Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

I take all the blame.

I wasn't tired probably because I had slept so long so I just laid in bed staring at the ceiling until I realized the sun was now up. I sighed and looked at the clock. 8 am. Great. I decided to go shower and get ready for the day. Of course by then it was only 9 and the silence was unnerving because I really did not want to think this early.

So what did I do? I made breakfast for the guys that were here which I think was everyone minus Lee. I had also texted Tom who was weirdly up and asked him to hang out later. I needed away from here for a while.

"Awe honey, yeh shouldn't have." Jona said with a grin as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes as I put one of the pancakes on a plate.

"Sweet of yeh." He said wrapping his arms around me and pecking my cheek.

"I'm sweet."


I elbowed him and he laughed as he let go of me.

"How long yeh been up?" He asked pouring some orange juice into a glass.

"Oh since about 4 when Oli showed up."

"Oye he's here?"

"Yeah. He's asleep in my room."

He chuckled, "figures."

I shrugged as I finished doing what I was doing.

"I got a bloody headache." Oli groaned walking in rubbing his head.

Without even looking over at him I held out a bottle of medication.

"Fank." He whispered and I turned off the stove and asked Jona to grab some plates even though Oli was right in front of the cabinet they were in. Avoiding him is what I decided to try. What else did I have to lose?

"I have tha best room mate." Matty said scooping me up after I sat down the pancakes at the table.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. You're just lucky I was bored and had nothing else to do."

"Eitha way I love yeh more." He said kissing my cheek before placing me back on my feet.

"Wanna trade Lee for her?" Matt asked and Matty laughed, "No fanks."

I chuckled as we all sat down and Oli laid his forehead on the table with a groan.

"How yeh feelin' mate?" Jona asked laughing.

"Sod off." Oli mumbled and I rolled my eyes as I stood up.

"Well you guys eat whatever."

"Where yeh goin?" Matty asked with a mouthful of food.

"Tom and I are meeting up."

Oliver's head shot up from the table at my words and I shoved my phone in my back pocket before throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Why?" He asked which caused Matty to look over at him strangely.

"Can we not?" I asked with an raised eyebrow.

"Do whateva yeh want." He mumbled putting his head back down.

Matty gave me an 'I told you so' look and I rolled my eyes, "Whatever I'm going to go."

"Fanks for cookin' love." Jona stated and I patted his head on my way out. I had figured out the town pretty well. It was that big so I was confident in meeting Tom at the coffee shop down the road.

I walked into the shop and found Tom sitting near the window.

"Ello love." He said with a grin as I sat across from him.


He chuckled and slid a cup of coffee to me.

"So why were yeh up at 8?" He asked smiling.

"You're idiotic brother showed up at 4 this morning drunk."

"Oh of course."

"So yeah! Here I am."

"That sucks. I'm propa sorry." He said as he looked down at his phone.

He started laughing and I looked at him oddly.

"Sure he doesn't like yeh? Cause I juss got a text from Oli that says, Why tha fuck are yeh hangin' out wif Lo? Now does that sound like someone who doesn't have feelins for yeh?"

"He's probably just wanting to know so he can have something to argue with me about later."

He laughed, "well, let me find out. Now, what I'll be sayin back is, cause she's fit and add a wink face." He said chuckling as he texted away and I groaned, "yeah Tom get him mad at us all for messing with him."

"Oh please. He deserves it for wakin yeh up at 4 don't yeh say?" He asked with a grin as his phone buzzed again.

"Oh and it keeps gettin' betta." He said chuckling as he stared at his phone, "he said I betta keep my hands ta myself or he was going ta kick my arse."

"Would it be wrong to text back and tell him we've already went to second base?"

I rolled my eyes with a laugh. Clearly Tom thought this was more amusing then I did. If anything it made me wonder why Oli was so serious about it.

"What did you tell him?" I asked and he grinned as his blue eyes met mine.

"That I fancy yeh and we're gonna go on a date."


"Logan, it's fine. I'm juss doin this ta prove a point."

"What point is that?"

"That he likes yeh!"

I sighed, "right ok."

"Great. So, I'm afraid yeh got a date wif meh tonight love." He said with a smile.

"It better be great."

"Of course. Nuffin but tha best for our first date."

"Well, pick me up at 7?" I asked getting up from my chair.

He smiled, "Yep."

"I hate yeh Tom."

"Sure yeh do." He said chuckling and I waved at him as I walked out of the place. I shouldn't be agreeing to this but a

I got back home and the guys were still lounging around the living room and Oliver looked beyond angry once he realized it was me.

"Awe honey, you cleaned up." I said to no one inparticular and Jona laughed, "I figured i'd help since no one else would."

"Bullocks I helped." Matt said glaring at him.

I chuckled and sat next to Jona.

"I'm surprised Tom didn't come back wif yeh." Matty stated.

"He had things to do I assume. You'll see him tonight I'm sure."

"Why? He comin' ova?"

"She's goin on a fuckin' date wif him." Oli mumbled not taking his eyes off the movie that was playing.

Matty looked at me as if waiting for me to say that wasn't true.

", didn't see that comin'...." he fumbled and I shrugged, "Not a big deal."

"Of course not." Oli mumbled.

I just started to laugh, "I don't understand you."

Jona groaned, "here we go."

"Well she's right. I don't understand him either." Matty stated and Oli glared at him.

"What? Yeh leave us las' night juss so yeh can come here and sleep wif her. Then yeh all ok this mornin' until yeh brotha wants ta take her on a date and then yeh do a 180 and get an attitude wif her like it's her fault that Tom fancies her! I juss don't get it."

"If yeh bloody like her than yeh need ta juss say it cause I'm sick of this shit." Matty added and Oliver was glaring at him like I expected him to attack at any moment.

Instead of that happening Oliver stood up without speaking and walked out of the door slamming it behind him.

I sighed and leaned against Jona.

"What tha fuck is goin on wif him?" Matt asked looking over at Matty.

He shrugged, "I don't he walkin home?"

"Assume so."

I groaned an stood up, "he's so damn annoying." I mumbled stomping to the door and walking out to find Oliver.

I didn't have to go far. He was sitting outside against the building and I sighed preparing myself for this possible fight.

"Come back inside Oli. It's about to rain." I said wincing at the loud thunder filling the sky.

"I fought yeh didn't like Tom? That's what yeh told meh anyways." He said looking up at me.

I sighed and crossed my arms, "I mean, he asked me out, didn't know I couldn't go out with him."

"Not what I asked Logan."

"Oh my god. What is this?! I don't have to answer to you."

He stood up quickly and I didn't even move. I wasn't scared of him nor was I going to back down. He stared at me my crossed arms now hitting his chest.

"Fine. Go out wif him. Do what yeh fuckin' want." He mumbled before backing away from me and quickly walking down the sidewalk.

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. This was never going to end.

I walked back slowly and Matty looked at me in confusion as I sat beside Jona.

"He's walking home." I mumbled as I buried my face into Jona's shirt.

Matt sighed, "ill go give him a ride." He said standing up.

Jona wrapped his arms around me and I heard the door shut from Matt leaving.

"What's wrong lil girl?" He asked softly.

"I hate Oli."

"Did he do anyfing? I'll hurt him."

I chuckled, "No. He's just confusing."

"Welcome to our world."

I sighed and closed my eyes as it thundered. I didn't know what to do to make it better and what bothered me the most was knowing that he would just act like everything was fine the next time I was around him.

"Maybeh if yeh lucky he'll get struck by lightenin'..." Jona said and I laughed, "don't say that."

"Why yeh goin on a date wif Tom?" Matty asked and I looked over at him.

"Because he asked me to..."

"And yeh agreed cause yeh wanna piss Oli off?"

I rolled my eyes, "can I not just like Tom?!"

"No. Cause I know yeh don't."

"Whatever." I mumbled as I got up and went to my room closing the door behind me.

I sat in my floor just because. I know he was right and hell, even Tom knew I didn't like him like that. I guess a part of me really did just want to piss off Oliver. Well, I guess I got what I wanted.

Something told me i'd be sleeping without him tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to:
Baby.Blue.Eyes (who always comments saying she loves drunk Oli which makes me laugh.)
And SophiaaLouisee
For the comments. :)