Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

Not without a fight.

Once I heard the music stop I opened the door enough so I could at least make sure no one died.

"Get the fuck out everyone!" Oli yelled.

"What the hell?!" I heard Tom ask just as loud.

"Oh except for yeh, yeh not leavin'." Oli said angrily and I closed my eyes as I leaned against the door frame knowing by his tone he wasn't talking to Tom.

"How dare yeh come inta my house!" Oli said. It was obvious he was fuming mad and I was thankful I couldn't see it.

"Tom invited me." The asshole said so calmly and I knew that was just adding fuel to the fire.

"Who the fuck is he?!" Jona asked clearly impatient.

"Tha fucker who tried to hurt Lo last night!"

"What!" Tom said loudly and the guy started laughing, "come on, I was drunk she didn't seem ta be against..." he started to say but clearly didn't finish because all I heard was Tom saying to throw him out. I quickly closed the door not wanting to hear anything else and I sat in the middle of Oliver's bed.

I wiped my tears from my cheeks sobering up fast from all of this. I don't know how long I sat there but eventually the door opened and Oli walked in slowly.

"Hey." He whispered walking over to me with a sympathetic look.


He gave me a weak grin before crawling onto the bed and wrapping his arms around my waist making me lay back onto the bed.

"It's ok sweetie."

"I'm not leaving Matt's place again."

He chuckled, "that's a little bit dramatic."

"It's not. I wanna go back to California were people don't get almost raped."

"Bullshit! Like it doesn't happen there?? And plus, there isn't 5 guys to protect you there."

I sighed and he brushed my cheek softly, "Lo, he isn't gonna botha yeh again. Truss meh, if he sees yeh he'll probably run in the otha direction screamin'."

"Did you hit him?" I asked seriously and he grinned, "No love, I didn't. Matty did..."


He laughed, "Yeah. My reaction too."

"Is he ok?!"

"Yeah he's fine. He didn't get hurt."

"Oh my gosh. You all are going to give me a heart attack."

He chuckled as his fingers ran down my jaw.

"Tom feels bad."

"He didn't know."

"It's what I said."

"I'll talk to him tomorrow. I'm too tired." I whispered.

"Yeh can sleep in here if yeh want."

"I know I was goin' to." I said with a grin and he laughed, "oh ok I see how it is."

"Yeah I figured since I cuddled with you earlier you owe me."

His cheeks turned a light red and he spoke, "I was...propa drunk."

"Either way. You owe me."

"Do not."

"Do so."

"Do not."

"Do so."

"Do...not..." he whispered his nose touching mine and butterflies hit my stomach.

I had to say something before he thought he won or worse, he kissed me.

"Whatever." I mumbled and he grinned before kissing my cheek softly.

"It's ok though cause I like sleepin' wif yeh." He said falling beside me and I closed my eyes as I snuggled into his chest.

"Me too." I mumbled.

He pulled the cover over us and he began to play with my hair.

"Goodnight love. Sweet dreams."

The next morning I woke up in Oliver's arms and I closed my eyes back instantly.

I hated admitting this even to myself but,

I like Oli.

Never saw that coming because of how we started out but it was true.

I pressed my face into his neck wishing I could stay here all day and not face the world or the cold chilly air outside. He must have woke up without me realizing because I felt his hand ran into my hair lightly.

"What time is it?" he asked in a rough sleepy voice.

"Do I look psychic?"

"Even a smart ass when yeh jus wake up." He mumbled leaning over and grabbing his phone from the desk next to him.


"I'm not tellin yeh." He said sticking his tongue out and placing his phone back down.

"Wow. Mature."

He laughed, "it's 11."

"Do you have somewhere to be?" I asked as he got up.

"Maybeh I have a date." He said with a grin.

"Oh, do you now?" I asked with a chuckle and he shrugged, "Maybeh."

"Well let me get out of here so you can get ready for that." I said getting out of the bed. What if he really did? Ok, I needed to stop caring this was ridiculous.

"And go where?"

"Somewhere where people are still asleep because I'm still sleepy."

"Yeh can sleep in here."

I shook my head no as I rubbed my eye.

"Why not?" he asked with a frown.

"Because you'll be moving around making noise and I'm a light sleeper. Which room is Matty or Jona in?"

"Logan. Get in the bed." He said sternly.

"Oliver. Did you not hear what I just said!"

"I did love. Now get in the bed."

I rolled my eyes not in the mood to argue because I had a headache. Once back in his bed he hovered over me, "I am juss goin ta tha bathroom love. I was juss kiddin'. I'll be back and we can go back ta sleep." He whispered with a grin before pecking my forehead.

"Man you're a jerk."

He chuckled before leaving me to go to the bathroom.

I felt myself dosing back off but before I fell back to sleep Oli was climbing back into bed.

"I was almost asleep." I mumbled and he held me to him, "I'm sorry doll." He whispered kissing my cheek softly.

The next time I woke up I was alone again. Which didn't surprise me anymore. I sighed and sat up and once I woke up enough I left Oliver's room.

"What's your deal with leaving me!" I asked once I walked into the kitchen and found Oliver who looked up from the tea he was making.

"I mean just a hey I'm leaving would be ok." I added.

He chuckled, "I didn't know it bothered yeh. Next time I'll stay love." He said as he looked back down at what he was doing.

Was he insinuating there would be a next time?

I leaned against the counter watching him as he stirred a spoon around in his cup carefully.

"Why yeh starin at meh?" he asked with a grin as he looked up.

"Just not believing you made something without burning it."

"Oye that's offensive!"

I laughed, "I'm gonna go wake up Matty!"

He laughed, "Yeh do that. We can go get breakfast."

"Well since you're a master chief you could cook." I said teasingly.

"Go away." He said with a grin and I laughed as I left the kitchen on a search for Matty.

I finally found him in one of the spare rooms and I jumped on his bed.

"Matty! Wake up." I said patting his cheeks lightly causing him to groan.

"Why must yeh wake meh up when were not even home!"

"Matty I love you! You're like my hero now."

He opened his eyes, "why?"

"Because you hit that idiot."

He chuckled, "Yeah and my hand hurts."

"Awe, come on get up I'll get you some meds and I'll buy you breakfast." I said kissing his cheek and he groaned, "Yeah propa annoyin'."


"Cause I can't be mean ta yeh!"

I laughed, "cause you love me! Duh!"

He mumbled something and I heard someone laugh from the door and I turned to see Oliver with an amused grin as he leaned against the doorway.

"Get her off meh."

"Are you going to get up?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yes I swear it."

"Off of Matt." Oli said grabbing me and picking me up.

"Go wake up Jona." Matt said chuckling.

"Um, no. He'll kill her." Oli said holding on to me tightly.

"He will not." I stated.

"Wanna bet? Let's try it." Matty said with a grin as he sat up.

Oli sighed, "fine. I'm comin wif yeh."

"Ok." I said with a grin as we walked to the room Jona was sleeping in.

Oli stopped in the door way and I walked over to Jona slowly.

"Jona." I whispered running my hand through his hair.

He mumbled something and I tried not to laugh, "Jona."

"The only fing yeh doin is turnin meh on so if that's not yeh intention yeh should leave." He mumbled as he turned on his side his eyes still shut.

"Jona get up."


"Come on we're all going to get some breakfast andddd I want you to come."

He opened his eyes to look up at me and I stopped messing with his hair.

"I'd kill yeh if yeh were one of them yeh know that right?"

"I know, but I'm not." I said with a sweet smile.

He sighed, "I'll get up. Juss give me a moment." He mumbled and I kissed his cheek before leaving his room.

"Wow." Oliver said laughing, "I fink yeh have powa ova my whole band."

"It's because I'm sweet."

"Ha." He said and I frowned, "you're mean."

He chuckled, "yeh are sweet." He said cupping my face and I rolled my eyes.

He kissed my nose and I felt myself blush. Damn him.

"Be back." I fumbled and he dropped his hands with a grin.

I went back to Oli's room and grabbed my bag I had brought.

I went into his bathroom changed and brushed my teeth quickly before redoing my make up.

"Yeh wake up everyone and yeh not even ready." Matty said once I reached the living room and everyone including Lee, Tom and Matt were awake.

"I'm sorry!"

"Yeh forgot yeh jacket." He said pointing at me.

"Ugh!" I groaned stomping back to Oli's room and grabbing my coat from his bed.

"Happy?" I asked once I made it back.

"Yeh shouldn't wake people up when yeh not ready doll." Jona stated as he scooped me up like normal.

"Um, I figured you all were like Oli and took an hour to get ready."

"I do not!" Oli said defensively.

"Yeh do." Matty mumbled and Oli swatted at him.

"It takes a while to look pretty Matty!" I stated as we walked out of the door, Jona still carrying me like a toddler.

"I'm not pretty!" Oliver said loudly.

"You are."

Jona laughed and Oliver crossed his arms angrily.

"Put me downnn." I said and Jona chuckled as he placed me on my feet and we walked quickly to the diner.

"Are yeh mad at meh?" Tom asked as he caught up to me.

"No. Why would I be?"

"Cause of last night."

"Tom. No. You didn't know."

"But still I feel propa sorry." He said frowning.

"Seriously, it's ok." I said with a smile.

"Ok juss wanted to make sure. If I would've known I wouldn't have invited him."

"Tom! I know. It's ok." I said chuckling as we walked into the diner. I sat next to Oliver in the booth and he placed his arm on the back behind me.

"My bird comes back ta day." Lee said with a smile.

"Awe, you have a girlfriend?" I asked and his cheeks turned crimson red, "Yeah."

"She's pretty fit shockingly." Oli said and I elbowed him lighty.


"Yeh will meet her tonight."

"I've neva seen her act so girly until now." Jona said laughing.

"Well sorryyyy."

"Awe. Lee has a girlfriend." Matty said in a girly voice and they all laughed.

"Well it's cute!"

"They're juss jealous cause they don't." Lee said and I nodded.

"Who wants one? Too much trouble." Oli chimed in and I rolled my eyes, "too much trouble? What kind of girls do you date?!"

"Oh I'll tell you." Matty said and Oli groaned.

"Those clingy, annoying, always wanting something birds."

"Not true."

"Bullocks. His lass bird Heatha she was the most annoying' fing ever!"

"Oh yeah she sounded like this, 'Oliiii....will you take me to tha mallll...' " he said in his best annoying girly voice.

I started laughing and Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Ok I get it!" Oli finally said and I was still in a fit of giggles.

"They're always like that. Fit but so daft it makes yeh wanna frow up."

"They are not." Oli said defensively.

"Yes they always are."

"That's funny." I said giggling.

"If he eva dated a bird who could actually hold a normal conversation I'd die." Matty continued.

Oli was now glaring at him and I patted his chest, "it's ok. Oli only dates them cause he likes to be the one in charge."

"Oh my gosh I hate all of yeh." He mumbled crossing his arms and I laughed, "we'll find you a decent bird."

His eyes met mine for a second and he shrugged lightly, "I don't want one." He mumbled.

"Are yeh becomin' a nun?" Lee asked chuckling.


"Did he try ta molest yeh lass night?" Tom asked and I laughed, "No."

"Nun. Cause I would have tried." Jona said seriously.


"What! I'm juss bein honest!"

"Sorry molestin' people aren't on my list of fings ta do."

Jona sighed, "Logan. Yeh can sleep wif meh tonight no worries."

I glared at him as I pulled my knees to my chest. The guys began to laugh and Oli placed his hand on my knee.

"Sorry Jona. I don't fink she wants ta do that."

"Yeah I think I'll be staying with Matty tonight."

"Yeah yeh don't have ta worry bout meh. I mean, unless yeh frow yehself at meh that's tha only way it'll happen. Afta all, I'm only a man."

I laughed, "oh my gosh can we stop talking about this!"

I really need some friends that are girls...
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks to:
and Colorful_dinos
for the comments. :)