Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

We will get out of this little hell.

"Everyfing ok?" Matty asked cautiously as we walked back into the loft.

Oliver nodded in response and I reserved by seat next to Tom.

"Well, we don't have ta go out we can juss drink at our place." Tom stated giving me a smile.

"Yeah...we can do that." Oli said to my surpise.

Around 8 o'clock Matty and I had made our way to Tom and Oliver's house. A good bit of people were already there when we arrived and Matty grabbed my hand as we made our way inside.

I'm no going to lie. Finding myself around people I didn't know did make me grow a bit nervous, but I definitely wasn't going to be without one of the guys all night. That I was certain of.

"Oye, Logan!"

Matty came to a halt and I looked to see Tom waving me over.

Matty chuckled, "boy fancies yeh already. Oh yeh gonna cause a family war."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh come on Lo. Oli clearly fancies yeh as well."

I laughed, "No he does not. We barely like each other."

"Right. Well, yeh believe that. I'm gonna go get a drink. Don't flirt too hard wif Tom, Oli's around somewhere."

I rolled my eyes not in the mood to analyze what he thought he knew.

"Hey." Tom said as I walked up.


He chuckled, "glad yeh came."

"I said I would."

"Right yeh did." He said with a grin.

"So do you know all these people?"

"No. Not at all." He said which caused us both to laugh.

"That's not safe."

"Probably not. But afta a few more drinks no one will care."

"Spoken like a true partier."

He laughed, "Yeah...which is juss sad cause I don't party a lot."

I giggled and he smiled, "Hey, want a drink?"

I nodded and he grabbed up his cup, "Be back."

"Yeh here." Oli's voice hit my ears as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Would look like that."

He chuckled and I knew he must have already started drinking if he was being giggly.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"I don't know reallah they made me drink a lot." He said chuckling and I turned to face him.

"Hi." He said with a smile and I couldn't help but laugh softly, "Hi."

"Yeh reallah prettah." He stated and I felt my cheeks redden even though I knew he was drunk.


He nodded and kissed my forehead his arms still wrapped around me securely. It was strange if you thought about it. I mean, how did we come from hating each other to being some sort of friends? I don't really know when my opinion of him changed, probably the night of that incident but now it seemed absurd to even think of hating him.

"You're a sweet drunk."

He nodded and pulled me closer to him, "yeh smell good." He mumbled into my hair and I found myself liking him like this.

"You should probably stop drinking."

"Ok. I will. If yeh want meh to."

I laughed, "I think you should." I said brushing his hair softly from his forehead.

"Mhm ok." He whispered staring at me intently.

"Oli! Come play this game with us!" some blond girl said from across the room where her and some other people had decided to play beer pong.

"I don't wanna." He said looking at me and I laughed, "then don't."

"I don't wanna yell." He whispered and I continued laughing before yelling back to the girl over the loud music that he didn't want to.

"Yeh a lovely bird." Oli said with a grin and I laughed, "let's sit you down."

He fumbled to the couch and I tried to balance him before he sat down.

"Sit wif meh." He said patting the spot next to him and I rolled my eyes as I sat down.

"I was lookin' for yeh! Here yeh go." Tom said walking up and handing me a cup.

"Oh thanks. Sorry, Oli need to sit down." I said with a grin before looking at Oliver who was glaring at Tom from his seat.

"Yeah he's drunk." He said laughing.

"I am not." Oli mumbled crossing his arms.

Tom laughed before sitting down on the other side of me.

"Oye watch that idiot." Tom said elbowing me lightly and I looked over to see some guy who clearly didn't know how to flirt, try to hit on some girl who wasn't drunk enough apparently.

I laughed with Tom as the girl looked like she was in total disgust.

"Ouch. Poor lad." He said as the girl backed up and the guy stumbled.

"Least he won't remember?"

Oli groaned from beside me and stood up quickly, "I'm gonna go upstairs..."


I asked looking over at him and he shrugged, "I dunno. Need ta get away." He mumbled before running a hand through his hair and quickly walking up the stairs.

"Is he ok?" I asked and he shrugged, " he gets this way when he drinks. He's either happy and horny or miserable and sad."

I laughed, "wow those are far from each other."

"Yeah well, that's Oli."

"I should check on him."

He laughed, "right, well can't wait to hear how that goes."

"Why do you say that?"

"Talkin ta him drunk is like talkin' ta yehself."

"Well, we will just see Mr. Sykes." I said tapping his nose before I got up and he laughed, "I'll be waitin'."

I walked up the stairs slowly and it only took me two rooms to find Oli fast asleep on his bed. I chuckled and walked over pulling the cover over him after pulling off his shoes. In a strange sort of way, he was pretty cute... I mentally slapped myself for saying that and I leaned down and pressed my lips against his forehead softly.

"Stay wif meh." He whispered and I looked down at him as he stared at me sleepily and grabbed my wrist.

"I wanna...cuddle wif yeh." He added and I laughed softly, "cuddle?" I asked finding myself grow nervous which was new.

He nodded and I sighed before laying down with him. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. This was the second night I spent in his arms and I was starting to think I wouldn't be able to sleep without him now. Then again, maybe I didn't want to.

He gave my jaw several soft kisses before burying his face into my hair. The butterflies in my stomach were now moving wildly. I breathed in deeply to calm myself. I wasn't really sure what it meant anyways. Then again maybe it was just because we've never been friendly to each other before. If friendly was the right word to use...

Once his breathing proved that he was asleep I removed his arm from me and softly crawled off the bed. I couldn't sleep as much as I wouldn't mind laying in his arms the music was way too loud. I closed his door quietly and walked back downstairs running into Jona.

"Well ello love." He said picking me up. Downfall to being 5'2 around a bunch of 6' tall guys.

"Hello Jona."

"Were yeh off shaggin' someone?"

"Ew no. Making sure Oli got to bed."

"Blokes already drunk?"

I nodded, "and now asleep."

"Whata bloke." He said chuckling as he placed me down and Tom walked up, "oye and?"

"He's asleep."

He laughed, "told yeh. Come on." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me away.


"To get yeh anotha drink. I lost yehs."

I laughed, "oh you're so sweet."

"I am. That's why I'm makin yeh anotha." He said with a smile as we reached the kitchen.

"Well I guess that is sweet."

He laughed as I leaned against the counter watching him mix things together.

After several drinks I began to loosen up and found it easier to laugh and talk with anyone.

Then again, at the moment I was giggling with Matty from the floor where we were sitting talking about someone we had met a few minutes ago.

"Fink it's time for yeh ta get ta sleep." Tom said laughing as he helped me up from the floor.

"But...I don't wanna..." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

" have really pretty eyes." I added and he chuckled, "fanks love."

Although I found Tom really attractive the only thing I could think of was how I wanted to be in bed with Oliver. Oh how I love drunken thoughts...

"Oye Tom there yeh are!" I heard and Tom removed one of his hands from me to shake the guys hand standing behind me.

I moved so I wouldn't be in the way and that's when I caught the guys face. Drunk or not I froze.

"oh yeh know this bird? Does she sleep wif only Sykes boys?" the guy who tried to hurt me outside the club said with an amused grin as if this was funny.

"Uh, what do yeh mean? She's not wif eitha of us. How do yeh know her?"

I couldn't even find words to speak the only thing I knew was that I wanted Oli. I wanted Oli right now.I looked around the room to find Jona because he would willingly kill someone for me and of course had no such luck in finding him. So when that failed I just took off walking quickly to Oliver's room. Once I walked in I slammed the door and locked it.

Oliver was sitting up in the bed staring at me like I was insane.

"Are yeh planning' ta rape meh?" he asked and I felt my chest tighten and tears spill from my eyes. Being drunk I'm sure made it more dramatic. Oli was off the bed so fast it made me dizzy.

"Logan, what's wrong my love?" he asked seriously as he cupped my face.

"I should have listened to you..." I said through my sobs, "I should've stayed home and and..."

"What do you mean? Why should...." he said and his face went hard.

"He's here. That fucker is in my bloody house." He said loudly and he dropped my face.

"Oli, just..."

"No! What did he say to yeh Lo? Did he touch yeh?" he asked seriously.

I shook my head no and he sighed, "Lo, stay here ok? I'll be back." He said coolly and I grabbed his arm, "don't..."

"Logan! This is my house! He's not goin ta talk ta yeh none the less be here!"

He pressed his lips to my forehead softly, "I told yeh I'd not let him hurt yeh eva again." He whispered before pulling away from me and walking out of the room.

This had disaster written all over it...
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh OH! :O wonderrrr what is going to happen!

Thanks to:
Synyster Sykes
Sad vinny

For the comments! :)