Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Tied together with a smile.

The ride was awkward which hasn't happened since I hated him and he seemed to notice because he had both hands clinched onto the steering wheel and he didn't look over at me once.

His phone began to ring half way home and he instantly grabbed it up probably thankful for a distraction.


"Hey man, what's up?" He asked and I breathed in deeply as I looked out the window.

"Oh...yeah. I'm wif her actually..." he said his tone changing from the upbeat tone he had when he answered.

I looked over at him and he spoke, "Josh wants ta know if yeh not busy if yeh wanna come look at his line and talk bout settin up somefin."

I shrugged, "you're driving not me."

"Logan, do yeh want to?" He asked sighing.

"I don't care."

"Is it impossible to get a straight answa from yeh?" He asked getting frustrated I could tell. Although I wasn't sure why.

"Oh my god Oli! I said I don't care so yes!" I said throwing my hands up and he rolled his eyes, "we will be there shortly." He said into the phone before hanging up and shoving it in his front pocket.

Well I guess us fighting was bound to happen some time today so why not now?

We arrived at some building a few minutes later and I got out not even waiting for Oli to turn off the car.

"You know you don't have to come. I'm sure he'll take me home." I said as Oli walked onto the sidewalk.

"I'm sure he bloody will." He mumbled ignoring me and I sighed as we walked into the building and I followed him up a flight of stairs and into a studio.

"Are you two done aruging?" Josh asked with a grin as he walked over to us.

I rolled my eyes and Oli spoke, "Maybeh if she would answer instead of shruggin' or sayin' I don't care we wouldn't have been."

"You sure you two aren't together? Cause that sounds like me and my girl." He said laughing and I crossed my arms uncomfortably.

"If you got things to do Oli I can take her home." Josh said as he looked through some shirts that were hanging on a rack.

"Yeah great. I'm goin ta go." He mumbled not bothering to look at me as he headed for the door. Once it closed behind him I sighed.

"Why's he in a bad mood?"

I shrugged, "I never know."

"Are you really not together?"

"We really aren't." I said walking closer to him and sitting in a chair.

"Mhm. Yeh wanna be though." He said with a grin as he looked down at me.

I didn't say anything. I was sick of answering that question and I just stared up into his blue eyes.

"No worries Lo, you're secret is safe with me."

I nodded and he started talking about his clothes and showing me his designs. I ended up staying with Josh for a few hours. He was pretty cool to hang out with and of course I agreed to do a photoshoot for him.

"Thanks for spending half your day with me." Josh said laughing as we pulled up at Matty's.

"Oh it wasn't that bad."

He smiled, "so i'll see you in a few days?"

"Seems like that doesn't it?"

"Whoa. Watch the attitude I'm not Oli!" He joked and I laughed, "sorry I forgot."

"You should tell him you like him. He likes you."

"Ha. No."

"No to what?"

"Both of them."

"Say no to the first one but you're wrong about the last."

"Shut up Josh before I change my mind."

He groaned, "fine. Be stubborn."

"Bye." I said chuckling as I got out of his car and walked to me and Matty's place. One day I would make it through without someone asking about me and Oliver.

When I walked in I threw my bag on the floor with a sigh and Matty walked in from the kitchen with Oliver of course.

I groaned, "do you ever go home?"

I mean how could I figure everything out if he was always around!?

"Whoa. Someone hasn't had a good day." Matty stated and I rolled my eyes, "Because I can't go a day without being around him and it's driving me insane."

"What happened?" He asked and Oliver sat down ignoring me.

"I don't know. Ask him! He just gets mad for no damn reason."

"That isn't true. She just drives meh mental!" Oliver said finally speaking up.

"How?! I did nothing wrong. Oh my bad, I said I don't care to a question and apparently that wasn't what he wanted."

Matt groaned, "I knew peace couldn't last! Even though I heard yeh bof gigglin' in here lass nigh'..."

Oliver rubbed the back of his neck clearly a bit embarrassed by that and I shrugged too mad to care.

"Well he ruined it. Like always." I said crossing my arms.

"Yes Logan! It's always meh! Yeh do nuffin wrong! Yeh so bloody perfect huh?!" Oli asked loudly and Matty looked over at him a bit surprised by his action.

"Oh my god. I'm not going to fight with you again for the third time today." I said picking up my stuff and heading to my bedroom.

"I don't bloody get yeh Lo." Oliver said following behind me quickly.

I groaned and sat on my bed exhausted from all of this already.

"What now?" I asked softly.

"I fink everyfing is fine wif us and then yeh do shit like this."

"Oliver! You were the one who started it in the car!"

"That's because somefin was wrong wif yeh! Don't say there wasn't cause afta we left Tom yeh got weird and even more quiet."

"Why does it matter!" I asked loudly throwing my hands up.

"Yeh know what? Fuck it. I don't fuckin' care!"

I started laughing, "oh my gosh. Now you don't care after we've argued all day...of course!"

He rolled my eyes before walking out of my room angrily. I dint care though. If anything he started this not me. I sighed and fell back onto my bed. I just don't get it and I don't think I ever will.

I ended up falling asleep pretty quickly. Probably because between the fighting and waking up early after only a few hours of sleep, I was exhausted.

Of course living in a place where there are constantly boys around meant I was woke up a few hours later.

"Hey Lo..." matty said softly as he lightly shook me.


"We're all goin' out in an houa or so, wanna come?"

"No." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Yeh sure?"

"And be around Oli? I'll pass."

He sighed, "yeh don't have ta talk to him, love."

"No. It's ok. I'm tired. I'll stay here and sleep."

He sighed, "fine. Jona ordered pizza so there is some in tha oven for yeh and if yeh need meh juss call."

I opened my eyes and looked up at him, "thanks dad."

He rolled his eyes and I chuckled, "I'm kidding. Thank you. I love you."

"Yeah I love yeh too. Go back ta sleep." He said kissing my forehead. He closed the door on his way out and I pulled my cover closer to my chin. I just wanted to sleep and be in peace for a while and with them gone I knew it would be possible.

I of course got woke up by someone walking into my room. Down fall to being a light sleeper. I looked at my alarm clock which flashed 4 am. I groaned and covered my face with my hand because the light from the hall was shining in. The door closed and before I could ask who it was someone climbed onto the bed and laid beside me. I knew it was one of the guys so I didn't freak out until an arm went around me and my nose was filled with the familiar smell of Oliver.

"I'm propa sorrah love." He whispered pulling me until my back hit his chest.

"I don't like fightin' wif yeh." He added kissing my cheek softly.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I wanted to believe him but I knew he had been drinking which made it difficult.

"Oliver. You're drunk. Go to sleep."

"No. I'm not. Well...sort of...I don't know..."

"Where is everyone else?" I asked turning to face him and he closed his eyes, "back at whereva we were. I took a cab."

"Back here?"

"I juss...wanted ta lay wif yeh."

My heart began racing and I cursed myself for letting it be that easy.

"I haven't slept wifout yeh in days and I don't want to...cause...I don't know Lo...I juss...yeh lovely." He mumbled and I felt myself blush.

I sighed and he opened his eyes staring up at me so innocently I reached out and brushed his hair from his face.

"I'm sorrah bout earlier. Yeh forgive meh? I was bein a propa bloke and I'm sorrah."

"It's ok. I forgive you. Let's talk about it in the morning."

"Ok." He whispered closing his eyes yet again.

I sighed and laid back down on my pillow and Oli's grasp on me lightened and I knew he had fell asleep.

I removed his arm and got out of the bed quietly and went into the kitchen. He was seriously going to drive me crazy with the way he was. Either I needed to say something to him or avoid him forever and I don't know which would be easier. I heated up some of the pizza and sat at the table trying to clear my head as I ate.

"5 in tha mornin was not when I expected yeh ta eat." Matty said walking in startling me.

I shrugged as he sat beside me and I slid him my plate which he gladly grabbed up a piece of the pizza.

"Hey, have yeh heard from Oli he left and we hadn't been able ta get in touch wif him."

"Oh. Yeah he's asleep in my bed."

He sighed, "oh...sorrah."

I shrugged, "yeah..."

"I fink he likes yeh Lo. I know we tease yeh bout it all tha time but I'm serious."

"I don't think so..."

"Logan." He said sternly and I looked up at him.

"Yeh like him don't yeh?"

I looked down at my pizza that I was moving around my plate.

"I don't want to."

"Why not?"

"Because, it's Oliver. He's arrogant and annoying and..."

"in love wif yeh."

"He is not. I mean come on Matt, look at all the girls he has been with. I am nothing like them."

"Right. Yeh are nuffin like them and maybe that's why he's so infatuated wif yeh."

I shook my head no and he sighed, "so what? We're gonna do this foreva? Yeh like him, he likes yeh, yeh two flirt and drive us mental wif yeh arugments that yeh only have cause yeh two want ta be togetha but are both stupid!?"

I just stared at him and he shrugged, "Juss sayin'...."

"I don't know, guess so."

He sighed as he got up from his seat, "I'm goin ta bed."

I nodded as I stood up preparing to go back into my room.

"Goodnight." He said cupping my face and kissing my forehead.


I quickly cleaned up and headed back to my room. Oliver was still asleep of course and I climbed back into bed softly. I stared at him as he slept. His breathing was barely audible and I brushed his hair back softly. Matty was right though. This was so stupid yet I didn't know how to end it...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to:


For the comments. :)