Status: active :) comments speed it up! :)

I'll Take My Chances


"Averi, please, it is one fucking show."

"I don't wanna go."

Travis stuck out his lip. "I am fucking begging you. One show, one night, a road trip! Come on, it'll be fun."

"Vegas is bad. My mama lives there." I brought my knees up to my chest, and Travis put his hand on top of them.

"So, we will totally avoid that area. Or if you would like, we can go see her. Only if you want too."

"I don't know..."

"It's going to be me, you, Tony, and Panda. It's going to be fun. Please, babe, please."

"Fuck, alright. Under ONE condition, I sit up front."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"ROAD TRIP EVERYBODY! LEH GO!" Tony screamed, waking us all up at 6am.

"Tony, shut the fuck up!" I mumbled and dug my face into Travis. He stirred slowly and grabbed my side.


"Okay, let us change and shit." I whined. He shut the door.

We left abruptly around 7, Travis was in a bitchy mood. He hates waking up.

"So are we going to go to the strip club tonight?" Panda leaned to the front and asked.

"You guys can, I'm not." I scoffed.

"Oh come on, Ave, I'd enjoy you up there on that pole." Travis grinned, I glared at him.

"No, no, you can go with them, but I'm not. I'm going to take it easy."

We arrived about a few hours before the show, giving me time to think.

"I think I should go visit my mom." I thought out loud.

"Do it. I'll come with you." Travis came out of the bathroom after a shower. We shared a room while Tony and Panda shared a room.

"No, I won't make you."

"I wanna be there, of course I'm gonna go."

No, I didn't call. I just showed up.

I walked up to the nasty apartment complex feeling scared, there were creepy people and gangsters everywhere.

"Don't let go of my hand." Travis whispered in my ear, bring me closer.

We walked up 2 flights of stairs and knocked on the door, not expecting a half naked child to open the door with a kool-aid stained mouth.

"Hello there." I looked down at her. Travis didn't say anything, he's awkward with kids.

She waved slightly. She didn't seem shy at all, she seem wide open as fuck.

"Where's your mommy?" She pointed into the apartment. We walked in and stepped over toys everywhere, and it smelled like straight up drugs in there. This was no environment for a kid. My skinny ass mom was sitting on the couch smoking watching tv, not even caring that her baby was opening the door.

"Hey, mom." I looked at her and smiled sheeply.

"Averi. Is that you?" She got up and hugged me tightly, and I could hear the pills shaking in her pocket. She never had any medical issues. She was a tiny thing like me with deep dark circles under her eyes.

"You didn't tell me you had another baby?"

"Yes, that's Micah, she's three."

"Is her father in the picture?"

"And who is this young man?" She looked up at Travis and he awkwardly smiled at her.

"This is Travis, my boyfriend of almost two years. You've met him once before a long time ago."

"Nice to meet you again." She smiled. "So, what do you want?" Her face got serious. "I have no money."

"Mom, we just came to see you. Don't worry about money, I'm doing just fine."

"Well, lucky you. I'm living in a shithole raising a god damn baby and prostituting and selling drugs." I looked around the apartment to see the little girl, but she was no where in sight.

"Do you really want Micah growing up in this? How my brothers and I were raised? She's going to grow up thinking all of this is right. I did."

"Don't tell me how to raise a child, you don't have any kids. You got over your drug problem nice and smoothly."

"With my help." Travis mumbled.

"Okay, if you want her to end up like you. We really need to get going."

"Okay. thanks for stopping bye, like you always do. Bye. Good to see you daughter." She looked at me with hate and sat back on the couch.

I walked into an open bedroom door I heard noise from and told the little girl bye, feeling so bad for her.

My mom is a fucktard.