Status: active :) comments speed it up! :)

I'll Take My Chances


Averi's POV
I arrived back home around 6pm. Bre and Kenzie were sitting on the couch and Bow was laying on the floor asleep.

"What're you doing home?" Bre moved her legs so I could sit down.

"Travis and I broke up."

"Why is that not surprising... but what happened?"

"Fucking cocaine and groupies."

"You need to forget about him." Bre responded.

"Seriously, I really wish you never met him. He fucked your life up." Kenzie chirped in. "You just need to cut off all connection with him, don't even talk to him as a friend. You know how that always ends up."

Travis' POV
We have about a week left of tour, and Averi hasn't tried to talk to me or anything. It kind of pissed me off. So I texted her.

Travis: Hope you're doing ok. Miss you

She never sent anything back.

I was fucking ready to go home.

When I arrived back in Los Angeles for the first time again, I wanted to go see Averi. Even though everybody told me it was a horrible idea, I didn't give a fuck.

When I pulled into the apartment complex, Bre nor Kenzie's car was in the lot, so I let myself in. The door was locked. I wondered to myself if the key Averi always left out for me so I could get in whenever was still above the door frame. I scimmed my hand across the top and grabbed the key.

The house was quiet. When I made my way into Averi's room, Bow was laying on what would be MY side of the bed. He started growling at me. But when I got closer, his ears went down and his tail started wagging, hitting Averi.

"Oh, are you taking my place boy?" I cupped his face in my hand. I pet him a few times and then made him get off the bed.

She was frail. I could see her frame through the sheets.

I laid on the bed and stuck my hand under the covers and put it on her waist, feeling her fragile bones underneath it.

She stirred slightly, and then turned over. She opened her eyes and then shut them again. When she realized that I was laying next to her, she open the abruptly and got out of the bed.

"What're you doing?" She was standing there in just a tank top and underwear.

"Wondering why you haven't returned any of my texts or calls."

"So you just let yourself into my house without my permission and get in the bed with me? We're not together anymore, Travis!" She started looking in the drawers for shorts.

"You know, it's not like I haven't seen it before."

"I don't care." She slipped on a pair of black shorts and then gave Bow some food and walked into the living room. I followed.

She grabbed a cigarette and lit it up, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Well, what do you want?" She exhaled.

"I just came to see how you were doing. You look really, unhealthy, Ave."

She looked down at her feet.

"Please, Averi. Just hear me out. I love you, and I can't watch you do this to yourself." I pleaded. "You need help. Rehab, something to help you get better."

And then she started crying. FUCKING FUCK. WHY DID SHE HAVE TO CRY OH MY GOD WHY ME.

"I j-just want a friend that can actually be real with me." She sobbed into my chest.

"I'll be here for you. I'll be your best fucking friend." I kissed the top of her head. "I'll help you get through this."

"Will you come and lay down with me, just for a bit?"

"Anything for you." We went into her bedroom and then I climbed into the bed after her. She snuggled into me and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
...this was expected
comments anyways tho?