Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Untouched and intact.

"Lo...go talk ta him. Yeh juss hurtin' yehself by doin' this." Matty said which startled me because I didn't even hear him come in.

"I think it's too late for that." I said softly and he rubbed my arm, "oh come on. No it's not."

I sniffled and he brushed his fingers against my cheek, "Logan, can yeh for once listen ta meh?"

"No. What fun would that be?"

He chuckled, "stop cryin' and get yehself togetha. When Tom goes home he can take yeh wif him and yeh can talk to Oli."


"Yes. Yeh are."

I sighed and he kissed my cheek, "I'm doin this cause I love yeh Lo and yeh deserve ta be happy."

"Can't I just stay in bed?" I mumbled.

"Fraid not."

"But it's late..."

"Logan, nuffin yeh say is gonna convince meh."

"You're mean."

"Am not."

"Are so. I wanna live with Jona."

"Oye. That's hurtful!"

I chuckled and he kissed my forehead, "i'll come get yeh whenever he's leavin."

I nodded and he got up from the bed and went back into the living room. I guess it was about 10 when Matty came in and told me Tom was about to leave. I sighed and grabbed that stupid drop dead hoodie on my way into the living room.

"Awe, yeh do love meh." Tom said with a grin as I slid on the hoodie.

"Yeah yeah can we leave or what?"

He nodded and we walked to his car. The whole way to Oliver's I was freaking out on the inside. Then again, what did I have to lose?

We pulled up and a random car was in the driveway and Tom looked at me as if he didn't know who it belonged to either. I sighed and followed Tom to the door and once we walked in I knew I had made a mistake. Oli was, to put it nicely, kissing Holly of all people. Once Oli heard us though he looked up and almost threw Holly off of him causing her to look at us startled.

"Logan." He said flustered and I bit my lip trying to prevent myself from walking over and hitting him although I didn't have a reason to because he wasn't mine.

"What are yeh two doin here?" He asked fixing his hair and Tom slid his arm around my waist.

"We didn't fink yeh'd be here." Tom said and lord only knew what he was planning but the look on his face said it wasn't good.

Oliver's eyes narrowed together as if that wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"What do yeh mean?" He asked slowly.

"We were goin ta watch movies here. She's stayin tha night." Tom said calmly and I could only imagine my face.


"Why not? But it's ok. We'll juss go upstairs."

"Awe I didn't know yeh two were togetha. That's so cute." Holly said with a smile. Yeah, I wanted to punch her too.

Tom ignored her, grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the stairs.

"Wait! Um...uh..." Oliver said which caused both of us to turn and look at him.

"We'll watch a movie wif yeh." He said quickly and Holly looked over at him confused, "we will?"

"Yeah why not?"

This just kept getting worse and worse.

"Sure. Why not?" Tom stated and I elbowed him.

He gave me a grin and pulled me to the couch that wasn't occupied by those idiots.

"Um, we don't even have movies..." Oli stated.

"Um yeh can orda them off tha telle yeh bloke."

I chuckled softly and Oli rolled his eyes.

"Oh let's watch the notebook." Holly said with a smile.

"Oh yeah we should. I love that movie." I said excitedly.

Tom chuckled into my hair in order for Holly not to see. Clearly he picked up on my sarcasm. Which is why he was way cooler than Oli...that and several other reasons.

Oliver glared at me as if he didn't believe me and I flashed a fake smile. Once the movie got started I relaxed against Tom who was whispering at how funny that was which caused me to giggle softly.

I could feel Oliver's eyes boring into me and I stared at the television intently.

I can't believe he was making out with that girl. Especially since I recall him saying she annoyed him. But then again, he annoyed me and here I was.

Oh the irony....

By the way I hate this movie. It's overly lovey dovey and completely fictional. Call me bitter and what not but it's true so I lost interest quickly.

I felt myself falling asleep on Tom's shoulder and he must have noticed because he pulled me into his lap and I relaxed my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Why did yeh bring her here?" I heard which woke me up but I kept my eyes shut.

"Cause yeh fuckin' bloke she was comin ta talk ta yeh but oh who knew yeh'd already be makin out wif someone!" Tom said harshly all the while in a whisper.

"I didn't know I couldn't make out wif someone!"

"Well it's juss strange since one yeh hate Holly and two, yeh like Logan!"

"I don't like Lo..." he mumbled.

"Really? Yeh full of shit."

"Doesn't matta Tom. She made it clear that she doesn't like meh like that so why the fuck does it matta!"

"Well maybeh yeh would know if yeh would have waited oh say a day before yeh decided ta feel up some slag!"

"I'd appreciate it if yeh didn't act like yeh know meh!"

"Id appreciate it if yeh didn't act like I don't! It's what yeh do Oli. If yeh feelin' vulnerable or upset yeh wanna find some slag ta make it betta."

"Shut up." Oli mumbled.

"Gonna stay at home tonight? Or will yeh be out gettin piss drunk and shaggin' some whore?" Tom asked calmly.

"Juss fought i'd ask cause if so I'm gonna let her sleep in yeh bed. Oh but no, wait...if I do that yeh will probably come home half way through yeh drunken rampage because yeh miss her and want ta cuddle wif her cause yeh love her but are too much of a fuckin' pansy ta admit it!" He said loudly.

"How do yeh fink that makes her feel Oli?! That yeh juss want ta be wif her when yeh drunk?! I wouldn't admit ta likin yeh eitha unda those circumstances!"

I bit my lip trying not to move. He was saying everything I wish I had the courage to so I didn't want to wake up.

"Fuck yeh Tom." Oli said harshly and I heard the door slam and I knew he had left.

"I know yeh up."

I sighed and pulled up to look at him.

He sighed, "I'm sorrah I woke yeh up. He juss pisses meh off."

"It's ok." I whispered and he brushed my cheek with a grin.

"Don't listen ta him."

I shrugged and he spoke, "do yeh care if yeh sleep in his room? He's not gonna come back. I mean if yeh wanna sleep wif meh that's fine I juss figured yeh would want yeh own bed."

"It's fine. I'll sleep in there."

"Yeh can wear any of his clothes." He said and I chuckled, "oh thanks."

He chuckled and I got up from his lap.

'Let's get yeh tucked in lil Lo."

I laughed and he escorted me to Oli's room which I hadn't been in since the night of that party.

"Good night. Destroy his room or some shit."

I laughed, "goodnight."

He closed the door and I sat on the bed wih a sigh. The whole room smelled like him and it nerved me. I kicked off my shoes before going to his dresser to find a shirt and stuff to sleep in. Of course I ended up with a drop dead shirt and some basketball shorts I was surpised he had.

I changed quickly and got into his bed after turning the light off. It was weird being in his bed without him. Then again it was weird to sleep without him in general and I hated admitting that.

I thought I was tired but I ended up laying there staring into space for hours. I finally got fed up and sat up with a sigh. I leaned against the head board of the bed and closed my eyes. What was wrong with me?!

Before I could even answer myself Oliver's door opened and the light was turned on which startled me and I quickly opened my eyes.

"Oh. He was serious." Oli said staring at me.

I shrugged and got out of the bed, "yeah it's fine. I can't sleep anyways."


"What time is it?" I asked and he shrugged, "fink bout one..."

I nodded as I grabbed up my clothes from his floor.

He sighed and leaned against the wall, "Logan..."


"I'm not drunk."

"Ok? Great?"

"I'm juss sayin'. I'm not drunk and I want yeh ta stay wif meh." He whispered shoving his hands into his front pockets.

"Why? Holly wouldn't stay?"

He rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't know. I had no intention in askin."

"Right. You don't have sex in your bed. Forgot."

"Please don't do this. I'm tryin' ok?" He said softly.

"What are you trying for?!" I asked with a sigh.

"For yeh. I want ta be that guy yeh like Lo."

"I don't understand why..."

He breathed in deeply before speaking, "it's juss hard ta explain right now...juss...don't go."

I stared at him as he bit his bottom lip. The logical thing to do would be to say no and walk away but of course I wasn't one of those people who chose the logical side of things, so I sat my things back on his dresser which he took as a sign I was staying and began kicking off his shoes and pulling off his shirt.

He then grabbed my hand gently and pulled me to his bed.

I now realize I only have myself to blame for the way things were turning out...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sort of short I know...but next're probably going to want to kill yeah. We shall see!

Hand hugs for everyone who has subscribed and commented. I hope you all know what that is, if not youtube it. Me and my friends do it all the time now because, we're not normal...haha