Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

For what ever reason.

"When's Tom comin' back?"

"Bloody tomorra. I should've juss waited." Oli said shooting me a look.

"I fought he was gonna be gone for anotha week."

"Me too. Somefin happened and he got to leave early."

"Tom is?" I finally asked.

"His brotha."

"Oh there's another one of him?"

Jona laughed, "No. Quite the opposite. Yeh will like him if yeh don't like Oli."

"True." Matty said with a nod.

"Yes, cause Tom is tha sweet, quiet one." Oli said with a smirk.

"Wow, I already like him."

"Oh, Matty and meh are gonna take Lo ta tha mall afta this. Wanna come?"

"Yes. Mall time with Logan is exactly what I want." Oli said with a fake smile.

"Yeh know what's funny, I fink yeh'd like her if she didn't make that comment on tha plane." Matt stated.

Oli shrugged, "I don't fink so. She's bossy."

He laughed, "have yeh met yeh?!"

"I am not bossy you just can't handle someone standing up to you, because you're use to getting your way huh? You're use to you being able to persuade anyone into do what you want because you're 'oliver sykes', charming when need be and cocky so everyone finds you attractive. Does that sound about right?"

Matty tried to hold in his laughter and Lee was staring at the table with a grin. See, I wasn't the only one who noticed.

Oli glared at me from his seat and I shrugged, "so I can see why you don't like me and I don't care really."

"Yeh should."

"I don't though."

"I could ruin yeh career."

I shrugged, "I'm from the states why would I care if people in this cold country wanted me or not?"

"I know people in the states."

"No one that matters when you look at the big picture."

He was leaned onto the table his eyes staring at me as if he was trying to think of something to take me off guard but he clearly was at a loss.

"So are we done? Or do you want to continue? I figured if we stop now you won't look like a complete idiot."

Matty was laughing softly beside me along with Jona and I leaned back into my seat.

"Yeh lucky yeh a bird." Oli said through clinched teeth.

I laughed as I grabbed my drink up.

"Anyways!" Lee said breaking up the silence.

I didn't really care about Oliver at all. If he wanted to be such an asshole well I wasn't going to sit here and let him. Someone needs to give him a dose of his own medicine.

I'd gladly accept that job.

We quickly ate and Oli didn't say a word the rest of the time. Not that I cared. I liked him better like this if we were being honest.

"We're not walking to the mall are we?" I asked as I pulled up my hood before we went back out.

"No silly." Matty said chuckling.

"Yeah I drove and so did Lee." Matt stated.

"Great. Well lets get tis ova wif...I'll ride wif whoeva isn't ridin wif her." Oli said as he walked out and to the car.

"He's the mature one out of you all huh?" I asked with a grin as we followed Oli.

They laughed and Jona was riding with Matt so I chose to ride with them while Lee, Oli, and Matty rode together.

"The way yeh get unda Oli's skin is hilarious." Matt said chuckling.

"Why? I mean, it's true!"

"Yeah but no one eva does that ta him besides us of course."

I shrugged, "He needs to stop being an asshole."

Jona chuckled, "Oh, how I fancy yeh."

I laughed as we drove to the mall.

"How many lads does it take ta find a bird a jacket?" Matty asked with a grin as we all met up inside.

"I didn't tell you to come." I stated and he wrapped his arms around me as we walked, "well yeh need me. Clearly I'm the only on who has any fashion sense."

"Apparently yeh are." Oli said and I rolled my eyes as we walked into a store.

"Can't we just grab one and go?" I asked looking at a rack of coats.

"Yeh not a normal bird." Jona said laughing.

"Sorry shopping isn't my thing." I said picking one up.

"Hey, try this on." I heard and looked over at Oli who had a short dress in his hand and a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "not a chance."

"I agree with Oli on this." Lee said grinning as he crossed his arms.

"You all are insane."

"No were not. We juss want ta know what yeh look like in somefin girly!"

"Are you saying I look boyish?"

"No but we have only seen yeh in jeans and band tees."

"Actually, she looks boyish." Oli said quickly.

"Then again who isn't boyish compared to Oli." I stated.

"Juss try it on." Matty said holding out the dress.

"Yeh try it on I'll buy yeh coat." Jona said with an amused look.

"I hate all of you." I mumbled and they laughed as I walked into a dress room.

I slid on the dress and cursed myself for even doing this.

"Come on Lo." Matty said and I groaned before opening the door. The guys laughter died down and I crossed my arms uncomfortably as they stared at me.

"Wow...I mean..." Lee fumbled.

"Yeh fit." Jona said quite honestly.

"Shut up." I mumbled as Oliver didn't even bother to stop staring at me.

"Ok well I'm changing now that this is awkward." I said walking back into the room and changing quickly coming back out holding the dress out to whoever.

Oli grabbed it from me and placed it over his shoulder as Jona still held the coat I picked.

"Want me to put that up?"

"Nope. Gonna buy it for yeh." Oli said calmly as we walked to the register.

"What? No."

"Why not? Yeh look propa fit in it and we go out a lot so..."

I glared at him and he chuckled ignoring me and sitting it on the counter so the girl could ring it up. Was he being nice or was this a trick sort of deal?

"I feel as if we should go out tonight now." Jona said as we headed back to the cars and I rolled my eyes, "I'm not wearing that dress."

"Oh yes yeh are."

"Oh no I'm not."

"Logan, do yeh fink i'd have a problem makin' yeh? Cause I wouldn't." He said and I glared at him as Matty chuckled beside me.

"I still hate you." I said grabbing the bag from Oliver.

He shrugged, "feelin' is mutual love."

"Don't listen ta him darlin'. If yeh don't wanna go, yeh don't have ta. My apartment has locks." Matty said sliding his arm around my waist.

"Ta hell she does1 I juss bought a bloody dress. Who else will wear it if she doesn't?" Oli said as we reached the cars.

"I don't know, you probably have a few sluts you keep around."

Oli glared at me and Matt laughed as he unlocked the door.

"Get in before he hurts yeh." He said opening the back door and I got in with Jona.

"See yeh tonight, love..." Oli said with a grin before closing the door for us.

"He annoys me."

"Why do yeh fink he does that?" He asked chuckling.

I sighed and leaned against the seat as we drove back to Matty's loft.

"So yeh gonna come out wif us?" Matty asked as we sat on the couch.

"I guess so!"

He chuckled, "gonna wear that dress?"

"I guess." I rolled my eyes with a sigh.

"So I'm gonna have ta make sure yeh don't get kidnapped?"


He laughed and pulled me to his side, "let's take a nap yeh? Truss meh yeh will need it."

I groaned, "I hate Sheffield."

Matty woke me up at 6 and I groaned as I slowly went to shower. I was not looking forward to this.

When I finally was ready I walked into the living room where Matt was watching something on the television. No telling how long he has been done.

"Ready?" I asked and he turned off th tv before looking over at me.

"Wow." He said staring at me and I blushed, "shut up."

"Ugh now I have my work cut out for meh."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm gonna have ta protect yeh from every drunken bloak in tha bloody bar." He said with a grin before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the loft.

"Will not..."

"Did yeh not see yeh self? Yes. Trust me, I will. Yeh look stunnin'."

"Thanks." I mumbled my cheeks blood red. I didn't like compliments.

He chuckled as we walked to his car. Once we reached where ever we were going the guys were standing out front waiting on us.

"Hey sexy." Jona said smirking as I walked up and I pushed him causing him to laugh.

"Well ta be such a shitty designer I picked a good dress." Oli said and I rolled my eyes.

Matty grabbed my hand as we walked in. I swear, he was so protective it's like he was a brother or a body guard.

"Don't look at her." Matty said to some guy as we passed and I started laughing, "Matty!"

"What?! He was clearly a creep!"

I laughed as we reached a empty table for all of us to sit at.

"I need a drink." I stated and Jona got up quickly, "i'll get us some."

"Crap. I left my phone in your car." I said looking at Matty.

He fished in his pocket for his keys and held them out to me.

"Want meh ta come wif yeh?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"I think I can handle it." I said with a grin and he sighed, "Fine."

"Be back." I said chuckling as I got up from the table and walked quickly to the door.

I now know that when someone offers to go with you somewhere you say yes...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to:
For the comments. :)

I love next chapter. So that's why I'm posting this one so soon...