Status: a work in progress...

You Kill Me In a Good Way.

All I have to offer is my own confusion.

"Yeh asleep?" Oliver finally asked.


"What yeh finkin bout?" He asked and I looked over at him, "Nothing."

He chuckled, "ok. If yeh say so."

I glared at him and he grinned before turning off the television.

"We have such a weird relationship." He said as I turned to face him and his arms went around me.

"Why do you say that?"

"Cause..." he whispered his nose brushing against mine.

"Yeh sleep wif me every night, I am beyond protective of yeh and yet, we argue ova stupid shit and I don't know, juss don't get it reallah..."

"You're bi-polar."

"How so?"

"I don't know...when you're drunk or we're alone you're different then when you're sober and with people."

"I juss...I don't know how ta act round yeh or how yeh want meh ta act..."

"Just be yourself."

"That's the fing...I am all tha time...I juss...dunno...."

"Well, sadly I like you better drunk..."

"But why?" He asked softly.

"You're just I don't know, nicer..."


"Well you asked!"

He sighed and pulled me to him, "I truly hate yeh feel that way..."

"Why do you care? Like you said earlier, we barely like each other."

"Oh yeh know I was kiddin' Lo..." he said rolling his eyes and I shrugged.

"Course I like yeh. If I didn't I wouldn't be layin here wif yeh. But I'll try and be nica ta yeh doll." He whispered running his fingers into my hair.

"Oh by all means don't do me any favors."

He laughed, "I'm not. I'm helpin' myself out. don't want yeh ta fank I'm a complete douche bag cause I'm not."

"I know you're not."

"Doesn't seem like that..."

"Want me to wear a drop dead shirt to prove I don't?"

"Yes." He said with a grin and I laughed, "fine. I will."

"Great. I'll take yeh there in tha mornin. Also, yeh know it's mine and Tom's right? Not juss mine."

"Oh really?"

"Oh yeah so what now, it isn't so bad?" He asked with a grin.

"Mhm I might have a different view on it now..."

"That's bullshit!"

I shrugged and grinned, "but Tom is..."

"If yeh say cute I'll push yeh off tha couch."

I glared at him and he chuckled, "I'd pick yeh back up of course."

"Oh is that you being nice?"


"Well...he is cute." I said jokingly and he pushed me back causing me to squeal. He chuckled because he hadn't really let go of me and I covered my mouth with my hand.

He was now in a fit of laughter and I shoved him back lightly.

"Shhh. Jona is going to stab you in your sleep." I said covering his mouth with a chuckle of my own.

"Yeh betta not let him!" He mumbled into my hand.

"I will. Then you'll really, drop...dead."

"Hardy har har." He said after he pulled my hand from his mouth.

I giggled and he held onto my hand as he laid back down onto his pillow.

"I might have ta make up jobs for yeh soon..."

"Why is that?"

"Cause...I want ta keep yeh here."

"Why?!" I asked laughing.

"Why not?" He asked pulling me to his chest.

"Yeh wouldn't miss meh if yeh left?" He asked running his hand into my hair as I laid my head on his chest. I closed my eyes praying he couldn't feel my heart beating out of my chest.

"Yeah...are you saying you'd miss me Oliver?" I asked with a grin as I leaned up to look at him.

"Yeah, I am..." he responded seriously as he ran the back of his hand against my cheek.

"You like arguing with me huh?"

"that I could do wifout, but I like these moments wif yeh..."

I was now thanking god that it was dark in here because I knew my cheeks were blood red.

He gave me a nervous grin and I kissed his cheek.

"I juss...I don't know...have ta watch myself round yeh..."


He shrugged, "cause I've shown too much..."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, who I am wif yeh right now...not everyone gets ta see that."

"Why not?"

"Oh come on Logan. I'm in a bloody band. They'd eat me alive."

I ran my hand into his hair lightly.

"You know what?"


"You're cute." I said with a smile and he laughed, "Oh, now I am?"

I nodded before moving and cuddling into his side. He stroked my hair lightly and I closed my eyes feeling myself dozing off.

"I'm gonna make yeh fall in love wif meh Lo...juss wait." he whispered pulling me closer and burying his face into my hair. I was already half asleep so I didn't get a chance to respond none the less comprehend what he said.

I woke up the next morning to a phone ringing and I groaned as I realized it wasn't going to stop. I opened my eyes to see Oliver still asleep his legs tangled in mine and his arm holding me to him.

I realized the ringing was coming from his pocket and I shook him, "Oli..."

"Mhm..." he mumbled his eyes still closed.

I sighed and shoved my hand in his pocket which quickly woke him up. His eyes shot open and I held out his phone to him which was still ringing.

"Hello?" He mumbled closing his eyes as whoever was on the other line talked.

"Mhm hm. Yeah." He mumbled.

"Right...can we talk bout this lata?" He asked whoever.

"Great. Lata." He mumbled before hanging up and tossing his phone into the floor. He pulled me to him and pressed his face into my neck.

"You could sleep through anything."

"I know...I gotta go..." he said holding on to me tightly.

"Well let me go so I can get up."


"But you have to go."

"Come wif meh. I juss have ta sign a few fings and plus, yeh gotta get yeself somefin ta wear." He said with a grin.

"Nooo it's too early."

"It's 10..."


"Fine. Don't fink yeh gettin out of wearin one of my shirts. I'm gonna bring yeh some fings." He said kissing my cheek before he crawled over me getting off the couch.

I couldn't help but watch him as he pulled on his shirt then messed with his hair repeatedly.

"It looks fine." I said with a grin as I laid my head back on the pillow keeping my eyes on him.

He chuckled, "shut up..."

I smiled, "go so I can sleep."

"Logan..." he said sitting in the floor right in front of me with a pout.


"Come wif meh."


"But...I'm givin yeh free clothes, ill get yeh some coffee OH and Tom is there."

"Tom? Well sure!" I said sitting up quickly.

His eyebrows narrowed together and I laughed, "just kidding."

"Go get dressed." He said taking my spot on the couch and I rolled my eyes as I went to my room quietly and grabbing some clothes to change in to. Of course I'm sure it would take more than that to wake up the boys.

"Ready." I said and Oliver nodded and stood up from the couch. I followed Oliver out to his car. The ride to drop dead was quiet. I don't know if it was because we were still tired or what. To me it wasn't an awkward silence so it wasn't too bad but apparently for him it was.

"What's wrong?" He ased and I looked over at him, "Nothing what's wrong with you?"

"Nuffin. Yeh juss quiet."

"I'm still tired."

"Neva stopped yeh before."

I glared at him and he laughed, "kiddin'."

We finally arrived at the place and I followed him inside.

"Well fancy seein' yeh here." Tom said as he noticed it was us who had walked in.

"Yeah I can't believe Oli is doing work as well..." I stated sarcastically and Oliver rolled his eyes.

Tom chuckled, "well that is true. Come on love, let me show yeh round why Oli does what he needs to."

"Yeah I told her she needs some of our stuff."

I rolled my eyes and Oli laughed as he walked wherever.

"So..." Tom started as he held up a shirt for my and I shook my head no.


"What's up wif yeh and Oli?" He asked picking up another shirt and I shrugged which he took as an ok and placed the shirt over his shoulder.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean, yeh always togetha now..."

I shrugged and he smiled, "he likes yeh."

"What? No he doesn't."

"Righ'. Well, glad yeh know my brotha betta than me..." he teased as he placed another shirt over his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and he grinned, "I fink yeh like him too."

"You think too much."

He laughed, "No I'm right. I fink he'd actually date yeh which is juss weird for meh ta say cause he doesn't date."

"Tom. Shut up."

He laughed, "do yeh like him?"

"No! Leave me alone now."

He smiled, "I fink yeh lyin'..."

"We're about to not be friends."

"Don't believe yeh." He said with a grin and I pushed him lightly causing him to laugh.

"So when is this store actually going to open?"

"Next week is tha grand openin'. Propa excited." He said with a grin.

"Can't believe people actually want shit Oli and you design...."


I laughed as the door chimed and Tom and I looked over to see some girl walking in.

"Oh we're closed." Tom stated and the girl pushed her sunglasses onto her head and Tom groaned.

"No shit. Where's Oliver?" She askd and Tom looked down at me, "tell yeh in a minute.." he whispered before looking back at the girl. Before he could respond Oliver walked back in from the other room.

", what are yeh doin' here?" He asked shoving his hands in his front pockets.

"She's his ex girlfriend. Bitch may I add." Tom said into my ear and I couldn't help but watch her and Oli and I honestly didn't want to know why she wanted to talk to him about.

"So what bout this?" Tom asked holding up a shirt in front of me as I leaned against the wall.

" sorry." I said and he groaned befoe deciding another shirt to pick up and I couldn't help but look over to where Oli was standing with that girl. He seemed uncomfortable and he must have felt me looking at him because his eyes instantly met mine.

He gave me a grin not bothering to look away from me. Of course in typical Oliver fashion he acted as if this was completely normal. When moments like this happened I couldn't help but wonder if maybe he did like me just a little.

"Oli!" Holly said loud enough for me to hear her and he quickly looked back at her and she gave me a glare. Clearly she wasn't over him...

I focused back on Tom and once I had enough clothes to satisfy Tom he walked away to get a bag to put all the crap in. Holly was finally leaving and Oli locked the door behind her. Clearly not wanting another incident like that to happen.

He looked at me as he leaned against the door. I bit my lip not sure if he was waiting for me to say something or what. He just kept his eyes on me as if I was suppose to know what he wanted.

"So what did that bitch want?" Tom asked walking back up and handing me a bag.

"She said they're havin' some charity event and she wanted ta know if we wanted to give some of our clothin' ta auction off for it."

"Wow. That sounds so selfless...what is she gettin' out of this?" Tom asked rolling his eyes.

"I have no idea."

"Well did you say yes?"

"Yeah...she annoys tha hell outta me but it's for a good cause." He said shrugging.

"Isn't that so bloody sweet." Tom said patting Oliver's cheek and he swatted at Tom's hand.

"alright. Well I'm done. We're leavin'." Oli stated and Tom nodded, "Yeahhh so am I."

"Thanks for the help." I said with a grin.

"No problem love. Betta see one of those on yeh tha next time I see yeh."

"You might." I said laughing before we said goodbye and I walked out with Oliver.

"I think you owe me coffee." I stated and he smiled, "well yeh in luck there is a coffee shop righ' round tha corna."

I gave him a grin and I followed him to the coffee shop. Once we got our coffee we decided to sit at a table for a while because it's not like we had somewhere to go.

"Yeh not gonna ask bout Holly?" He finally asked and I looked from my coffee to him.

"No. Do you want me to?"

"I mean, I don't know what yeh finkin'."

I shrugged with a grin, "does it matter?"

"yeah. It's mattas..." he said brushing his hair from his eyes and I fiddled with my cup nervously.

"Well, she's not my girlfriend."

"I know, Tom made that clear after he called her a few names."

He chuckled, "Yeah, he hated her..."


He shrugged, "she's a propa bitch..."

"I gathered that."

He grinned, "clearly it was obvious why it didn't last. Then again, I fink we were only physically attracted to each otha in tha first place."

"Probably not tha best thing to start a relationship on..."

He chuckled, "I know..."

He watched me intently and I looked back down at my cup.

"lets go yeah?"

I nodded and quickly stood up grabbing my things as I did so.

"I should probably get yeh back before Matty finks I kidnapped yeh or somefin."

I nodded with a soft grin and he looked at me as we headed to the car.

"I wish yeh'd stop bein so quiet and tell me what's botherin yeh."

"Nothing's bothering me."

"Then what are yeh finkin bout?"

"Nothing. Honest."

He sighed and ran his hand into his hair.

"Yeh lyin'." He said once we reached his car and I sighed as I got in. I don't know why I was being quiet. Probably because I had a lot going on in my head. Well, I had a lot of thoughts of Oliver going on in my head. I mean although I wanted Tom to be right about Oliver liking me it just didn't seem logical for him to. One, Oliver and I were complete opposites and two, after seeing Holly, although she was a bitch she clearly was a model of some sort. Being a photographer I could pick up on things like that. She was tall and stunning which made me realize how stupid it was to even assume he felt anything for me. Who was I kidding?
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