Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Down but not out.

Oliver's arm wrapped around me instantly once we got settled in his bed.

"I've missed yeh." He mumbled into my neck.

"You've seen me all day."

"Not tha same." He said kissing my neck gently.

A part of me wanted to scream at him and ask why he continued to put me through this but a part of me just didn't have the strength to. Especially since I liked being this close to him.

He kissed up my jaw and kissed the corner of my mouth as if testing to see if I was ok with it. I really didn't want to be, but between the butterflies in my stomach and the daze like feeling his kisses put me in I couldn't fight it off.

His lips pressed firmly on mine and I knew I had no chance of leaving.

Once I began kissing him back things went to the point of no return. I don't know if it was because of the timing or because we have both been wanting this forever but little by little our clothes were non-existant and the only thoughts in my head were of him.

The next time I woke up it didn't take me long to figure out where I was because Oliver was still snuggled up to me. But once the flashbacks hit me I freaked. I slowy pulled his tattooed arm from my stomach and got out of the bed Cautiously.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I cannot believe I let this happen.

I mentally cursed myself as I quickly got dressed and went on a mission to find Tom or anyone really, because I wanted out of here, now.

By some miracle the first door I opened I found someone asleep and I almost died from joy to know it was Matty. When or how he got here I was unsure but it was like a present sent from god and I almost sent a thank you prayer to the man upstairs but realized I was on a short time frame.

"Matty." I said at a loud whisper if that is even possible and I shook him violently.

"Oh my gosh I fuckin' hate yeh." He moaned.

"Matty, please. We've got to go like now."

He opened his eyes sleepily to look at me, "why?"

"Look, I'll explain once we are out of the house."

"This betta be real fuckin' good." He mumbled climbing out of the bed and sliding his pants back on and his shoes.


"What the fuck..." he said eyeing me and I rolled my eyes as I grabbed his hand and pulled him from the room.

We came to abrupt halt in the doorway though, causing Matty to run into the back of me because Oli was standing in the hall with just his jeans on staring at us.

Matt's arm went around me as he balanced himself and Oliver finally spoke, "so, you're juss leavin?"

The room grew silent until apparently Matty caught on and let out a groan, "No...fuck...Oli! seriously?! Bloody hell man! No yeh didn't..."

Oli ran his hand into his hair, "why is it juss meh?  I didn't force her ta do anyfing she didn't want ta do."

"Right, you didn't which is why I'm leaving."

"That makes no bloody sense."

"I'm not going to be one of your girls Oli."

"First off, I don't have 'girls' and yeh doin' a good job at bein' like them by leavin'." He said crossing his arms.

"I can't fuckin' believe this happened." Matty repeated and I elbowed him lightly.

"Can we go?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Logan, I don't know if yeh realize this but we had sex. It isn't goin' ta go away if yeh leave. So why don't you be a grown up bout this."

"I am. It happened I'm aware. It was a mistake, and it won't ever happen again so why dwell on it longer?" I asked and he looked as if I had just ran over his dog or something which made me regret my choice of words but it was too late to take it back.

"A mistake?" He said letting out a harsh laugh, "right. Of course...well, least yeh can say yeh slept wif Oliver Sykes. Isn't that what most girls want anyways?" He asked shrugging before he walked back into his room and slammed the door.

"It's too fuckin' early for this shit." Matty mumbled rubbing his hand down his face as the door next to me opened and Jona stood their confused.

"Why the fuck are all of you here?!" I asked throwing my hands up.

"How do yeh fink he got here?"

"He drove!"

"Right. Ta my house!" Jona said throwing his hands up as I did and I fought back a laugh.

"So you both had to come drop him off?"

"Well we went to a pub before hand so we decided to crash here."

"You knew I was here why didn't you look for me first and I don't know sleep with me instead!" I said pushing Matty and he groaned, "ok first off, I thought yeh'd be asleep and I didn't fink yeh'd shag Oli! So excuse meh!"

"Maybe I should have looked for yeh if I knew yeh'd sleep wif meh..." Jona said and I punched his chest lightly causing him to laugh.

"Fuck my life!"


"Shut up Jona!" Matty and I said at the same time.

I whined into my hands and Matty wrapped his arms around me, "it's goin' ta be fine Lo."

"It's not. I crossed a line somewhere yet I don't even think I know what it looks like anymore."

"Um, yeh bein listen ta us lately?" JOna asked chuckling.

"I hate your music so no."

"Then fuck yeh and Oli are on tha same wavelength which is bloody scary."

I glared at him and he shrugged, "sounds juss like a lyric from one of our songs."

"Great. Now I'm becoming you all. My day is getting better and it's only..."

"8 fuckin' 30..." jona mumbled.

"Come on lil bird. Let's go back ta sleep and yeh can fink bout this lata..." Matty said picking me up and I sighed as he carried me back into the room he was sleeping in. He sat me on the bed and I watched him take off his shoes and pants with ease. I was too high strung to even sleep I don't know who he was kidding.

"Logan." He said staring at me and I sighed and kicked my shoes off like a child.

"Yeh bloody impossible." He mumbled before laying beside me and pulling the cover to his chin as he got settled.

I crossed my arms and closed my eyes tightly. I can't believe I let all this happen. There was no fixing this and that's what hurt the most. I began sniffling and I tried to keep my tears in since Matty wasn't asleep but he clearly picked up on it because his hand patted my thigh.

"Logan...." he whispered and I shook my head as tears hit my cheeks, "I'm ok." I fumbled and he sat up quickly and wrapped his arms around me.

"Shhh's goin' ta be ok sweetie." He whispered as he craddled me in his arms.

"No it's not. it's not like this is just another argument we can over Matty..." I said crying into his chest.

"Lo, truss meh. Oli won't eva bring it up 'gain. In fact, I fink he's as hurt bout it as yeh are. But, my question is...why are yeh hurt? Tha only reason i'd be hurt bout somefin like this is if I really cared for tha bird..."

"Well, I mean I care about him..."

"Or yeh really like him."

I just stared at him and he grinned, "Yeah. I know. I mean, fink bout it if yeh shagged Jona would yeh be actin' tis way?"

I laughed and wiped my cheeks, "Probably not..."


"So what now?"

"I don't know Lo. That's up ta yeh love...." he said stroking my hair.

"Well look on tha bright side...least yeh know if he's good in bed or not wifout alcohol involved..."

I shoved him and he started laughing.

"I hate you."

He laughed as he laid back down and I couldn't help but smile at him. He made everything better and I was grateful for that.

"Matty..." I said as I laid down beside him.


"I seriously love you. As cheesy as it sounds you're like my bff."

He laughed, "you're bff?"

"Yeah." I said with a grin and he smiled, "Yeh like my bff slash my lil sista I don't have."


He rolled his eyes with a grin and kissed my forehead, "so yeh gonna live wif meh foreva? Cause I adopted yeh and all so...I kind of have yeh as long as I want..."

I laughed, "Maybe Matty. I kind of like it here."

"Great. We can be roomies for eva then."

"What happens when you get a girlfriend and want to marry her?"

"Ha. Yeh have a long time. I'm terrifed we will be yeh and Oli..."

"You're right. We can just be the relationship part since we live together yet we will just sleep with people that aren't us. Make sense?"

"That's a brill idea."

"Best of both worlds."

"Yeh a genius."

"And if later on in life when we feel like we missed out on not having children..."

"We will adopt Jona?"

I laughed, "exactly!"

We laughed and joked around for longer than I realized because the door open and Jona stood in the doorway fully clothed.

"Yeh turnin' Matt inta a bloody bird."

"Awe, little Jona come here." I said and Matty laughed as Jona looked at us oddly but walked over and laid down between where we were sitting.

I laughed and played with Jona's hair.

"Next time yeh shag one of us it betta be meh or I'll be propa pissed." He mumbled and I smacked his head causing him to groan in pain as Matty laughed from beside him.

"I can't get Oli ta open his door." Jona said throwing the topic back to what I had been avoiding and it made me realize how good Matty was at distracting me. I needed to buy him an amazing present one day.

"What do yeh mean?"

"Meanin' he won't come out of his room or talk ta meh or Tom."

"Well I sure as hell can't do anyfing bout I look like I can kick down a door?" Matty asked.

"No. If Jona can't you can't."

Jona laughed as Matty glared at me.

"Just saying."

Jona looked up at me with a serious look, "I fink yeh secretly want ta shag meh..."

Matty went into a fit of laughter and I rolled my eyes. Why must I hang out with perverted guys?!

"Can we leave? It's weird here." I said honestly.

"Are yeh feelin' emotionally compromised and want ta sleep wif someone ta make yeh feel betta?" Jona asked now just bothering me.

I shoved him lightly as we got off the bed.

Matty laughed as he slipped on his shoes and I did the same.

"Oh a for real note.." Jona said and Matty groaned causing me to laugh as we walked out of the room.

"If yeh had to sleep wif someone besides Oli it would be me right?"

Matty smacked his hand to his face as he laughed.

"No. You would be very last."

"What?! That's bullshit1"

We laughed as we walked into the living room and it quickly faded once we realized Oli was sitting on the couch.

"Sure. Stay as fuckin' long as yeh want. Yeh so anxious ta leave and here yeh fuckin' are two houas lata." Oli mumbled not even looking from the magazine he was pretending to be interested in.

"Look Jona, he's out! Now you can talk to him." I said ignoring his rude remark.

"I'm out? Of my room? There are plenty of otha rooms yeh could use for that." He said glaring at me and Matty quickly interjected, "Oye. Oli fuckin' watch it." He said defensively.

He shrugged as if he didn't care, "Wow. Is she sleepin wif yeh too? Cause yeh defend her a lot."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms trying not to just hurt him.

"I know yeh are hurt or whateva but yeh need ta watch what yeh say."

"Why the fuck would I be hurt?!" He asked standing up and throwing the magazine onto the floor his jaw clinched and his eyes darker than normal.

"I'm not fuckin' hurt at all. Why would I be? Havin' sex wif a bird isn't upsettin'. I mean, if anyfing she's just anotha notch on my bed post." He said glaring at me.

And I shook my head letting out a small laugh because I didn't know what else to do.

"Fuck you Oli." I said glaring at him.

"Oh? Too late sweetie, yeh already did." He said with a grin.

"I hate you." I said feeling my eyes water as I tried to stay calm.

"Yeah? Well what's fuckin new, Logan?! At least now yeh can hate meh for a reason!"

I rolled my eyes and quickly walked out of his house like you would have thought it was on fire or something.

I reached Matty's car and was in it before they even got onto the porch. I cried in the backseat waiting for them to hurry the hell up.

I wanted away from here, away from him as quickly as possible.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh. :O

When I re-read this and it got to 'notch in my bed post' I began to regret putting that line because fall out boy is in my head now. Ughh.


Thanks for subscribing. :)
