‹ Prequel: Play in the Surf
Status: new sequel!!!

I'm Keeping the Kitten



My eyes trailed once more over Faraday’s face, memorizing the contours and wincing as they saw the fresh cuts.

“Baby, what happened at the diner?” I asked Fair, as I had absolutely no idea what was going on. At the time, all I knew was that when I came back from the restroom, Faraday and Nikolai were laying into each other like wild animals.

“He’s just jealous that I have you.” Fair explained, not answering my question in the least.

Shaking my head a little, I adjusted Faraday in my arms so that I could see Pooka, who had just tottered through my open bedroom door.

“Come here, Pooka.” I called, wanting the comfort of the tiny warm thing.

The little kitten’s ears perked up and he looked up at me with big wondering eyes before walking towards me. “What are you doing little one?” Faraday asked and leaned down to pick up the adorable baby kitten, but another cat was there, in the way.

Timcanpy was letting out soft growls at Faraday and I, nuzzling Pooka so he would go the other way.

Pooka obediently listened to his friend and followed him out of my room, left towards Nikolai’s.

The kittens were angry. I voiced this to Faraday but he shrugged.

“So, what if they are angry, you have me. I’m like a giant kitten; and I play just as nice.” He murmured into my ear. “It’s too bad I’m not feeling well enough right now to show you…”

I chuckled, kissing the back of his hair, “Get some rest.” I commanded, and he nodded.

“Mkay.” He let out a big breath of air and scooted himself out of my lap, settling down beside me in the bed. “Cuddle?” he asked like a small child and I smiled at his adorableness I could see Nikolai doing that.

“Of course.” I said and laid down next to him, spooning him.

Knowing exactly what calmed the boy, I began humming softly. Faraday let out a content sigh before slipping into sleep.

It wasn’t long after Faraday had fallen asleep that I heard a soft whimper. I knew from cleaning Faraday’s cuts, that he didn’t whimper; he whined like a puppy, but didn’t whimper.

Looking behind me, I saw that the door was left open.


Without thinking, I sprung from the bed and walked out of my room, slipping silently into that of my brother.

“Hush baby.” I cooed and saw that Kola was curled up into a tin little ball on his bed, Pooka and Timcanpy licking his wounds.

I gasped, realizing that their rough tongues must be keeping the wounds open. Earlier, I had allowed his friends to come in to drop him off. Mahi was the one who stayed and cleaned him up, furthering my point that she was the only one I trusted him with.I may not have lover’s protective rights, but damnit I’m still his brother.

Ignoring their mewls of protest, I pulled the kittens from his side and set them on the floor. They thought they were helping him, but really, they were only hurting him. Just like me.

“Nikolai, baby, it’s alright, I’m here for you sweetheart.” I told him and after putting Band-Aids on the wounds the kittens had reopened, took him in my arms.

The boy remained silent the whole time, even as I spooned him; much in the same way as I had been doing with Faraday, but something about this was far different.

“You can leave now.” Nikolai muttered, and when I leaned over him, I saw that there were tearstains not caused by his physical ailments adorning his beautiful face. “You don’t’ have to stay.” He continued, practically breaking my heart all over again.

“But I do, baby brother, I do.” I whispered and kissed his tiny, shaking shoulder. “Would you like to hear a lullaby?” I asked him.

“No.” was his firm response.

“How about I do something for you then; anything.” I asked, wanting to dry those tears, but not knowing what I could do.

“Then leave me alone, that is what I want.” He pressed.

I sighed. “Nikolai, you ask me to do the one thing I cannot.” I told him before leaning in and pressing my lips to his.
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Jay here, posting for Sari x) Sorry about the wait you guys, thanks to everyone that's stuck with us and commented, you're very loved!