‹ Prequel: Play in the Surf
Status: new sequel!!!

I'm Keeping the Kitten

Granny Cara


I had invited Granny Cara, the woman who had given me Pooka for Nikolai once I called and found out that she was on the island.

I greeted her immediately once she came in, giving her a hug. The woman smiled and made ogling eyes at all of the different investors and businessmen that were here at this meeting today. It was a few hours later that we decided to stand in the foyer and really have a one-on-one talk.

“So, how have you been dear?” Cara asked, “And may I meet Nikolai your sweet little boyfriend?” She continued.

Awkwardly, I rubbed the back of my neck, looking for anywhere that I could look except at her. “Well…we’re not really going out anymore, but yeah, you can meet him.” I said.

Cara got a suspicious look in her eyes. “Well it was mutual, right? What happened to you two who were so determined to be together?” She questioned, and it only made it worse.

“Well our father found out and he said that incest is wrong. He got us both therapists and we kind of mutually agreed to go our own ways. Incest really is wrong no matter how you slice it; to be honest we probably wouldn’t have lasted long anyway.” I said, trying to make sense of my decision. We’d figured out that there was nothing wrong with my brain that made me love Nikolai. I’d had tests done.

I had been scratching my elbow and looking at the ground and the door before I finally glanced at Cara to see anger in her eyes.

“After everything you did to get that boy, you just drop him like a hot potato!?” She exclaimed and my eyes widened, glad that most people had ventured on from the entryway and further into the party.

“Look, it’s not like-“

“Don’t you dare tell me what it is or is not like boy. You were so upset that day at the airport. You flew halfway around the world for this boy and now you’re simply saying that it’s wrong to love him because he’s your brother?” She asked, shaking her head at me.

I sighed looking at her with tired eyes. I’d had this argument enough in my mind; I didn’t need her supporting that smallfucking huge part of me that wanted to be with Nikolai.

“All of that effort will be wasted, and for what? So that you can have some peace of mind that you made your father happy? How happy do you think he will be if his sons are not as happy as they could be? You two are best together. I have heard your voice missing him, and after hearing what you sound like with him by your side, I’d say that there’s nothing in the world that can make you happier than that boy. You need to find him and apologize, and if your father really can’t handle it, you may always come and live with me.” She said, looking past me. “By staying apart from one another, you’re hurting each other more than helping.”

I was shocked; not only at her words but her offer as well. “You…you’d do that for us?” I asked and she sighed.

“Of course I would.” The old woman said, almost as if agitated at me for thinking that she wouldn’t.

“Well…I kinda agree with you…” I breathed out, and she nodded, as if she knew it all along. She saw the bench that was there and sat down, patting the seat beside her.

I sat down next to her and let all of my feeling out to her, telling her about how I had felt a desire to make my father happy, to make him proud and about how my therapist and friends didn’t exactly help with it.

She sat with me and listened to what I had to say, smiling and nodding at the appropriate parts as I poured my heart out to her.

“Well do you know what I think that you should do?” She asked.

I shrugged, looking at my expensive shoes. “I don’t know. I’ve been utterly horrible to him. He can’t be happy with me…I really did drop him like a hot potato…”

Cara smiled and put a hand on my arm, comforting me. “Plan something for him, a little date maybe.” She said and something hit me.

I had seen this new sail boat that was being advertised. It was supposedly a very good ship that was seaworthy and large, but still as nice as a yacht.

I smiled knowing exactly what I was going to do. Invite him as a friend and then tell him everything I had been thinking over a calm picnic. A smile spread across my features just thinking about it.

“Thanks for helping me.” I said and pulled the woman in for a hug.

“Don’t worry about it doll.” She said and I chuckled as she asked me to spill my plans out to her. “Now let me meet that boy!” She demanded and I chuckled.

I walked with her to find the boy, eventually seeing him with Turner, dancing closely with him. Walking up to them blatantly, I held my hand out to Cara.

“Nikolai, meet Granny Cara. She’s the one who gave me Pooka.” I said, and the two stopped dancing.

Nikolai’s eyes widened as he looked at the woman. “Thank you so much!” He practically squealed, throwing his arms around the woman.

“Also, there’s something I wanted to ask you.” I murmured after clearing my throat.

I knew if I let them start talking that I would be here for another half an hour, dealing with them talking about how cute and adorable their kittens. Regardless of whether it was true or not, it still could press on one’s nerves.

Nikolai looked over at me before kind of glancing around him. “Me?” He asked, pointing to himself like the cute boy he was.

Cara looked like she wanted to reach out and slap me but I smiled. “Yes; next week I would like you to come with me somewhere. It’s next Saturday, so keep the day open…would that be alright with you?” I asked, not wanting to make him feel pressured into doing anything.

Nikolai wore a strange expression before letting a smile light up his face. “Of course!” He explained. “I’m going to hang out with Turner now; he offered to show me his new skateboard he brought.” He said, looking for an excuse to leave the conversation.

I nodded and watched as they walked off.

“You make that boy happy.” Granny Cara said and I saw the happy smile on her face.

I watched after him, already hoping that Saturday would come sooner. “I will.” I promised.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had this written a few days ago but forgot to post:/
I'm sorry!!!!
everyone go thank my lovely cowriter for always keeping me on top of this story:D
