‹ Prequel: Play in the Surf
Status: new sequel!!!

I'm Keeping the Kitten

Only Half Ronan


I groaned and slammed Faraday up against the wall. The boy was playing hard to get, but we both knew who would win in the long run.

I kissed him forcefully, letting him feel every inch of my body against his own.

Faraday whined softly when he realized that I was merely playing with him, turning the game around a little. “Come on, Gallagher…please…” he begged.

“Is this what you want?” I growled, shoving him against my desk, his face down and grinding myself onto his ass.

“Yes Gallagher!” He screamed a little as my grinding became rougher, though I heard something.

“Did that sound like a door to you?” I asked and Faraday groaned in annoyance.

“I don’t give a shit, Gallagher, all I want right now is for you to put your big, thick c-“

A gasp broke off his words as the door opened and none other than my half-brother Nikolai stood there, his eyes huge.

“Who the fuck are you? Go away; can’t you see we’re busy?” Faraday hissed out, growling at him.

Nikolai’s cheeks, red as fire hydrants picked up the kitten that I guess had crawled under the door when we hadn’t noticed and ran back out of the room.

I was still frozen, but Faraday shoved his ass back on my crotch, “Come on, he’s gone so we can…resume what we were about to get to.” He said, smirking a little as he grinded himself on me this time.

“Not now.” I murmured, leaning forward and kissing him, my way of telling him that the mood was ruined.

Faraday grumbled under his breath as he zipped back up his fly and buttoned the button there. I smirked at him. “What, I was being prepared for the inevitable.” He said and I chuckled at him, leaning over and giving him one more peck, though it felt like betraying the one I love who just saw me in a rather awkward position.

“Let’s head downstairs.”I told him, and he heard the voices as well, and slid his hand into my own, knowing that I didn’t’ just want him to come downstairs; I needed him there for support.

As I walked into my own living room, I saw quite a few people that I had sworn to never allow here ever again then again I didn’t think I’d ever see Nikolai again, and he was here.

Tyki rest himself comfortable on Kyte’s lap, the stronger boy with his arms around the cunning little thing who was currently looking at me with contempt in his eyes.

He knew exactly what he did and he didn’t feel one inch of remorse. My hand tightened around Faraday’s.

Mahi was sitting beside the two on the loveseat in the arm chair, Nikolai sitting beside her as they were both tiny.

The silence was broken after a few tense minutes, “I heard the rumors, Gallagher, but I didn’t think it was true.” Kyte said, a rather self-satisfied smirk placed on his features. Nikolai was looking down at the two kittens in his lap, ignoring my presence.

“Of course you heard the rumors; you were the one to start them all.” I growled at him, Faraday’s arms slipping around my waist to keep me close to him and from tearing Kyte limb from limb. I could do it too. While Kyte was sturdier than I was, he was also shorter and I knew exactly where his weak spots were.

I could see that Faraday was glaring as well, but he didn’t want this to become physical. Growing up, his parents let him stay at his less well-to-do Uncle and Aunt’s house and they were always fighting with one another. Most of the time, the arguments turned physical, which is why he hates even seeing violence.

“Oh…well I didn’t start all of them.” He said, placing a meaningful kiss to the side of Tyki’s head.

I pulled a little, but when Faraday held me more firmly against his chest, I let him restrain me.

Don’t beat the living shit out of him here, if only for Faraday’s sake. I told myself.

“I mean really, you could have at least had a smarter rebound man. I bet all Faraday knows how to do is be a slut.” He continued and that is what made me snap.

It was enough to make fun of me, but if he was going to hurt Faraday as well, that was too much. I could see the tears in Faraday’s eyes and I kissed them softly, before I turned to Kyte.

“Well aren’t you the ignorant one. Faraday’s third in our class for your information and he’s smarter than you could ever be. As for calling him a slut…do you even know your own fucking boyfriend and how many people he slept with before you? I bet he even told you he was ‘untouched.’” I scoffed and my eyebrows raised as pink dominated the tanned boy’s features. Not from shy embarrassment though, because he was just caught on a lie.

“Tyki, tell me he’s lying.” Kyte says, staring unbelievingly at his boyfriend.

“I can’t.” Tyki said, looking down at his hands in shame.

Kyte sat back a little, staring at the boy who was sitting on his lap. Then glaring, his gaze turned to me. “At least he’s not a fucking drunk.” He said and I knew exactly what he was referring to.

My mother.

That’s fucking it.” I screamed at him. “You, you and you.” I said, pointing to Kyte, Tyki, and Mahi each in turn, “Get the fuck out of my house.”

“You can’t make us leave when we’re here with Nikolai.” Kyte said thinking he was oh-so-fucking smart.

“This is the Ronan household damnit, and Nikolai is only half Ronan. Get out.” I growled darkly and pointed to the door. “Now.”

I heard Kyte muttering dark words under his breath as he got up after Tyki and walked out. Mahi frowned but followed quietly.

I put my hand on her arm before she left. “You’re allowed to come back here. You genuinely care about Nikolai and not just bashing Faraday and I.” I told her and she nodded, smiling a little.

I think Mahi never wanted to ostracize me exactly…of course she didn’t say anything, but she never was one to say hurtful things towards me like her brother and my ex-best friend would.

“Thanks.” She murmured, hugging Nikolai and asking if he would be alright before telling him to call if he needed anything and leaving him.

“I’m going to my room.” Nikolai said and before I could say anything, he was gone. I couldn’t mistake the wetness in his eyes as anything other than tears.

“I have to go to a shoot…” He murmured, and then put his arms on my shoulders. “Are you going to be okay? I mean, with Nikolai back and everything….oh, and I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t think that it was him I was cursing at and stuff.” He said and scratched the back of his head.

Faraday knew everything that happened between us; he was the only one who really saw just how hurt I was from all of this.

“I’ll be fine…and don’t worry about it. No one would have expected him showing up ever again none the less when we were about to…yeah.” I said and looked at him. I kissed his lips gently, “Don’t listen to what Kyte said, Fair. He’s just a bitch, you know that. Go to your shoot, you look beautiful.”

Faraday smiled at me. “Alright.” He said and hugged me once more before leaving.

Once he was gone, I began walking up the stairs to where Nikolai’s room was, carrying his bags up as they were left there.

What, I wasn’t going to be a total ass to him because Kyte and Tyki were to meand becauseI still loved him.

“Nikolai?” I asked.

“Come in.” I heard his soft voice reply, the first time since he had rejected me after I flew half way around the world to him.

My heart hurt as I saw him, I mean really saw him; while I was busy with Faraday and then fighting with Kyte didn’t really count.

He had grown more beautiful; his hair dyed. It used to be all black, but now it was almost a russet color. It was still black; the darkness was there, but there seemed to be a beautiful red-brown there as well that made him look even more exotic.

“I’m sorry about the whole half-Ronan thing…I just wanted Kyte to leave.” I explained and he nodded, wiping away the tear that had fallen down his cheeks.

“It’s alright. I am only half Ronan, but I am also only half Kirov. I realize that now.” He whispered to me, venturing a glance up at me and away from his kittens.

The moment they realized his attention wasn’t on them, they found someone else to give them attention. They ran towards me, licking one another and biting playfully the whole way, stopping between us when they discovered something to play with; the T.V. remote.

Nikolai looked away from me, to the wall.

Am I that ugly to you, that you can’t bear to look at me? I wondered but would not voice the question.

“Well, I’m tired so I’m going to go to bed early. If you need anything, you know where I am. Don’t hesitate to wake me.” I told him.

He nodded, his attention drawn back towards the kittens on his bed. He obviously didn’t want me here, so I decided to go to sleep for now.

The thing that made me realize just how shit-like I felt, was when I realized that I, Gallagher Ronan, didn’t even feel like surfing.
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I am posting this now becuase you have waited long enough, but i will be adding Faraday's picture to the summary by the time my next chapter is posted:D
