‹ Prequel: Play in the Surf
Status: new sequel!!!

I'm Keeping the Kitten



I groaned as Nikolai, my innocent baby brother Nikolai shamelessly tugged off his underwear, eager to do what came next.

I chuckled a little as he tried to hurriedly remove mine as well, but I was busy taking my time to look at his oh-so-beautiful body before me.

As I stared, I realized that the kittens were in the room, and Timcanpy had taken a rather strange interest in the ‘tent’ in my pants.

He pawed at it and mewled, licking at my clothed member.

My eyes widened as I guided the kitten away, showing him to the door. I could tell that Nikolai was holding in his chuckles and he finally let them out, leaning down and kissing me before I spoke.

“I love you, Nikolai.” I told him, staring into his soft eyes. He nodded, flushing.

“I know that now uh…prove it.” He said, his cheeks darkening into a rose-red that made me want him all that much more. “And if you do, I’ll prove that I love you as well.” He said.

I smiled, not knowing that such a shy creature could come up with such daring lines, but damn it was hot.

“Alright.” I said and let him take off my boxers, the boy blushing once more when he saw how happy I was beneath.

As the boy paused, I leaned up onto my elbows, putting a hand on his chin. “Gallagher?” He asked a little breathlessly at my stare.

I wanted to make sure that I didn’t see an ounce of hesitation in his eyes before what came next. “Only if you’re sure. I’ll never try and force you into anything ever again.” I promised, pulling him in for a sweet, chaste kiss.

“Don’t ask such silly questions.” He said before shoving me back down on the bed, climbing on top of me and kissing me, testing the waters and pushing his tongue into my mouth, coaxing my own to play with it.

I have absolutely no idea where this new Kola had come from but I didn’t’ mind. I liked him taking control. It was one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.

I was just about to lift my hands up to hold his face as we kissed when the door to my room which we were currently in had barged open.

Nikolai rolled beside me and pulled blankets over our exposed selves, the both of us staring in shock at our father standing in the doorway.

“Gallagher and…Nikolai?” His voice sounded shocked beyond belief.

I’m sure that Kola was thanking that the room was dark enough as to not let him actually see anything.

“I only thought you two were close brothers, but this? This is wrong. Come downstairs immediately; Nikolai, I’m contacting your mother.” He said and left the room.

Nikolai looked heartbroken at me, his eyes wide and watery. “He hates us…” He said, keeping his eyes down.

“Shhh.” I whispered into his ear. “Everything will work out.” I murmured, pulling him close and kissing his forehead. “Let’s get dressed. All we can do now is convince them to let us be together. I’ll try my hardest.” I said and kissed his lips, helping him out of the bed and finding the clothing we had carelessly tossed off only minutes ago.

Once we were all dressed, hand-in-hand, we made our way downstairs and to the kitchen where Brian was hanging up the phone with Nikolai’s mother.

“We’ll talk when your mother gets here.” He said, looking to Nikolai, completely ignoring my presence.

I have to admit, as much as I don’t like the guy, I didn’t want to do anything to make him feel so disappointed.

I shook my head a little, thinking.

I shouldn’t think that I’m a disappointment. I’m in love with Nikolai, there’s nothing wrong with thator so I am trying to convince myself.

Much later…

I knew that when I saw Brian walk out of the house, that Nikolai’s mother must be here, on the island, or he was going to pick her up with the little boat.

Soon enough, the woman appeared with him, worry written over her face as she saw Nikolai looking like hell, not even his two kittens in his lap could cheer him up.

Brian called us in and we went into the kitchen, sitting together, holding one another’s hands under the table as our father and Nikolai’s mother sat in front of us.

“Now, we are not…perturbed by your sexuality. It is more so the fact that you two are brothers and that it is not right.” Brian said, looking to Nikolai’s mom for support.

Her eyes stay on Nikolai for a moment before she nodded. “I agree. It’s wrong and…nasty.” She said, but it seemed like a half-hearted attempt.

It seemed she was agreeing with Brian just for the sake of not causing a fight.

That didn’t matter anyway it was Brian’s words, my father’s words that hit the closest to home.

“Quite frankly, it’s disgusting, and…we feel misled as parents as to why you choose to do something that is so obviously…wrong.” He said, seeming like he wasn’t softening his words.

I knew what he really meant by that: ”Were disappointed.”

I had always wanted to have my father be proud of me, and here I was, ruining the pride he had in me for what? A boy who has thrown me away once and probably would again?

This was probably just some ploy to get me again and break my heart, a way to get revenge for trying to force him into something that we shouldn’t have been doing in the first place.

“We have some ideas of ways that we can help the both of you make better choices of mates in the future.” Nikolai’s mother said, smiling a little as if this hurt her as well.

She had a rather strong accent, but she was beautiful, there was no doubt about that. I realized that this was the first time I had met her, even though I’ve been to her house.

Well, she wasn’t making that good of an impression.

“Which is?” I asked.

“Therapy.” Brian said rather unceremoniously. “We believe that it would benefit the both of you to see a therapist so you could talk about your feelings and figure out exactly, what’s…wrong with you.”

Wrong with you.

Yes, there most definitely is something wrong with me; I’m in love with my brother! It must be some chemical imbalance or something, I reasoned with myself, deciding that that must be it.

I nodded, letting my hand slip from Nikolai’s to intertwining my fingers above the table, looking at my father and ignoring the shocked expression of my brother Nikolai to my left.

“When can we start?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't hate me.
We plan on updating very often, like EVERY DAY!!!
for that to happen though, we need some positive comments
