Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Losing it.

"Don't cry lil bird. I'll punch him for yeh." Jona said crawling into the back seat with me as I cried.

"I hate him so much."

"He's juss hurt Lo." Matty said climbing into the driver seat.

"Doesn't give him a right ta be a fuckin' bloke." Jona mumbled pulling me to him.

I swear these boys baby me like I was a dog or something they found and decided to keep.

"No it doesn't, but I've neva seen Oli like this..."

"So what? We should all feel bad for him?" I asked annoyed.

"No. He juss...he's hurt so he wants yeh ta be hurt. It's not logical, but it's him."

"I don't know why he's hurt!"

"Because he likes yeh Logan! Come on! How can yeh not see it?! Oli neva has ared bout a bird as much as he does yeh! I've neva seen him treat someone the way he does yeh..."

"Oh shitty? Well that's interesting."

"No. And yeh know that! The way he makes an effort ta apologize ta yeh means something. That's not a normal Oliver occurance."

"True..."Jona stated and I rolled my eyes.

"And he some how finds a way ta sleep wif yeh every night. Which, Oli does not do because he doesn't like someone to be clingy therefore he doesn't do fings like that."

"But he does all of that with yeh and now he's clearly upset because yeh left him afta sleepin wif that sure as hell is not Oliver Sykes."

I sighed and leaned my head against Jona's shoulder.

"He cares bout yeh Lo. He juss doesn't know how ta show it cause he's neva been in this situation."

"So what?"

He sighed, "I don't know but I'm sick of this shit." Matty said and I kept my mouth closed after that because I knew he really meant it just from the tone he used.

"Well i'll still be on yeh fuckin' side." Jona said causing a grin to hit my lips.

"I'm not pickin' a side. I'm juss sayin'." Matty said as we parked at his place.

"Shit I have Josh's photo shoot tomorrow!"

Matty gave me a strange look and I sighed, "sorry just remembered. I got shit to do now."

"When I'm done with that shoot I'm going home." I added.

"What do yeh mean by home?" Jona asked.

"Like back to the states home."

"What? Why?"

"Jona, I don't really live here and hell I don't even want to be here anymore."

"All because of Oli?" Matty asked as we walked into his living room.

"Oh my god! Who gives a fuck about him?" I asked crossing my arms as I sat on the couch.

"Yeh do parently..."

"I'm so sick of hearing about him, seeing him, everything!" I said with a sigh of frustration.

"Yeh slept wif him already, so too late!" Matty said throwing up his hands.

"I hate you all. I'm going to my room." I mumbled as I got up from the couch.

"I didn't do anyfing!" Jona stated defensively.

"Well I don't hate you Jona." I said patting his arm as I walked by him.

I literally stayed in my room for the rest of the day. Not leaving unless I had to for the bathroom. Jona brought me food and checked on me every hour as if I was a suicide risk.

"Want meh ta stay wif yeh tonight? Tha guys are goin out and I know yeh don't want to." Jona said from where he was laying beside me on my bed.

"Nah. Go out. Have fun."

"Yeh sure? I feel bad."

"Jona." I said laughing, "Go. I'm fine."

"I'll call and check up." He said kissing my forehead as he got up.

"I feel like you and Matty have become my parents."

He chuckled, "we juss care bout yeh Lo. That's all."

"I care about you too Jona." I said with a grin.

"Good. See yeh lata Lo."

Once matty and Jona were gone I got up since I was alone. I grabbed my laptop and moved to the couch so I could get my shit in order for tomorrow with Josh.

Plus working strangely made me calm and helped push my problems aside for a few hours. Which was welcomed at this point in the disaster.

Time seemed to pass by quickly and once I realized it was midnight I moved my computer and went to the kitchen for a snack of some sort. I had bought nothing but junk the day before and I knew it was still there since Matty complained about how I was going to make him fat.

I opened one of the cabinets and a banging on the front door filled the house which caused me to jump.

If it was one of the boys i'd personally kill them with my bare hands.

I walked over and swung it opened. I quickly regetted not checking before I did so because there stood a soaked Oliver his hair sticking to his forehead and his shirt clinging to him as if it was painted on.

Why did this always feel like deja vu with him?

I went to close the door and he pressed his hand against it firmly and I sighed.

"What is it Oliver?! What could you possibly want?!" I asked overly frustrated already.

"Yeh! I want yeh Logan." He said pushing open the door and walking in until he was inches from me.

"I want yeh." He whispered as he brushed his soaked hair from his forehead and I could tell he was drunk just by his demeanor.

"Yeh don't even get that yeh hurt my feelins today. And why is that? Cause yeh fink I don't have them because I hide them well?" He asked crossing his arms.

"I didn't say that and if anything you hurt mine Oliver." I said calmly.

"What did yeh expect Lo? Me to be sweet and carin' that yeh left wifout even tellin me?" He asked leaning against the wall dripping water all on Matt's floor.

"Matt's gonna fuckin kill meh get into the bathroom." I said ignoring him and pulling him down the hall quickly.

"Let me go get some clothes for you."

"Fuck tha clothes Logan." He said sitting on the toliet and placing his face into his hands.

I ignored him of course and went to Matt's grabbing what I found and walking back into the bathroom.


He mumbled something as he stood up and fumbled with his shirt.

Once he was changed I handed him a towel which he sloppily ran through his hair.

"I mean, what's so bad bout bein wif meh, Lo?" He asked as he sat the towel on the counter.

"I'm not that bad of a person. Then again, maybeh I am." He said shrugging and I bit my lip as he sat down in the hall floor, leaning his back against the wall. Clearly he wasn't willing to make the journey to the living room.

He sighed as he pulled his knees to his chest and rested his chin on them. He closed his eyes and I stood there with crossed arms debating on what to do about this.

"I juss...I'm sleepy and I can't sleep wifout yeh now." He mumbled.

"Cause I need yeh and yeh hate meh. Which is fucked up. I mean I'm stupid. Why would yeh like someone who hates yeh?! I'm mental." He said mostly to himself as he tugged on his hair.

"Oli get up. You need to go lay down."

He looked up at me with drunk eyes, "juss call meh a cab Lo." He whispered.


"Why not? Yeh hate meh and this is fuckin' stupid of meh..."

I sighed and kneeled down beside him.


He looked up at me his wet hair falling messy around his face.

"I don't hate you."

"Why? Yeh should. I said horrible fings earlier. I juss was hurt. I honestly didn't mean it. I'd neva hurt yeh intentionally." He said his eyes so sympathetic I almost apologized for no other reason than just to make him better.

"I know you didn't mean it. Come on Oli. It's late." I said standing up and pulling on his hand.

He stood up slowly and stumbling and I grabbed his other hand to balance him.

"Uh. Dizzy I am." He mumbled holding onto my waist closing his eyes tightly.

"Well my room is like 5 feet away." I said walking backwards to my room.

Once I got him to my bed he laid down with a groan.

"Lo..." he mumbled his hand held out to me.

I sighed and placed my hand in his letting him pull me down onto the bed. Why did I let him find a way back in every time?!

"Can yeh not hate meh until the mornin?" He asked pulling me to him.

"I don't hate you."

"But yeh don't love meh."

"Oli go to sleep."

He sighed and pressed his nose against my neck as he clung to me.

"I fink..." he said at a whisper, "No, No. I know...I know I'm in love wif yeh." He said his breath hitting my neck and my heart almost quit beating from his words.

"I love yeh." He mumbled.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip hoping i'd forget what was said but I didn't see that happening. Ever.

I don't know how long I laid there but Oliver was now asleep beside me and my door creaked open slowly and since my light was still on I could see everything. I sat up and finally Matty poked his head in, "Oh...yeh up?"

I nodded and I got up quickly and he stared at me concerned as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Oye and I fought I've been drinkin." He said his arms wrapping around me.

"I'm sorry about earlier." I mumbled.

"What? No. Sweetie. Yeh fine. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Why the fuck do you always let Oli come here?!" I asked backing up and hitting his chest repeatedly.

He groaned as he rubbed the spot I hit, "where is he?!"

"In my bed! He's asleep. OH but not before he told me he fucking loved me Matty! Yeah now I want to shoot all of you."

"Wait, what? He told yeh he loved yeh?"

"Yeah. He said, I'm in love with you." I said boringly.

"And yeh said?"

"Nuffin Matty! He's drunk!"

"So?! He means it!" He said and I bit down on my lip.

One thing I was sure of was that I had figured out that drunk Oli was truthful Oli and that is what scares me the most about this.

"Whatever. I'm sleeping with you." I mumbled walking past him quickly.

He groaned and followed me, "Oh come on Logan give him a chance."

"Shut up Matt. I've got shit to do in the morning and I don't have time to talk about this. I need sleep." I said falling onto his bed.

"Well this isn't over."

"It never fucking is." I mumbled as he laid beside me.

He sighed, "Good night."

"Night." I mumbled as I closed my eyes trying to forget about Oliver.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to:
Pretty Optimistic
Kyle Pavone.
For the comments! :)