Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Didn't see that coming.

I looked down at my phone to notice several text from Josh asking if I was alive and ok and got an idea that would at least save me from this madness.

'Do you know where Jona lives?!' I texted back to Josh quickly.


' :) wanna do me a favor?'

'I don't know...'

'Please you owe me for getting me drunk!'

'Fine. What?'

'Come get me.'

'And take you where?'

'A hotel or wherever.'

'A hotel??'

'Matty and I got in a huge fight so Jona came and got me but Oli is with us so you can see the problem.'

'You're lucky I like you. I'll get you and you can stay with me and Max.'

'You are so kick ass Franceschi.'

'I know. ;) see you in a bit.'

I sighed feeling better that I'd be away from Oli sooner than later.

We reached Jona's and I grabbed my bag and followed them inside.

"Yeh can sleep in tha spare room."

"Oli can cause I'm leaving."

He groaned, "What do yeh mean??"

Oli rolld his eyes as he sat down in the chair across from me.

"Josh is coming to pick me up."

"Josh Franceschi?" Oli asked.

I nodded and Jona sighed, "Why?"

"I'm staying with him and Max. Did you hear me Oliver? Him AND Max."

"Why?" Jona asked again.

"Because, I want away from him! And it's impossible with you all."

"What the fuck did I do for yeh ta be so over dramatic?!" Oli asked loudly.

"I thought we went over this already!"

"Yeh fuckin ridiculous."

"I am?! You must have not met yourself..."

"I don't know what yeh want from me."

"Really?! Because you should ask yourself that! I'm not the one who bitches at you sober then whe I'm drunk wants to cuddle and tell you how I love you, now am I?!" I asked loudly and his face went pale.

"Right. But I have issues." I mumbled as Jona stood there awkwardly and luckily the doorbell rang which gave him something to do.

Jona opened the door and Josh stood there with a grin once his eyes landed on me. Thank god. I was ready to get out of here.

I grabbed my bag and Josh stepped out of my way as I walked passed him and to his car.

"Settle down yank." He said saying bye to the guys before following me.

I got in his car with a sigh and he looked over at me once he got in.

"I get yeh drunk one bloody night and all hell breaks out."

I sighed and leaned against the window, "you sure it's ok if I stay with you? I mean I don't want your girlfriend to like disown you or whatever."

He laughed, "She's out of town for work love, but even if she wasn't, I live with Max. It's fine."


We drove silently to his house and once we arrived I followed him inside and was almost tackled by Max.

"Logan." He said excitedly and I laughed, "Max."

"Did we get you in trouble?"

I lauged, "well sort of. I'm sure my mouth didn't help either."

"Um I'm sure of that too." Josh said and I looked over to him causing him to laugh.


"So, follow me. I'll take you to your room."

I followed Josh up the stairs and into a small bed room.

"I feel like a homeless person."

He laughed, "you're fit. You would never be homeless." Max said from the doorway and I laughed, "oh thanks."

I sighed and sat on the bed and Max walked over and fell beside me.

"So you and Matty got into it?"

"Yeah...I've never fought with him." I said realizng how sad that actually made me.

I blame Oliver for us fighting.

"I'm sure he will be over here shortly to apologize. He's like that."

"I know. I hope anyways." I said softly.

He smiled and patted my arm, "and if not...we will adopt you!"

I giggled and Josh chuckled from where he was leaned against the door frame.

"Yeah I guess that could be rearranged." He stated before the doorbell rang.

"See. 10 bucks bets it's Matt." Max stated as he got up.

I sighed, "none of them believe in giving someone time."

Josh laughed as he walked away I guess to get the door.

"I'm gonna go too. If this isn't a moment of apology I don't want to be in the war zone."

I laughed and he walked out of the room right as Matty walked in.

"Hi." Matty said softly as he shoved his hands in his pockets.


He sighed, "I don't like fightin wif yeh Lo and I sure as hell don't want yeh ta move out. I was juss mad cause I was worried bout yeh and I didn't know if yeh were ok or anyfing and I know yeh luck wif this town." He said with a nervous grin.

"Well you didn't have to yell at me." I mumbled.

"I know and I'm propa sorrah. Forgive meh?"

I nodded and moved off the bed to embrace him in a hug.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my head.

"I love yeh my lil yank."

"I love you too."

"Next time yeh do that to meh I'll skip tha screamin part and juss kick yeh arse."

I chuckled, "I won't. I promise." I said into his chest as I closed my eyes just happy we were ok.

"Yeh need ta forgive Oli."

"What? No. He hasn't even apologized."

"Yeah but when yeh left he chewed me out for yellin at yeh."

"He mentioned something about that, but you know..."

"Well he did. He told me it was uncalled for then I pointed out how he's rude to yeh so he shouldn't talk and he said yeah she hates me anyways so it doesn't matta, but she likes yeh and if she liked meh, I wouldn't screw it up ova somefin so stupid." He said seriously.

"Are you trying to make me feel bad?" I asked frowned.

"No. Juss pointin' it out..."

I sighed and leaned against his chest.

"Gonna come home wif meh?" He asked playing with my hair.

I nodded and he picked me up, "come on my lil yank."

"Is Oli at your place?"

"No love. He's at Jona's."

"Well he shows up randomly so just making sure." I said as he handed me my bag and carried me out of the room.

"I promise he isn't."

I nodded as we reached the living room.

"I'm takin my yank home." Matty stated.

"Awe I wanted to keep her!" Max said frowning as he crossed his arms.

Josh laughed from the couch, "if you need saving again just let me know."

"Thanks Josh. You're awesome."

"And what about me?!" Max asked.

"I love you Max. You can come spend the night one night!"

"When I'm on tour." Matty stated and I glared at him.

"Done!" Max said loudly and I laughed, "Bye guys." I said as Matty carried me out of the door.

"What do you mean on tour?" I asked with a frown as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well love, I don't know if yeh know this but I'm in a band and we tour..." he said slowly and I rolled my eyes, "No shit."

"Well, what do yeh want me to say?!"

"That you don't have a tour for a while. Do you?"

He laughed, "we leave in a month or so I'm not sure."

"This is the saddest news ever!"  I said dramatically and he laughed as we reached his car.

"What will I do without you? I mean, I will be glad to be without Oli but you..." I said sadly.

"Oh lil yank, yeh will probably be happy yeh wifout meh."

I shook my head no, "then we will never see each other again."

He frowned, "what do yeh mean?"

"I mean I am going home soon anyways."

"No. Juss cause I won't be here doesn't mean yeh can't stay here. I'm not kickin yeh out."

"It would be weird."

"Why? Yeh can do yeh job here. Not like I'll be pissed my house will be more girly cause yeh already did that for meh. It smells like vanilla fanks ta yeh!"

I giggled and he sighed, "Not lettin yeh leave."

"Remember how that turned out earlier?"

He rolled his eyes, "it's different this time. Lo, seriously. Don't go."

"I'll think about it."

He nodded and kissed my cheek before placing me on my feet. We got in the car and headed back to, well I guess, our place. Which wasn't so bad really.

"If yeh ever go all dramatic on meh again I'll hurt yeh." He stated and I laughed, "I was drunk!"

"Mhm, sure." He said with a grin as we reached our place.

"I was. Just not drunk enough. If I was, I would have just went home with Josh."

"Is that yeh tellin meh yeh'd have drunk sex wif Josh?"

"Pretty much. I'd feel bad the next day because of the whole girlfriend thing but...I'd deal with that later..."

"Yeh horrible and very Oli like." He said laughing as we walked into the loft.

I glared at him and he laughed more, "Oh. Yeh can't lie and say it's not."

"Shut up." I said with a yawn.

"Sleep time it is."

I nodded as I kicked off my shoes and grabbed his hand.

He laughed, "where are yeh takin' meh?"

"to your room."


"Cause your bed is more comfortable."

"Oh so is that yeh sayin yeh plannin' ta sleep in it?"

I nodded, "Yes. With you."

"Ohhh. I see." He said chuckling as he kicked off his shoes and I pulled him to his bed.

"Why yeh bein so sweet? Yeh want somefin?" He asked and I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me.



I giggled and he kissed my cheek.

"Too bad yeh in love wif Oli..."

"I'm not in love with him."

"But yeh fancy him whetha yeh admit it ta meh or not."

I sighed, "why is it too bad?"

"I don't know...i fink we'd be good togetha."

I turned around to face him and his eyes locked with mine.

"What?" He whispered and I irrationally kissed him just to see what it was like.

Actually, I was hoping that it gave me that electrifying, butterflies in the stomach, firework feeling I got when I kissed Oliver. I found myself praying that it did because I liked everything about Matt and if I did feel that way I could forget Oliver finally.

I pulled away in disappointment and he looked as if he felt that way as well.

"Guess it would be too perfect if it worked huh?" Matty asked and I grinned, "Yeah...guess so."

He pecked my lips once more before pulling me to his chest and I felt myself almost to the verge of tears for the simple fact that I would clearly not get over the feeling Oliver gave me as quickly as I wanted to. Didn't help that this would now mark the 2nd night I had slept without him and the emptiness in me just seemed to get worse and worse.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's techincally Sunday so I'm updating. If I don't do it now, there won't be one today because I have stuff to do blah, blah, blah. Plus the next chapter is to cute for words so I wanted to get this shocking (I bet you were thinking oh no she didn't during half of it) chapter. :)

Thanks to:
Pretty Optimistc
For the comments. :)