Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Calm before the storm.

I didn't leave my room until around 6 because I knew Tom would be here soon. Matty was sitting on the couch with his lap top and he looked up at me as I walked in.

"Yeh mad at meh still?" He asked.

"I never was."

He ushered me over and I sighed as I walked over and sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"I juss fink if yeh like Oli goin out wif his brotha is tha wrong way to get his attention."

"I don't like Oli."

"Who are yeh lyin to? Meh or yehself?" He asked and I looked at him, "I don't know." I whispered and he gave me a grin.

"He likes yeh sweetie. Trus meh. Oli is really well at hidin emotion and tha fact that he gets mad bout yeh datin someone in front of us is a big deal and when he isn't phased by actin sweet round yeh in public...I'm tellin' yeh, he's my best mate. I know it's true."

I just stared at him in thought until someone knocked on the door.

"But what Oli doesn't do is play games Logan. And if he feels like yeh are he's goin' ta back away and not try." He stated as I climbed from his lap.

"How is this all on me when he's so freaking bi-polar?!" I asked as I went to open the door for Tom.

"hey." Tom said with a grin and I ushered him in, closing the door behind him.

"Well you mine as well answer that question because Tom's just taking me out because he thinks Oliver likes me." I said boringly and Matty groaned, "Seriously Tom?"

Tom shrugged, "it was funny!"

"Now he's propa pissed."

"Yeah I got that when I left I thought he was goin ta stab meh..."

"Way ta go..."

I rolled my eyes and Tom spoke, "Well, wanna come wif us?"


"Why? Then it wouldn't be considered a date."

"I'm not gettin' involved in yeh drama."

"Too late." I stated and he looked up at me, "this is why I don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh I thought it was because yeh like boys." Tom said and Matty glared at him causing me to laugh.

"Yeh bess be leavin." He said to Tom.

"Are you tellin me I shouldn't go?" I asked.

"Would sound like that yeah?"

"I'm sorry Tom. Dad said I can't leave."

Tom laughed, "dude, Oli is goin ta kill meh if I go back. I have a feelin'..."

"Yeh can stay here." Matty said shrugging.

"I'm going to go to the store..." I stated. I just wanted alone time and it seemed like the perfect chance.


"Matty! You're driving me mental!"

"Oh my gosh! Sorry! Go!" He said throwng his hands up and I sighed as I grabbed my bag and walked out.

Luckily it wasn't raining anymore but it was still dreary which was fine with me for once because I wasn't feeling all happy and sunshine myself.

One thing I liked about this place being so small is you could walk everywhere. And like now it was just what I needed to clear my head.

Once I walked into the market I realized I really didn't need anything but that didn't stop me from just walking around and grabbing things just because I could.

"Is Tom now takin' dates ta tha market?" I heard and looked over to see Oliver. Seriously? What have I done to deserve this?

"No. We're not going out you'll be happy to know." I mumbled as I threw a thing of cookies into my cart.

"Why not?"

"Save it Oliver. We both know you don't care." I said glaring at him. See what I mean?! He was pretending like everything was normal.

"Well we both know yeh don't reallah like him."

I stifled a laugh, "Yes because you know me so well."

He studied me and I crossed my arms debating on just walking away.

"Are yeh here alone?" He asked and I sighed, "Yes."

"How did yeh get here?"

"I walked you know, with these things called feet I have."

He rolled his eyes, "yeh gonna carry all that back?" He asked looking down at my cart. Well, I didn't think about that...

"Are yeh done?" He asked not waiting for a response to his other question.


"Then come on cause so am I. I'll drive yeh back." He said grabbing my cart and not waiting for me to respond. I groaned and followed him to a register.

"So you just came here for alcohol?"

"Yep." He said as he began placing my things onto the register for the girl.

I held out my card for him to swipe because the cart was blocking me from him and the machine.

He pushed back my hand and told the lady to ring up his beer with my things.


Of course he ignored me which was apparently not hard to do and I sighed as he swiped his own card and thanked the lady with a smile.

I crossed my arms as he grabbed up our things and I followed him out to his car.

"I could have bought my own things Oliver" I stated and he shrugged as he started the car, "right but I owe yeh anyways so it's not that big of a deal."

I sighed and leaned against the seat, closing my eyes.

"If yeh reallah like Tom then go out wif him. Don't let meh stand in yeh way." He finally said and I opened my eyes to look over at him.

"I don't like Tom."

"Then why did yeh say yes?"

"He did it just to piss you off because he thought you were angry."

He breathed in deeply and his hands squeezed the steering wheel tighter.

"And yeh agreed why?"

"Didn't think it was a big deal." I said with a shrug.

"Is anything a big deal to yeh?" He asked looking over at me as we parked.

"Please don't do this. I do not want to fight again."

"Do yeh fink I like arguin' wif yeh Logan? Cause I don't."

"Apparently you do." I said getting out of the car quickly.

"No. I don't. Do yeh not fink i'd ratha us be tha way we are togetha at night? I'd kill for yeh ta be sweet ta me like yeh are when it's juss us."

"Oliver, the only reason I'm not is because you argue with me over everything! Maybe if you were like you were with me I would act that way too."

"I'm like that because I don't understand yeh! I don't know what yeh want Lo!" He said closing his trunk before I could grab my bags.

I looked up at him and he stared at me with a serious look plastered on his face.

"Do not blame me when you're only that way to me when you're drunk. Surprised you even remember." I said starting to walk off and he grabbed my arm.

"Oliver. Stop. Just stop. This isn't going anywhere but another fight and I'm just over it. I'm over trying for something that isn't going to happen."

"What are yeh tryin for?" He asked his eyebrows narrowing together.

"Just...for us to be normal, Oliver."

"That's all?" He asked softy.

I stared into his gentle brown eyes trying to find the courage to tell him no, that in fact I wanted more. I wanted us to be more than what we were, more than friends if we were even that.

"...yeah." I cowardly said and he dropped my arm.

"Ok." He said as if he was hurt.

"Don't forget yeh stuff." He mumbled before unlocking his trunk once more.

I looked at him and he ignored my gaze as I grabbed my things.

"Are we ok?" I asked stupidly.

", yeah." He said with a painful grin.

"Ok." I said not believing him, "see you later?"

He nodded and I headed back to Matty's even more confused then when I left.

"That was fast."

I shrugged and dropped the bags onto the table.

"Yeh walked back wif all that?" Tom asked and I shook my head, "Oli brought me back. We ran into each other at the market."


"And, I don't want to talk so I'm going to my room." I mumbled walking to my room and closing the door.

I don't know why but I started crying. Everything had just offically overwhelmed me. I had an opportunity and I let it pass by because why? I'm scared? Stupid? Who knows! Everything was a mess...
♠ ♠ ♠
I bet you thought I wasn't going to update today :p

Thanks to:
Beautiful Threat
Baby.Blue.Eyes (who takes the cake for my favorite comment this time around saying something along the lines of 'being mad at drunk Oli would be like kicking a puppy, just so wrong!' Haha.)
For the comments. :)

I love when new people comment! :) although I now feel like I am friends with my frequent