Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

As much as I ever could.

We finally left the diner about an hour later and headed to Matty's place because I wanted to change and shower before the guys dragged me out to some band's show.

"Hurry up bird." Oli said as we walked into the loft.

"Shut your face."

"Or what?" He asked with an amused grin as he fell onto the couch.

"Or Matty will punch you."

"Why me?!" Matty yelled.

"Because you apparently like punching people now!"

"It was one bloody bloke!"

"Maybe it's like alcohol. You can't just have one..."

Jona and the guys were in a fit of laughter and Matty rolled his eyes with a grin, "go get ready yeh daft bird."

"I don't know what that means but it doesn't sound very nice Matthew."

Oliver chuckled, "it means silly now get yeh arse in tha showa!"

"Don't talk ta my room mate like that or I'll punch yeh face." Matt said shooting Oliver a look and I laughed, "oh now you're taking up for me?!"

"Juss wanted ta see how people took it..."

"That's it." Oli said jumping up from the couch and I didn't even have time to react before he grabbed me and I squealed as he half carried me half walked me backwards until we reached my room.

"Do yeh not listen ta meh?"

"What?" I asked sarcastically and he rolled his eyes, "smart ass."

"So who are we going to see tonight?" I asked as he dropped his hands from me.

"Does it matta?" He asked with a grin.

"Are they attractive?" I asked looking for something to wear.

"Not as attractive as I am, love."

"Oh and the arrogant Oli makes a return." I said with a grin as I finally decided on what to wear and turned back to look at him.

He shrugged, "I fink yeh secretly like it..."

"I barely like you so no..."

"Odd. Yeh seem ta like meh when I'm protectin' yeh." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, because you're kind of cute then."

"Oh, only then? Because yeh some how manage ta sleep wif meh every night and that has nuffin ta do wif protectin' yeh."

"Maybe I just like your bed." I said with a shrug.

"Bullocks, lass night was tha first time yeh have been in it."

"Yeah, and I'm hoping I didn't catch anything..."

"Well we've been on tour so I haven't had any bird in my bed in months so I fink yeh good. Plus, I don't do fings like that in my bed Lo." He said with a grin.

"Ok, too much information...I'd rather not hear about your sex life."

"Juss sayin'."

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled, "in fact, yeh bed was tha first one I've been in, in months. Which is sad for meh."

"Ew. Ok. Stop now." I said giving him a disgusted look.

"I told yeh I'm not as bad as yeh fink Lo."

"Dammit, I should have added man whore in my first rant to you."

He rolled his eyes and I laughed, "go so I can get ready."

"Alright, before I go, wanna bet if yeh end up in tha same bed wif meh again tonight?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'll bet no."

"That's funny cause I bet yeh do. Specially afta yeh have a few drinks yeh seem ta like meh when yeh intoxicated..."

"Lack of judgment."

He chuckled, "I'm sure it is..."

"Get out." I said pushing him lightly and he laughed as I closed and locked my door.

Once showered and ready I walked into the living room where all the guys were now inhabiting.

"Ready?" I asked placing my hands on my hips.

"Drop tha attitude." Jona said with a grin as he got up from the couch.

"Yeh need some drop dead shit." Oli said as we all left.

I laughed, "ha! No."

"No worries, I'll bring yeh some fings ova..."

I rolled my eyes as me Oli and Matty got in one car and the others got in Lee's.

"Is Lee's girlfriend coming?"

"Yeah she's meetin' us up there."

"Finally. I need to talk to a female...well, a real one..." I said looking at Oli and Matty began to laugh.

"Yeh so funny this mornin. Huh?"

"Always am."

"Not really..."

"She pretty much is."

"Thank you Matty." I said laughing.

Once we arrived at the place the show was being held. We met the guys at the entrance and I of course asked yet again who we were seeing.

"Probably haven't heard of them." Oli said as we walked into the place that wasn't as big as I expected it should be for a show.

"Jona!" I said getting annoyed with Oli and he laughed, "You me at six. They're juss havin an acoustic show."

"Thank you very much I do know them! In fact, they're one of my favorites." I said to Oli.

"So yeh gonna fan girl?" He asked with a grin.

I rolled my eyes, "Um no. Plus, I've already met them. So ha!"

"When did yeh meet them?"

"They played warped tour last year in the states." I said casually as we sat at a table.

"So did we."


Oli nodded, "why didn't yeh come see us?" He asked with a grin.

"If I would have, I definitely wouldn't be here now."

"Oye that hurts." Lee said placing his hand over his heart.

I laughed, "just saying I would have hated Oli too early on."

"It's weird that we were in the same place and we didn't know each other huh?" Jona asked.

"Yeah. Well everything happens for a reason." I said with a shrug.

"This place is chill for a show." I stated as people filed in and sat wherever.

Jona shrugged, "well it's juss a small set."

"Aren't yeh lads a bunch of supportive blokes?" I heard and looked up as the lead singer of the band walked over to the table with a smile.

"We try." Matt said as the guy have him some sort of man hug.

"Oye Oli yeh got yehself a bird now."

I stifled a laugh, "unless you're assuming that would be Matty. No."

He laughed, "Oye...have we met?"

"Yeah, I took pictures for ap magazine last year at warped tour."

"Oh yeah! How could I forget? I was an idiot...I thought she was taking pictures because she was a fan so when we were done I asked her if she wanted to take a picture with me. Her response, why would I want one?...not the sweetest girl aye?" He asked with a grin.

"Oh no definitely not." Oliver stated and I elbowed him.

"So why are you here with them?"

"Oh, she's in town ta take pictas of my shitty clothin' line."

I rolled my eyes and Josh, if I remembered his name correctly spoke, "oh reallah?"

"Yes, unfortunately."

He laughed, "well, if you're going to be here a while you should come take pictures for me."

"Ok I think I can manage that. Is it just you or..."

"Nah, the guys and me. I usually get their girlfriends to be in it as well."

"Oh really? Hear that Oliver?"

He rolled his eyes and Josh chuckled, "I'll get your number from the guys later. Enjoy the show." He said with a wave before he walked off.

"He's cute." I said to no one particular.

"He's got a girlfriend." Oli mumbled as Jona and Matty returned to the table with drinks for everyone.

"Can you not be called cute if you have a girlfriend?"

"Just sayin'."

"Sayin' what?" Matty asked and Oli spoke, "she finks Josh is fit and I juss stated he has a bird."

"And I just stated that I didn't know you couldn't be called cute if you were in a relationship."

"He's juss jealous." Jona said and Oliver rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, "whateva."

A part of me wondered if he actually was jealous.

Yes, Josh was cute but that was all there was to it because I stupidly like Oliver. I really hadn't decided why I liked him. I mean, he is overly arrogant and annoys me most of the time, but then his sweet moments were hard to over look and I think that's what got me.

I sighed and relaxed my chin on the palm of my hand.

"What's wrong?" Matty asked and I looked at him quickly, "Nothing."

He dropped it although he gave me a look as if he didn't believe me.

I grabbed up my drink and began drinking quickly. I was done thinking about all of this.

Of course the show was nothing short of amazing and by the end of it we had all downed too many drinks to drive home, that I was sure of.

"I wonder if Josh would be down for me shooting his pictures if in exchange he would just sing to me." I said as we left the place and decided to go get some food before attempting to drive.

Matt laughed, "yeh neva know he juss might."

"I might ask him." I said giggling.

"Fink lil Lo might have a crush on a British lad." Jona said laughing.

I shrugged, "He's cute is all."

"Yep. Can't resist tha British charm." Tom said with a smile as we finally found a place that was open.

"Yeh cause I fink she had a crush on yeh too." Oli stated and I started to blush, "did not." I said hitting Oliver lightly in the chest.

"She said yeh were cute."

"Why is that such a big deal here?! I think Matty's cute so I must like him too."

"Awe fanks love." Matty said with a grin and I chuckled, "No problem."

"Juss sayin'." Oli stated and I rolled my eyes as we sat at a table in the empty diner.

I sat against the wall and Oliver slid in beside me. I wasn't really hungry and since I wasn't driving what was the point? I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, placing my chin on top.

"Yeh know I was juss messin' wif yeh." Oli said brushing my hair with his fingers.


He sighed and kissed my cheek softly. Some times I wonder if he's bipolar. This Oli I liked, he was sweet and caring and then there was the one who argued with me and was overly cocky. That one I didn't like.

"I'm sorrah. Forgive meh?" He asked at a whisper his caramel colored eyes looking sympathetic.

"Mhm?" He mumbled his arms now hanging loosely around me.


He kissed my cheek sweetly before removing his arms from me and going back to looking at the menu. As if it was normal for him to be like that to me. Of course Lee and his girlfriend, Hannah, (that had shown up 5 minutes before the show ended) had seen the whole thing. As far as Hannah went, she seemed to be nice, then again that could be the alcohol.

"Yeh notice how flirty yeh two are wif each otha when yeh drink?" Lee asked and Oliver looked over his menu at him.

"Who?" He asked oblivious to the matter.

"Yeh and Lo!"

he shrugged as if he didn't care and looked back at the menu.

"Oh, I thought yeh two were togetha." Hannah said laughing.

"Ha, hardly. She barely likes meh soba. One of us would end up dead." He stated.

"I think we've been getting along just fine."

"Yeah lately but we'll see how long that last."

"Well if you don't do anything stupid it could."

"Me? Yeh tha one who always starts arguin' wif meh."

"Because you say something that's stupid." I said calmly and the guys laughed.

"yeh cause yeh drive meh mental." He said rolling his eyes as a waiter walked up finally.

"Yeh two are cute." Hannah said and Oli looked over at her, "cute that we fight?"

"Yeah it's not really fightin' it's like flirtin' fightin."

I rolled my eyes as everyone was loudly telling the poor waiter their orders.

"In that case they flirt 99% of tha time." Tom said with a grin as the waiter walked off.

Couldn't we drop this?!

I groaned and Matty spoke up, "ok drop it."

I swear I question if that kid can read my mind some times.

"I don't have a problem wif yeh idiots stayin at our place I juss don't know where yeh all will be sleepin'." Matty said as we began to walk back to our cars.

"Well I'm stayin wif her and if I'm droppin whoever off so yeh all need ta decide." Lee stated, "I'm not goin a million places."

Jona shrugged, "juss take us ta Matt's."

I looked over at Oli who was walking with his hands shoved in his pockets and my heart began to race at the thought of him sleeping with me again.

How can you like someone that you barely like? Or maybe I just didn't want to accept the whole me liking him thing...

Once we arrived back at Matty's I held on to Jona as we walked to the loft debating on just sleeping with Matty so I can stop my thoughts of Oliver.

"I'm goin' ta bed. Yeh blokes work out this whole sleepin' fing." Matty stated walking straight to his room.

"I don't know how you guys feel about sleeping together. I'm going to guess you don't care, so I can sleep with Matty and two of you can sleep in my room and one on the couch." I suggested and Oli patted Jona's back, "I got the couch."

Jona groaned, "fine. I'll sleep with Matt. Come on lova." He said with a wink and I laughed as we went into my room. I grabbed some clothes to change into as the boys started shedding clothing right there.

"Good night. Don't do anything gross in my bed." I warned and Matt laughed, "try not to."

I laughed and closed the door. I changed quickly in the bathroom and unfortunately I had to cross the living room to get to Matty's room. When I entered Oliver was placing cover on the couch and was standing in just his jeans.

"You owe me money Sykes." I said as I walked past him.

"Night's not ova love." He said flashing me a smile and I rolled my eyes as I walked into Matty's bedroom.

"I'm sleeping with you." I said pushing Matty and he groaned as he opened his eyes, "Why? Where is Oli?"

"I hate you. I'm letting Jona and Matt have my bed."

"Leavin yeh boy all alone?" He asked with a smirk.

"Fuck you." I mumbled as I laid beside him.

He laughed, "that's sad. I mean, yeh slept wif him for two nights."

"Keep it up Matt and i'll suffocate you in your sleep."

"Will not."

"Shut up and go to bed."

He chuckled and I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling. I don't know how long I laid there but Matty was snoring lightly beside me and I mentally slapped myself once I realized I was just laying here thinking of Oliver. If I was mentally cursing myself for that then I guess I'll physically slap myself tomorrow since I decided to go into the living room.

Oli chuckled when he saw me walk in, he was laying down watching something on the television.

"He's snoring! Go sleep in there with him."

"Nope." He said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes and he pulled back the blanket, "come lay wif meh Lo. Yeh know yeh wanna."

I sighed and walked over laying beside him. He chuckled as he covered me with the blanket an wrapped his arm around me.

"Shut up."

"Looks like I win."

As much as I was pretending like this was torture I couldn't help but feel better now that I was laying with him. Now I could go to sleep.

He kissed my cheek and relaxed his chin on my shoulder as he looked back at the television.

I envied how calm he was all the time because on the inside butterflies were still filling my stomach like crazy. I especially couldn't focus on anything when he began to run his fingers in a pattern on my side where is hand was resting. It astonishes me that he causes such a reaction over something so simple.

His laughter shortly filled my ears which brought the nerves down a bit. I found it oddly cute how he felt so comfortable around me but it was driving me insane. Then again, maybe I was driving myself insane with all my over thinking...
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