Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Right where we left off.

"Did yeh not get my subtle nudge!" Matt asked and I groaned as I leaned against the back of the chair.

Jona chuckled, "don't worry bout it. Really. He doesn't care. He isn't gonna fire yeh."

"Uh, I just told him his company sucked! I'd fire me."

"it'll be fine if anyfing he'll probably promote yeh for sayin' it."

I rolled my eyes with a sigh. Just the way I wanted to start off my new life.

The rest of the flight was just the same. I had grown fond of the boys especially Jona. Of course Oli stayed in his seat, music in his ears yet I'd catch him looking at me occasionally probably thinking something along the lines of, 'that fucking bitch.' Wouldn't blame him.

"So yeh gonna ride tha train wif us?" Matt asked as we grabbed our bags from the luggage claim.

"The what?"

"Yeh would be a lost bird wifout us." Jona said laughing as he grabbed his bag up.

I sighed, "just lead the way. How far is Sheffield from here?"

"Bout 40 minutes."

"Fucking serious? Why don't they have their own airport?!"

"It's a small town love." Matt said chuckling as I rolled my suitcase behind me as I followed them out of the airport.

Once outside I notice the complete difference in weather and I shivered at the wind hit me.

"Fuck this weather." I mumbled.

"Not in Cali anymore princess." Oli said tugging on his beanie.

Oh yeah. He hated me. This was going to be fan-fucking-tastic. I needed to learn to just keep my comments to myself.

We finally got on the train and I sat beside Jona of course. I feel as if he was going to be my 'best' England friend. If possible. Even if he did laugh at me a lot.

"Where are yeh stayin'?" Matt number 2, well Matt Kean asked. I didn't meet him until we got off the plane because he slept the whole time.


"If yeh say yeh don't know I'll hurt yeh." Jona said seriously.

"I do! I just wrote it all down! Some hotel!"

"Why a hotel? Yeh gonna be here a while." Oli said. Well, apparently my job was ok right now.

"Because I don't know where anything is around here."

"Look, I'll adopt yeh. I have a spare room." Matty asked. I decided on that little nick name for him since their were two Matt's.

"Adopt me?" I asked laughing at how serious he said it.

"Yes. Adopt yeh. What do yeh say?"

"I don't know...I mean that's asking a lot."

Matty waved his hand at me, "look no big deal. Really."

"Yeh can truss him. He hasn't eva been arrested for anyfing."

I laughed, "oh well in that case!"

"So yes?"

"I guess so."

"Yeah agree. He'll argue wif it until yeh give in." Lee stated.

I chuckled and looked out the window as we passed everything quickly. At least I wouldn't be alone here. Made up for my boss hating me, me living with someone I didn't know and me not knowing where anything was...sort of.

Once we arrived in Sheffield we got a car to take us, well to wherever everyone lived. Luckily Matty and I were dropped off at his place first. Jona helped me get my luggage out of the trunk.

"Oye! Seven tomorra. Matty's gonna bring yeh. Don't beh late." Oli said hanging out of the window.

I nodded and Jona closed the trunk.

"Ignore him. Seriously. He's all talk."

I chuckled, "see you later."

I followed Matty into a building and up a flight of stairs. We finally stopped at the 4th door on the left. He fumbled with his keys and I chuckled as he sighed and finally found the one he was looking for which he flashed a smile at me once he found it.

He opened the door finally and I followed him in.

"So yeh want meh ta rape yeh now or wait till yeh settle in?" he asked and I laughed. I mean, yes we were strangers but anyone could look at Matty and tell he wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"Why doesn't anyone take me serious?!"

I laughed, "you look to sweet."

He groaned, "whateva. Folla meh."

I tried not to laugh as I followed him down a hall and he stopped at a well put together room.

"Yeh room love."

"Thanks. Seriously if you decide like, hey I wish Lo would go away. Just tell me!"

He rolled his eyes, "oh shut up. That isn't gonna happen."

"You never know."

"Juss cause Oli hates yeh doesn't mean I will."

I frowned, "Matt!"

He laughed, "kiddin. Expect a hard time from him though."

I groaned, "I want to cry."

"Don't I'm kiddin. He isn't gonna be mean ta yeh. Truss meh."

"We shall see." I mumbled following him into the living room. I was hoping he was right...

The next morning I was the one waking Matty up which for some reason didn't surprise me.

"Matt. I need you to take me to work." I whispered lightly shaking him.

He groaned, "but yeh drive..."

I chuckled, "in America."

"Oye...tell Oli ta sod off."

"Matty..." I said laughing.

"Fine." He said with a sigh as he sat up his hair a mess.

Luckily Matt got me to work exactly on time. I didn't need anything to happen that could give Oli a reason to bitch at me. Not that he has but it could be the next step.

"Well good mornin' sunshine." Oli said with a smile as I walked in. I rolled my eyes as I held on to my camera bag tightly.

"Not a mornin' person? Or is it my borin' shirt that has yeh flustered?"

"You annoy me."

He laughed, "Wow. Not a way ta talk ta someone who hired yeh."

"Yeah but see, I'm American...we don't really believe in taking shit from people. Boss or not..."

He grinned, "I like yeh."

"Great! I didn't think I'd be able to sleep tonight until you told me that..."

He chuckled, "follow meh."

I rolled my eyes as I followed him into a room already set up with props and back drops.

"So besides yeh shitty clothes what else is going to be in this photo shoot?" I asked as I pulled stuff from my bag.

"models and meh."

"You?..." I asked chuckling as I pulled my camera from my bag, "figures."

He glared at me, "what does that mean?"

"Nothing. So when should we start?"

"Yeh know I can gladly find a new photographer."

"You do that, but you clearly picked me for a reason. So if you get someone else you'd be questioning every time you cross an ad, if you made the right choice. So if we're done with this can we get started?" I asked and he just stood there staring at me not believing I had said that to him. Clearly no one ever stood up to him. Good thing I didn't care who he was or what people thought of him and his crappy clothing.

"Are you not ready?" I asked getting bored with this.

"I don't like yeh juss so we're clear." He stated before walking off. Like my life was over because of that. I laughed to myself as I got set up.

Finally a girl walked up with a make up artist still powdering her nose. I told her where to stand and Oliver appeared his hair perfect and a different shirt on.

"Ok girls, stand right here." I said pointing them over a bit. Oliver shot me a look which I ignored.

"Why isn't Tom doing the shoot?" the girl asked him and I looked up at that. Who's Tom?

"He is outta town for a few days and I needed it to get done before the end of tha month."

"Ok kids enough talking..." I interjected and told them how I wanted them to stand.

I took a few pictures of the two of them. I wasn't in the mood to chat like I normally was with my subjects. Probably because it was 8 in the morning and I hate Oli.

"Are we doing it all today?" I asked once the model walked off.

"No. I have a interview at noon so tomorrow will be single shots of shirts."

"Great. Can't wait." I stated.

"Yeh a bitch."

"Awe." I said placing my hand over my heart, "Oliver Sykes hates me. I might go home and cry."

He laughed, "most would."

"Yeahhh but see, I just think you're a overly arrogant musician so I guess you can count me out of that group."

"I'm not arrogant."

I laughed, "Really? Well let me move out of the way so god can strike you down."

Before he could even respond someone's arms were wrapped around me.


"Matt! What the fuck! You were mad at me for waking you up and its not even 10 and here you are! Jerk!"

"Cause yeh woke me up I couldn't go back ta sleep!"

"Well I'm sorry!"

"It's ok. Is Oli bein' nice?"

"Am I bein' nice?! She basically called me a arrogant asshole with shitty clothin'!"

"All bein' true...well, maybe not the shitty clothin' I quite like it."

"You should be in some of the shots!" I said to Matty and Oli rolled his eyes, "Why the fuck not? This isn't my clothing line or anything."

"I mean, Oliver being the model for the whole guy side of the clothing line is idiotic especially when there's more than one girl model."

Oliver threw up his hands in disbelief, "Yeh know what? Since yeh know what's best Logan, Why don't yeh juss handle it all. Let meh know what yeh want meh ta do, ok?"


"Un-fucking-believable." He mumbled before walking off.

Matty laughed from beside me and I gave him an amused grin.

"He's so frustrated wif yeh right now."

"Yeah. Want to know why? Because I stood up to him and he can't handle it."

"I know." He said chuckling, "I fink I like yeh more now."

"Awe, we're going to be great roomies!" I said sliding my arm around his waist as we walked out of the building.

Once we arrived back at Matt's I fell onto the couch exhausted. This time change was kicking my ass.


"Yes. Jet-lag."

He chuckled as he sat beside me and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Oye, Jona said he hasn't had a bird in a while and wants ta know how yeh'd feel bout bein his say, mistress." He said laughing and even I chuckled, "sure after I sleep though."

"Ok, so...she said she would afta she sleeps..." he said as he texted.

I laughed, "oh man. I need to rethink this whole Sheffield thing. You all will drive me mental soon."

He smiled, "Nah. We quite fancy yeh."

"awe I fancy you." I said hugging him from the side.

He chuckled, "go get some sleep."

"I am." I said with a yawn as I got up slowly and made my way to my bed. I was out as soon as I hit my pillow.

"Hey Lo." I heard as someone began to shake me lightly.


I heard whoever began to laugh so I assumed it was Jona.

"Girl it's almost 3. Get up or yeh will neva get ta sleep tonight."

"No dad."

He laughed, "come on. We're all gonna go get some lunch."

"No I hate Oli. So you go."

"Logan! I'll drag yeh out it's yeh choice!"

"I'll hurt you." I said opening my eyes to look at him.

"No yeh won't."

"Lo! Come on!" Matty said loudly before basically jumping on me. I groaned as his arms went around me.

"Get up. Please. We won't let Oli even bloody look at yeh."

"So I'll go ring tha guys and tell them we're on tha way!" Jona said running out o the room.

"Matty I don't want to go."

"Yeh are." He said kissing my head, "Now come on."

He moved from me and grabbed my arm. I groaned and sat up sleepily.

"Shoes are in tha livin room." He said pulling me from the bed. see, if I would have stayed in a hotel I could still be asleep.

"I don't like you anymore." I mumbled as he dragged me into the living room.

"Bullocks." He said laughing as I slid on my shoes.

"Don't forget yeh jacket."

I groaned and quickly walked to my room and grabbed my jacket from the chair. I hate cold weather.

"Um, that's the only jacket yeh have?"

"What now!"

"It's bloody cold I'm tryin' ta help yeh out! Yeh got a beanie?"

"Seriously! I live in California not Alaska!"

"We need ta make a stop by a mall or somefin." Jona said laughing.

"I can't help it's cold here!"

"Yeh gonna freeze. Cause we're walkin."


"Cause it's like not even 5 minutes away!"

I whimpered as I zipped up my jacket and followed them out into the freezing cold. Although they didn't seem to be phased as much as I was. I pulled my hood up as my teeth began to chatter.

"I swear, yeh would fink it's negative 20!"

"Um, the coldest it gets in California is the 60's!"

Matt chuckled and pulled me into his side.

"We will be there soon."

I clung to Matt as we walked and I swear it was the longest 3 minutes of my life.

We walked into the diner and both boys were laughing at me acting like I was dying of frost bite.

"It's not funny." I managed to get out as Matt rubbed my arms with a laugh.

"Told yeh we're gonna go by somewhere and get yeh some warmer clothes."

I rolled my eyes and was ushered to a table where Oli, Lee and Matt were already sitting.

"What happened?" Lee asked laughing as I sat down beside Matt and Matty sat down next to me.

"I hate it here." I said keeping my arms crossed to warm myself.

"She's cold." Matty said chuckling as he wrapped his arm around me to warm me up.

"She's juss now havin' ta get in touch wif her cold heart. The California sun kept her from noticin'." Oli said sipping his water.

"Must be it. I'm so glad Oliver has the answers to everything! You guys are so lucky." I said sarcastically.

The boys snickered minus Oli of course.

How I would survive having to be around him all the time was something I was scared to find out...
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Thanks to Frankschick1 for the comment and to everyone who subscribed. :)

Feedback is lovely.