Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Something about airplanes.

I really didn't have a choice in moving to England. It was England where I could take this opportunity or be stuck in California, where even though I had went to school for photography, I was working at the local coffee shop. If I wanted to actually create something out of myself I had no other choice but to take this job. Although, it would be a million miles from everything and everyone I knew, it had to be done.

Let me also mention how much I hated flying over water. I had forgotten that little fact until I sat in my seat on the airplane and I remembered England not being in North America and I felt myself panic. Me, flying over water for who knows how long!

I mean, the only thing that crosses my mind is the plane going down and me drowning which just never set well with me. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply trying to calm myself even though I was clinching the arm rest so hard my knuckles were white.

"First time flyin'?" I heard and opened my eyes quickly glancing at the guy I hadn't even noticed sit beside me.

"No. I just never think things through until they happen. Like now me remembering flying to England means flying over water." I stated moving my hands to my lap before looking at the guy for a better assessment.

The blond, rather tall guy laughed before he spoke, "Why yeh goin' there?" his accent was more prominent than I realized and even though he had a jacket on I noticed the tattoos lining his neck. Well, he was interesting.

"Why are you here?" I asked not finding this guy a threat of any sort. Plus, it was a long flight I needed a distraction.

He smiled, "I asked yeh first."

I leaned closer to him and he watched me as if I was about to tell him I was in the FBI and on a secret mission.

"I killed a few people and I have to leave before they find me." I whispered pressing my finger to my lips before leaning back into my seat.

The guy let out a laugh, "wow. Don't say that too loud. We haven't taken off yet."

I laughed and he gave me an amused grin, "I'm Jona." He said sticking his hand out.

"That's cute. I'm Logan...Lo for short and just so we are clear I don't kill people."

"yeah, I figured that. Yeh look way too girly for that." He said chuckling.

"Looks can be deceiving Jona."

"I guess yeh right. How old are yeh?"

"22. Do you always ask strangers this many questions?"

"Are yeh always this rude?" he asked with a grin.

"Not rude. Just honest."

"Oye! Jona look at this shit!" I heard and some boy popped up from behind Jona's seat. The boy had his phone in his hand which he shoved in Jona's face. I chuckled from my seat at the guys child like behavior. He was a cute boy though. His dark hair flipped to one side and he had soft eyes. No tattoos like Jona's that I could tell.

Jona began laughing and someone popped up from behind my seat.

"That bloody isn't meh! He's been editin' shit since we sat down!" the boy said defensively his long hair falling into his face.

Boys. I swear.

The boy with the long hair noticed me as I chuckled from my seat.

"Oye..." he began, a blush hitting his cheeks, "I'm propa sorry. I didn't know anyone was beside him. Yeh short."

I laughed, "it's ok really."

"Yeah it's ok. We have become airline mates quite soon."

"I'm Matt." The boy with the phone said with a smile.


"Isn't that a boys name?" The long haired boy said Matt slapped him against the head causing him to yelp.

I laughed, "Yeah. I guess it can be. Call me Lo."

"Call this bloke Lee." Matt stated as Lee rubbed his head with a glare.

"Excuse me. I need you all to sit down and buckle up. We will be taking off in 2 minutes." The flight attendant with the fake blonde hair stated.

Matt rolled his eyes and I laughed as they sat down.

"Idiots they are." Jona stated as we buckled up as told.

"So you and your two idiot friends came to America for?" I asked trying to take my mind off the fact that I was about to be in air.

"Me and 4 of my mates actually."

"Oh so there are two other tattooed, british kids on this plane?"

He laughed, "right there." He said pointing to the middle aisle and I leaned up to see one boy asleep and the other with head phones on drumming his tattooed fingers against his knees.

"Well, didn't see that coming." I said leaning back into my seat as we began rising and I closed my eyes causing Jona to laugh, "it's not that bad."

"It is." I said breathing in deeply. He patted my hand lightly and I knew he found this funny.

Once we got leveled I felt myself relax and I opened my eyes with a sigh.

"Yeh ok little bird?" Matt asked with a laugh as he crossed his arms over the top of Jona's seat and looked down at me.

"Just great." I mumbled undoing my seat belt.

"Why yeh comin' ta England?" he asked. This were the most curious people ever I tell you!

"She kills people." Jona said so calmly I watched Matt's face turn into confusion which caused me to fall into a fit of laughter.

"She does not." Matt said shooting a look at Jona who chuckled, "No, she doesn't."

"If you must know I am a photographer and I got a job opportunity I just couldn't turn down. Now your turn."

"We're goin' there because we live there." Jona said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes, "not what I meant."

"We are in a band. We were tourin' here and we're done so we are goin' home." Matt finally answered, no thanks to Jona.

"A band? Well, why isn't that surprising?"

"I don't know Lo, why isn't it?" Jona asked amused.

"And what kind of music do you play?"

"Oh, we're a Justin Bieber cover band." Matt said and my eyes grew wide which caused them to all burst with laughter.

"He's bloody jokin'! oh my gosh yeh should've seen yeh face!" Jona said laughing.

"Yeh causin' a bloody scene." the boy I noticed tapping his knees earlier was now crouching beside Jona's seat.

"Ah so a bird is tha reason why all my mates are in a tiffy." He said with a smirk his caramel colored eyes being hard to ignore.

"This is Oli. He sings in our Bieber band." Jona stated and Oli gave him a strange look causing Matt to giggle, "I told her we were in a Bieber cover band and she believed it."

The boy named Oli began to chuckle, "I'd say we're the opposite of that kid."

"Country? Didn't see that coming." I said jokingly.

"Yeah. Cause we look like we'd fit inta tha country scene huh?"

"Looks can be deceivin'. Lo taught meh that." Jona said pointing to me and I rolled my eyes, "I'm so glad I got this early flight."

"We know! Now yeh have friends in England!" Lee stated, "where yeh goin when yeh get there?"

"Um..." I said fishing through my purse.

"Bein not prepared in a different country isn't tha way ta start off love."

"Shush. I have...oh here..." I said mostly to myself as I opened up a piece of paper.


"No shit?" Oli said quickly as he pulled the paper from my hand to examine it.

"No..." I said slowly causing Jona to laugh. I swear that boy either thought I was funny or stupid...

"We live there!" Matt said excitedly.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm." Oli mumbled as he handed back my paper with a smirk, "Yeah takin' photos for some clofin company? Yeh heard of'em?"


"Seen their stuff?" he asked as Jona opened up the paper Oli had handed back to me.

"Yeah saw a few shirts. Didn't really look into it."

Jona chuckled as he laid it in my lap and crossed his arms. This kid had to be on something.

"What did yeh fink?"

I raised an eyebrow at him curiously, "Why do you care?"

"Juss wonderin'. They have a big followin' in Sheffield."

I shrugged, "it's ok."


"Yeah. I mean, if I become a celebrity and open a clothing line I guess creativity doesn't matter if it sells."

Oli began to laugh along with the guys.

"Lack of creativity?" He asked amused.

"It's boring."


"Yeah! Boring."

"How so?" he asked clearly interested as he relaxed his arm on Jona's arm rest.

"I mean, it's thoughtless."

"Mhm...well, when yeh come inta work tomorra yeh can let meh know what yeh fink isn't borin'." He said with a smirk before moving back to his seat.

My face went blank once his words registered.

Just fucking great.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Oli story. :)

I debated on writing a sequel to my other Oliver story but I just can't get into it or think of anything worth writing in it's a new one.
