Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Beneath these fireworks.

Once I realized I wasn't going to sleep I slowly got out of a sleeping Matt's arms and went into the living room with my phone. I sat on the couch with a sigh as I debated on texting the one person I hated and missed all rolled in to one. If Matt wouldn't have told me that he took up for me after our fight I probably wouldn't be thinking of him...maybe...

Of course my logic lost like normal and I sent a text I regretted right after I hit send.

'I miss you.'

I winced at how stupid that sounded.

...And I call him bi-polar! Ha.

'You yell at me and now you miss me. You're the bi-polar one my love. But yes, I miss cuddling with you and how you play with my hair while you think I'm asleep...'

I felt myself blush as I read over his text. I swear that boy had a way over me he didn't even know about.

'I do that huh?'

'Yeah. You do. I like it. Are you still at Josh's?'

'No. Matt came and got me.'

'I take it he apologized? Figures.'


'I guess I should.'

'Do whatever.'

'I'm sorry Logan and I want you to come to Jona's and cuddle with me because I miss you.'

'Matt would probably think I ran away again. Come here.'

'Do you want me to?'

'I wouldn't be asking if I didn't Oliver.'

'True. Ten minutes love. Unlock the door.'

I sighed not believing I was doing this. We were so screwed up I tell you. I walked quietly to the door and unlocked it before going to my room.

I laid down on my bed growing a bit nervous at seeing him. It made no sense! But I gave up on it making sense days ago.

I felt myself drifting off to sleep until someone sat on the bed.

"Yeh not gonna wait up on meh love?" He whispered wrapping his arm around me, his scent filling my nose causing my eyes to open.

"Sorry. I'm sleepy. What time is it even?"

"Almost 4."

"Oliver, you didn't have to come over." I said feeling bad that he came here so late.

"I wanted to. I was up anyways."

"Ok." I whispered turning to face him and he kissed my forehead once I got settled against him.

I closed my eyes feeling more at peace then I had in a while. I rested my arm on his neck as I played with his hair lightly.

He pulled me closer to him causing his nose to touch my cheek.

"We're so screwed up." He mumbled causing me to laugh.

He chuckled, "we are. But, I don't care. I juss like havin yeh like this when I can." He whispered his breath hitting my cheek.

I felt my own breathing go up a notch and his lips hit mine as my hand tangled into his hair.

This time he kissed me differently then I recall. It was soft and caring unlike last time.

"Yeh drive me propa mental yeh know that?" He whispered before gently pressing his lips against mine several more times as he held me to him.

His hand tangled into my hair as he kissed my jaw.

"Get some sleep prettah girl." He whispered and I snuggled into him. This is why I can't get past how he makes me feel. Then again, maybe I didn't want to.

For the first time in a while I woke up on my own the next morning, well the next afternoon. I didn't feel like leaving Oliver's arms so I just closed my eyes and listened to him breathe softly. I twisted his hair around my fingers absentmindingly.

"Mhm. Yeh doin it 'gain." He mumbled and I removed my hand from his hair quickly.

"No." He said placing my hand back on his hair as he opened his eyes sleepily.

I chuckled softly and he gave me a grin before pressing his face into my neck as I played with his hair.

"What time is it?" He mumbled.

"I don't know."

"Who the fuck cares."

I laughed and he pushed me closer to him.

"I haven't slept this good in foreva." He whispered kissing my neck lightly.

"Me neither." I answered honestly. I liked Oliver like this. Sweet and a bit vulnerable. Too bad he wasn't always like this.

I moved to get up and he grabbed me back down pinning me to the bed.


"I gotta pee!"



He chuckled and kissed my lips which shocked me a bit because I mean, it wasn't our late night sessions like normal.

"Fine." He whispered kissing me once more before removing his arms from me.

What was I doing? Then again, what was he doing? I mean, we shouldn't be kissing like that or cuddling like we were something when all we did during the day was fight. I don't even know where we stand to be honest.

I splashed water on my face after brushing my teeth and slowly walked back into my bedroom where Oli was sitting on the edge of the bed running his hands into his hair.

I bit my lip as he looked up at me. He's so cute I hated it.

"Come here my love." He said casually yet his words made my heart pick up speed.

I sighed and once I walked over to him he pulled me into his lap.

He kissed my neck as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I like bein like this wif yeh. So much betta than all that bloody fightin we do."


He kissed my cheek, "what's tha matta?" He whispered.


"Me? Why?"

"Because, what is this?"

"I don't know Logan...." he mumbled into my shoulder.

"That's the problem."

"Why does it have ta be anyfing?"

I sighed and got out of his lap. He looked up at me as if waiting for me to speak.

"So what? You just want us to be friends occasionally? To hook up, occasionally? Like I said before Oliver, I'm not some slutty girl."

He sighed and rubbed his hand down his face, "I Know yeh not Lo."

"Apparently not."

"Can I not talk?"

I crossed my arms impatiently and glared at him.

"Fuck it." He mumbled jumping up from my bed and grabbing his shoes.

"Don't do this." I said rolling my eyes he gets so flustered that it turns into fighting, I've figured out.

"I did nuffin! Yeh did."

"I didn't say anything!"

"Yeh didn't have to Logan!" He said loudly.

Happy time, over.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply.

"I mean fuck!" He said frustration filling his voice.

I bit my lip as I felt tears spilling from my eyes.

"Logan..." he said now concerned and he stepped in front of me as I opened my eyes.

"Just go."

He ignored me and cupped my face his thumbs brushing away my tears.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" He asked back in his soft tone.

"Like you give a fuck Oliver just leave."

"I do. I give a fuck about yeh." He said seriously.

"Really? Because I'm done with all of this. I'm over fighting with you. You seem to like fighting with me."

"What? No. I don't Logan. I don't." He said softly.

"Really? Because all you do is yell at me."

He sighed and rubbed the back of his hand against my cheek, "Lo...fuck. don't say that. It's not true."

"Yes it is. I mean if anyone is fucked up it's me because I'm stupid and I can't get over you so I fight back with you and then invite you over because I miss you. Who fucking does that?!"

"When were yeh eva not ova meh?" He asked carefully and I shook my head, "go. Just go."

"No. I'm sure as hell not goin ta let it end like this yet again."

"Well what do you want me to say?"

"Nuffin. I juss want ta start ova wif yeh."

"How many times are we going to do that?"

"As many times as it takes for us ta get it right."

"I'd rather not."

"So yeh'd ratha fight?"


"Logan! What do yeh want?!"

"We can't keep doing this."

"Doin what?"

"This! Not just us fighting but us sleeping together and kissing and shit we shouldn't do."

"Why shouldn't we?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, "Because Oliver."

"Yeh and Matty are juss friends and yeh sleep togetha."

"Right. But you and I are not friends."

He stared at me and I sighed.

"Maybe I don't want to be yeh friend Logan."

"Then don't...not like we've been friends forever."

"It's not what I meant..." he mumbled running his hand down his cheek that he clearly needed to shave.

"Hey Lo..." I heard and Oli and I looked over to the door as Matty walked in.

He groaned, "why does nuffin suprise meh anymore?"

"Hell, me neither." I mumbled.

"I'm juss goin ta go. I'm meetin tha guys for lunch at tha dina. Um yeah yeh two can come, whateva."

"I'm goin'." Oli said ignoring me as he walked out past Matt who gave me a confused look.

"I don't know."

"Gonna come?"

"Guess so." I stated.

"Alright, five minutes love."

I nodded and once he walked out I quickly dressed and applied some makeup after brushing my hair. I slid my shoes on and walked into the living room where the guys were talking. They quickly shut up once I walked in and I rolled my eyes, "ready?"

Matty nodded and I followed them out. We decided to walk since it was actually a good weather day and the diner isn't that fair. The walk was silent probably because Oliver was with us and I didn't know what to say although he kept looking at me.

We finally reached the place and Jona was leaned against the wall waiting on us patiently. I breathed easier once we reached him.

"Hey princess." Jona said with a grin as he pulled me to him.

"I assume everyfing is ok in Matt and Logan land." He teased as we walked in.

"Yeah it is."

"And Oli and Logan land?" He asked and I stifled a laugh as we sat down.

"Ok take that as not so good."

Oliver sat across from me and I stared at the menu to avoid his gase.

"Where's Lee and Matt?"

"Have no fear love. I'm here. All is right in the world." Lee said dramatially.

I laughed as him and Matt sat down.

"Oh thank god." I said sarcastially as a young girl walked over to our table to take our order.

"Hi, I'm Kaylee I'll be your waiter what can I get you all to drink?"

Oliver looked up at the girl with a smile which caused a blush to hit her cheeks. I rolled my eyes not believing it was that easy. For once I wanted someone to not fall to the Oliver charm.

We ordered and Jona started flinging pieces of his straw paper at me and I pushed him lightly causing him to laugh.

"Stop it!"

"Stop it." He mocked and I elbowed him.

"Can we stop the flirtin' it's gross." Oli mumbled.

"Can you leave? No? Then no we can't, even though we're not." I stated and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on it was bloody peaceful this mornin." Matty groaned and Matt raised an eyebrow which resulted in Matty speaking again, "This mornin I woke up and Oli was ova at our place and i'd say he slept ova."

I rolled my eyes and Oli spoke, "and wait, Lo." He said leaning his arms onto the table.

"Yeh wanted meh ta come ova." He said with a smirk.

"Lack of sleep."

"Right. Don't believe yeh."

"Shut up."

He laughed clearly enjoying embarrassing me.

"Somefin is seriously wrong wif yeh two. Who fights all day then still wants to see each otha at night?"

"Lesson learned." I mumbled.

"Right so i'll see yeh tonight my love?" Oli asked.

I rolled my eyes not bothering to talk to him. Once we left the diner the guys were fooling around as we walked aimlessly down the street. no where to go, no where to be. No so bad I suppose. I crossed my arms to avoid the light chill that filled the air.

Arms wrapped around me from behind and I didn't even have to guess who it was because of the tattoos that lined his hands.

"Let me go Oliver." I mumbled and he kissed my cheek, "I don't want to. No ones round don't worry."

"Why would I care?"

"Cause god forbid someone see us bein nice ta each otha...."

"I didn't say that."

"Yeh didn't have to sweetie." He said removing his arms from me and I began to feel bad. He was right though. Then again maybe I didn't want anyone to see because simply I didn't know if it was sincere on his part.

I looked over at him as he walked beside me and I reached over and grabbed his hand.

He looked over at me and his fingers linked with mine without hesitation.

He was right about one thing, we're so messed up...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to:
Pretty Optimistic
And colorful_dinos
For commenting. :)

I'm 2 away from having 100 subscribers! I mean if I was the crying type I'd shed a tear from pure happiness...but since I'm not. Thanks to everyne who has subscribed. :)