Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

You're not so good at talking.

Oliver's eyes locked with mine and he removed his hand from his hair quickly.

"Thank you." I finally said which caused his eyes to narrow in confusion, "for what?"

"For last night."

He shrugged a light tint of red lining his cheeks as he stared at his hands intensely.

"Not a big deal." He mumbled clearly embarrassed.

"Yeah it is..."

"Juss cause I don't like yeh Lo doesn't mean I'm a bad person. I'm not gonna let some bloke take advantage of a bird regardless of the situation."

I shrugged, "I wouldn't have blamed you."

He looked up at me seriously, "so yeh sayin' if yeh were me yeh wouldn't have done anyfing?"

"Well yeah I would."

"So why's it so hard to believe that I would?"

I shrugged and he just kept his eyes on me, "Logan, I'm really not as bad as yeh assume."

"I didn't say you were."

"Oh really? So tellin' meh I'm a arrogant douche bag tha second day we met was a lie?"

"Being an arrogant douche bag and being a bad person are two different things."

"But I'm not either."


"What makes me arrogant Logan? The fact that I'm confident in what I do? because if it is, then so be it." He said throwing his hands up clearly growing frustrated.

I sighed, "I'm not going to argue with you today."

"I'm not arguin' wif yeh Logan. I'm simply havin' a conversation wif yeh."

I leaned my head against the couch as I watched him.

"Yeh know what's sad bout all this?" he asked.


"There's nuffin bout yeh I really don't like. I mean, I could deal wifout tha outspoken honesty 24/7 but otha than that tha only reason I don't like yeh is cause yeh don't like meh."

"I never said I didn't like you."

He stifled a laugh, "Right. Ok. I mean, yeh told meh yeh hate my clothes, I needed betta models, I'm arrogant and self centered. Why would I eva fink that??" he asked.

"Don't make me sound like the bad guy here."

"I'm not. Just bein' honest."

I sighed and held out my hand, "truce?"

He gave me a small grin and finally placed his hand gently in mine.

"Truce." He whispered.

"The world must be ending."

He laughed, "nah we're juss..bein' adults..."

"Yeh sure bout that?" I asked jokingly.

"Um, no. Not reallah. I juss fink since I was there for yeh lass night yeh feel like yeh owe meh." He said with a grin.

"Maybe." I said with a smile as he removed his hand from mine.

"Hey, wanna go wif meh ta pick Tom up from the airport? I need ta be leavin' now reallah..." he said with a smile.

"Yeah sure."

This was weird. Us getting along, being friends. But I liked it and maybe this was going to be a good thing for not just us but for everyone who has to put up with us.

The ride to the airport wasn't as awkward as I expected it to be. In fact, he was quite funny. I guess there was a lot about him I didn't know.

"Does your brother look like you?" I asked once we entered the airport.

He laughed, "Not at all reallah. I mean, I assume yeh can tell we're related but we don't necessarily look alike."

"Makes no sense."

He laughed once more as we came to a stop and he looked around. I'd help but you know, I don't know who Tom is.

"Tom!" Oli yelled placing his hands around his mouth I assume for it to be louder. A boy a few feet away from us turned around and once he realized it was Oli a grin hit his lips. He was right. Tom looked nothing like him. His eyes were a crystal blue and although his hair was the same color as it laid a bit more messy compared to Oli's perfect hair. I automatically assumed he was the younger one probably because he had a cute baby face. He was adorable really.

"Oye hello dear brotha!" Tom said giving Oli a hug.

"Miss meh?" he asked as he pulled away.

"Nah. Not at all. In fact, meet Lo she's our new photographa." Oli said and Tom's eyes met mine.

"Hi." I said with a small grin and he smiled back, "Ello. I'm Tom." He said holding his hand out.

"Trust me I know." I said shaking his hand. He laughed, "oh I don't like the way that sounds!"

I laughed as Oli urged us back outside.

"Nuffin bad Tommah yeh should know that!"

"Wait. This is Lo? .I fought yeh didn't like her?" Tom said shooting Oli a look. "No offense." He said quickly looking back at me which caused me to laugh, "None taken."

"Yeah well, we've had a change of heart."

"And I missed all tha fightin' well that's disappointin!" Tom said as we got in the car.

"Yeah well maybe will have one more just for you." I said jokingly and Oli chuckled, "Please no."

"Gonna let meh see yeh pictuas when we get back?" Tom asked turning to look at me from the passenger seat.

"If you want."

"I do." He said chuckling.

"Wow...He's not a smart ass like you Oli. They were right. I do like him better."

Tom laughed, "there was a bet on that?"

"Yeah. Cause she hated meh it was assumed she'd like yeh."

"Well who wouldn't?"

I laughed, "I believe that."

After we dropped everything off at Tom and Oli's we headed back over to me and Matty's so Tom could look at my pictures.

"Tom!" Matty said tackling him to the ground and Tom groaned, "Get off meh yeh bloke."

I laughed as Oliver and I stepped over them.

Matty climbed off Tom and pulled the small boy up as he adjusted his shirt.

I giggled at how flustered Tom looked. He gave me a grin before walking over and sitting beside me. Let's face it. There was something very cute about this boy.

"So, let meh see." He said calmly as he watched me open the laptop.

"Patience." I teased and he chuckled as I pulled up my work.

He leaned closer to me as I moved through the pictures.

"Wait. Go back one." He said pushing the button for me, "that's an amazin' picture. Tha angle and tha lightin' is brill." He said softly as he looked over the picture once more.

"Yeh good." He said with a grin and I felt a blush hit my cheeks, "thank you"

"Yeh should check out my website. If yeh want..."

"Yeah of course." I said with a grin and he smiled, "ok..." he leaned over me gently and typed in the website.

"Told yeh she'd like him betta." Matty said and Tom and I looked up at him and Oli who were sitting across from us with crossed arms.

"I fink it's tha photography fing." Oli said and Tom laughed, "probably."

I chuckled as I looked through Tom's pictures which were made up mostly of Oliver and the guys.

"Awe that's a cute picture." I said pointing to one he took of Oliver and Matty laughing.

Tom laughed as Oli piped up, "what is it?"

"Yeh and Matty laughin' like idiots."

"Oh, course it's cute. I'm in it."

"Actually, I think it's Matty who makes it cute but whatever."

Oli rolled his eyes as Matty laughed, "it is."

"Is this your girlfriend?" I asked ignoring the idiots across from us who was arguing over what made the picture cute.

"What?" He said nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"That's Matt's ex. I don't have a girlfriend."

"If Tom had a bird I'd pass out." Oli said loudly and Tom shot him a look.

"Yeh we fink he was gay for a while..."

"Sod off." Tom mumbled and the others laughed.

"I can see they gang up on you huh?" I asked and Tom looked down at me.


"No worries. I'll be on your team." I said and he gave me a grin, "That's sweet of yeh."

Ok, I might have a little crush on Tom. His eyes were a bright blue that I couldn't get past and his calm, sweet attitude just added on to it.

He stared at me a little longer until my cheeks turned a light pink and I looked back at the computer.

"So, we goin out tonight to celebrate my arrival home?" Tom asked the boys.

"Ha, no." Oli said quickly and I looked up from my computer.

"Why not?!"

"We should." I said shrugging. I knew why he was saying no and he had to know I was ok with it.

"No. So we can have a repeat of last night and I really have ta kill someone? I'd ratha not." Oli said sternly.

"Well first of all we don't have to go the same place and second off, lesson learned. Trust me."

"What happened?" Tom asked confused.

"Logan almost got kidnapped, raped, one of those! So excuse me for not wantin' it ta happen again." Oli said loudly.

"The chances of that are slim to none and trust me I won't be going out alone."

Oli rolled his eyes, "No."

"I don't think you can really decide if I go out or not Oliver."

He clinched his jaw and Matty clearly grw uncomfortable beside him.

"That's fine Logan. Go. Go and if that creep is there by some chance I hope someone's sober enough to look out for yeh cause I'm not goin'." He said seriously as he stood up.

"Oliver you're being ridiculous!"

"Oh, I'm bein' ridiculous?! You're bein ridiculous for wanting ta go out a night afta somefin like that happened!"

"Oli, calm down. It'll be fine. None of us will let anyfing happen ta her."

"Oh take her side Matty why don't yeh? Yeh weren't there when I found her. Yeh don't get it." He mumbled and I just stared at him not believing he felt so strongly about this.

"I'm gonna go. If yeh need a ride lata call me." He said looking at Tom who could only manage to nod in response.

Oliver walked out slamming the door and I sat my laptop in Tom's lap before getting up and following Oliver outside.

"Oli..." I said as I walked quickly to catch up with him.

"Save it Lo." He snapped as we reached his car.

"Why are you so mad about this!"

"Yeh don't get it!" he said loudly as he turned around to face me causing me to take a step back.

"Yeh don't get it Logan. Yeh act like it wasn't anyfing. I fink it effected meh more than yeh!"

"That's not true." I mumbled.

"Apparently it is! When I saw yeh lass night hurt and all I wanted ta do was ta hold yeh and ta keep yeh safe cause yeh seemed so fragile. I stayed up hours afta yeh went ta sleep juss cause I was worried yeh would wake up scared and I wouldn't beh up ta comfort yeh. And yeh...and yeh standin here tryin ta go out again! Don't do that ta meh."

I crossed my arms and stared at him as I bit my lip.

"But yeh gonna do what yeh want Logan. Yeh always fuckin' do." He said harshly as he pulled his keys from his front pocket.

"Oli." I said calmly as I grabbed his wrist and he looked at me angrily.

"Ok, fine. I won't go."

He seemed to be analyzing me as I spoke as if he was waiting for some catch, but if he honestly felt that strong about it then I would stay.

"I won't go." I stated again.

"Good." He mumbled not knowing what else to say I assume.

I stared at him as he fiddled with his keys in one hand and his other hand was still attached to mine.

"Yeh fancy Tom huh?" he asked out of the blue and I almost had to ask him to repeat what he just said.

"I don't know him."

"So? Yeh have a lil crush on him I can tell." He mumbled and I just stared at him. It was hard to figure him out because once I thought I understood even a part of him he said things like this that made me confused.

"I mean, he's cute but so are a lot of other people. Means nothing." I finally said.

"How can yeh juss meet him and like him betta than me already?" he asked with such a serious face that I felt like I hurt him when I knew that wasn't the cause...

"Oliver. I don't. I was just kidding."

He stifled a laugh, "we'll see bout that. Everyone likes Tom's whateva...."

"Oliver..." I said softly not believing he was saying all this. It was so un-Oliver. Then again, I'm beginning to think I know nothing about him or what was very 'Oliver like'.

"Let's go inside yeah?" he said as he dropped my hand and I nodded in response. I followed him back inside and all I could do was over analyze all his words and actions that just happened. I guess I was hoping for some sort of answer. Of course, that would be too easy.
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I hope you guys don't get tired of me updating twice a day. :p

When I have tons written and I get more subscribers and comments I get excited and want to post more! Haha.