smiled, before hugging them both again and walking over to the stereo and unplugging it.
The whole room quieted down, besides the sound of new beer being opened and drinks being poured.
"I need my guys front and center!" John yelled, getting up on a chair.
Garrett, Jared, Kennedy, and Pat walked up towards them, followed by Eric, who was grinning from ear to ear.

John got down and pulled a chair up for Lauren, helping her up next to him. He held up her hand, showing everyone her ring.
"Tonight, I asked the love of my life, for 6 years, to marry me." John smiled at his friends.
"I said yes, guys!" Lauren squealed.
The whole room erupted in cheers.
"THANK GOD!" Garrett screamed, helping Lauren off of the chair.
"KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS!" the whole room chanted.
Lauren and John obeyed their orders, kissing rather passionately in front of the group of intoxicated friends.
"Merry fucking Christmas, indeed." Jared patted his best friend on the back.
"Thank you Jared. I see Amy, I should go talk to her. She's waving me over. Love you." Lauren said, kissing her boyfriend one more time before walking through a bunch of people who congratulated her.

"You finally did it, huh man?" Pat asked John, taking a sip of his beer.
"Yeah, dude, it was the easiest choice of my entire life." John smiled, following Pat's lead, and opening his beer for a swig.
"Any plans yet?" Kennedy asked.
"No, I kinda asked her and then we had to come home and we showered and got ready for this. I think we're both in a complete state of shock." John smiled, his eyes lighting up.
"Shock? How could you two be in shock, this was obviously coming." Garrett laughed.
"You two have been inseparable since the womb, John." Eric smiled.
"Lauren O'Callaghan. You two were named "Most Likely To Get Married" in the goddamn yearbook." Jared said, laughing as he remembered their stupid cliche couple picture.

Lauren laid awake thinking, a habit she was getting sick of. She looked at the clock.
1:35 am.
She put her head back down on the pillow and closed her eyes, drifting off into a daydream.

"I don't know what his fucking deal is Amy. He kissed me at that stupid party yesterday, and now he won't answer my calls." Lauren sighed, checking her phone, yet again, for a text, a call, anything.
"Just give him some time. He is a stupid 16 year old boy, after all. You know how John is." Amy said, flipping through the channels, looking for a scary movie.
"Someone needs to tell that boy that he can't just kiss a girl who's been waiting since she was 10 for that to happen, and then just not call her. I mean, is he fucking high?" she sighed again, throwing her head back.
"As far as I know, he wasn't when he kissed you." Amy laughed.
"He's right down the street. We should just go down there right now and I should demand some answers." Lauren said, sitting up.
"That's actually a reallllllly good idea, Laur." Amy grinned.
"Oh shut up. You only want to go because you think Ross is hot and you want to hook up with him." Lauren giggled, shifting her body, actually considering her plan.
"No, I want to help my friend out. If he's not even returning your calls, something must be done. I know you're worried that your whole 16 year fetus friendship is ruined, so go figure shit out. And maybe I might want to see Ross." she laughed, putting on her shoes, already knowing the outcome of this plan.

They walked down the street until they got to his driveway.
"His parents are gone." Lauren said out loud as she looked at the empty driveway.
"Good. Just go inside and talk to him. I'll be sitting in the living room, hopelessly hoping for Ross to walk downstairs." she giggled, before grabbing Lauren's hand and running her up to his front door.
Walking into John's house was a normal thing for her. On any given day, she could just walk in, without question. This time, she wanted to scream.
Lauren grabbed the metal handle, her stomach filling with anxiety.
"Fuck it, let's do this." Lauren said out loud, and swung the door open.
She kicked her shoes off and walked upstairs, through the hallway, until she was standing in front of John's door. She reached for the handle, but a noise from inside stopped her.

It was the quiet strumming of an acoustic guitar, John singing even quieter. She waited a few minutes until the room was silent again, before knocking lightly. She heard him rustle around, the guitar being set on the floor, and his footsteps getting closer. She only had a second to panic though, before the door swung open.

John stood there in just his jeans, his classic crooked smile plastered on his face.
"Hey Lauren." he said softly, before stepping aside so she could come in.
She walked in on wobbly legs, scared she was going to make a fool out of herself. What if the kiss was an accident?
"I don't know." she said sitting down on his bed, before he could even ask her what was up.
"Talk to me, sweets." John smiled, sitting down next to her.
"Do it again." she blurted out.
John sat there with a confused look on his face.
Lauren felt a surge of courage, which was most likely brought on by the adrenaline pumping through her right now.
"Fucking do it again, John." she said, looking him dead in the eyes.
He didn't hesitate. He quickly went in and kissed her, pushing her back on his bed. He got on top of her and slid his tongue into her mouth, making her back arch. The electricity of this kiss was like nothing she had ever experienced before.
When they finally broke apart, they were panting and grinning.
"Again?" he asked.
She nodded, and their lips collided again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter is incredibly horribly written, but I'm suffering from mild to severe writers block tonight, and I've got 3 other stories I'm going to be updating tonight, so I'm having a really hard time focusing on things. I hope this doesn't make you guys hate the story, I'm so sorry I'm writing like this tonight. I know that I should probably wait it out, but I promised I'd keep pumping out chapters, so now I'm going to make another promise that I'll do better than this.

I actually hate this chapter so bad. I'm so so so sorry.
I love you guys, thank you so much for the support <3
Comment/sub, regardless of the shit I just put out for you guys?
Again, I'm so sorry. :(