Planes, Houses and Relationships


Lexia's POV.

As I walked into the toilets at the airport another lady was exiting them.

“Sorry.” She said walking through the narrow space between me and the wall. I rolled my eyes to myself in the mirror. I put my bags beside me and sighed. I turned my phone on and placed it on the bench above the sink and waited for the messages to roll through. I pulled out three items from my handbag.


I put both ear pieces in my ears and pressed the power button. I had an instant hit of music, it rang through my ears as I started to nod my head along to the fast-paced beat of the drums. I looked into the mirror and pulled the cap off the eyeliner. I leaned in towards the mirror and applied it heavy under my eyes. I finished drawing lines under my eyes and popped the cap back on and shoved it into my bag. The next song had started; I closed my eyes and imagined myself playing the drum beat on a stage in front of thousands. I opened my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror and laughed. Oh how a girl can dream. I quickly applied the mascara and looked at my watch. I shoved the make-up back into my bag and picked up everything I owned.

I stood between the entrance and exit doors of the airport. Maybe I could turn around. Go back to Perth and forget my past, along with everything and everyone in it. No. I had to stay. I walked through the automatic doors and breathed in the air. New air. New start.

“Welcome to the US of A miss.” A guy no taller than me said tipping his hat towards me. I smiled and looked in front of me. The only way to cross this road was the zebra crossing. Or, I could jay-walk. No, Lexia, you can’t be a rebel just yet. I laughed at my own stupidity and walked across the zebra crossing. Just as I stepped out onto the striped road a car had been speeding towards me, stopping inches from collision with me and my luggage. The man who looked like he was in his mid-forties wound down his window.

“WATCH OUT IDIOT!” He screamed at me, his arms flailing everywhere. I smiled at him and flipped him off. I finished the zebra crossing, jumping over the last white line like I used to do when I was little. So maybe everyone wouldn’t be so nice like the greeter guy. Then again, not everyone was being paid to be nice, like the greeter guy.

I walked into the parking lot a bit further and noticed a black car like the one I’d been given a description of. That was my ride. Today is the day Lexia. I kept telling myself. I fiddled with the rings on my fingers a few times as I saw a person sitting in the car. I looked down at my shaking hands and then back up. I noticed the boot on the car was flipped up. The driver side door had flung open. Oh god, Lexia. Shit. Shit. Shit. Keep a hold of yourself. The figure stood up and out of the car and leaned up against the side of the car. I noticed a ring on the person’s finger. I’d seen it somewhere before. I looked down at my own hand. Exactly the same. I walked closer to the standing figure. Their head turned to the side and looked straight at me. I took out my headphones and stared straight back, changing my glances from the ring to the face. I started to grin as they walked towards me, my eyes still keeping main focus on the ring they were wearing. Flash backs wanted to run through my mind, but I wouldn’t let them. My stomach started to flip 5 times simultaneously.

Did he? Could he? Does he?

Questions running through my head all at once. There he stood before me. My eyes finally made their way from his hand to his face. Wow Lexia, maybe you still had a chance. All of those thoughts and questions could come crashing around me instantly. And they did. I heard a voice coming from the car. Me and the boy, No, Man in front of me still hadn’t exchanged words.

“Daniel, baby hurry up,” I’d established, by this time that the voice was not from the radio, and that it was a female.

He did. He couldn’t. He doesn’t.

I kept a fake smile on my face, like the greeter guy. Suddenly running back through those gates and getting back on the plane seemed like a great idea.

“Hi Lexia,” Daniel said picking up my bags and putting them in the boot.

“Hi.” I replied half-hearted.

I couldn’t. I shouldn’t. God damn it I do.

I walked over to the car, not even a ‘hello, nice to see you after so long’ hug? Daniel opened my door as I slipped into the back seat and sunk into it. Just as Daniel reached for the car door I closed the door myself and folded my arms. The look on my face should’ve given him what I was thinking. He walked around the back of the car and slammed the boot down. I remember this bit. I was in a bad mood, so he would be too. The girl next to him in the front seat flipped open her compact mirror and tried to check me out, not looking all too subtle whilst doing so either. Daniel started the engine as the girl placed her hand on his knee. I didn’t even know this girl and I wanted to gouge her eyes out.

Daniel exited the airport and got onto the freeway. Man this sucked so bad right now. Maybe once Aiden came over it would get better.

It should. It will. It can.