Planes, Houses and Relationships


Luna's POV

Arriving back at the college dorm after I was released from hospital, I just walked into my room and collapsed on the bed, forgetting that the impact would aggravate my broken hand.

"FUCK!" I yelled and it was loud enough to alert Aiden and Lexia that I was back.

"Are you okay?" Lexia popped her head around the doorway and I nodded.

"Yea I was just stupid. I'm fine." I was holding my casted hand and fighting back the pain inspired tears.

"S'goin on?" Aiden appeared, and I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

"What did you do to your hair, Aiden? I never thought I'd see the day that you'd put blonde in your hair, even if you have black underneath...But wow...Blonde...Heh..." I stiffled a giggle, my hair wasn't exactly dark either, being blonde at the back and black in the front.

Aiden stayed silent and just gave me her trademark evil glare then walked back into her room. I sighed and went to get up but Lexia shook her head.

"Don't pursue, you two need a little bit of space." Lexia said as she walked into the room and sat down on the edge of my bed, wearing daniel's shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts.

"So... Lexia's been up to some fun, I see." I snickered, trying to change the subject.

"Hush you." She tried to sound angry, but her smiled was breaking her out of character, us both falling into a fit of giggles.

"What am I going to do, Lex? I love her so much, and I hurt her and...Well...We agreed to be friends but, friendship just isn't enough for me. I need her! I go insane without her, and I honestly don't know if breaking up with Charlotte was worth the pain... She hurt me. I knew she would. But I put on a brave face infront of Aiden, so that she didn't get worried..." I lifted my shirt, revealing the fresh bruises to Lex where Charlotte punched me in the back and the stomach and the chest in an angry rage.

"Oh my...Luna...Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, it's not the worst that she's done to me...She almost killed me once. But let's not go there. Hey so how's about that weath..."

"Luna you need to tell someone, she needs to pay for what she's done."

"Lex...It's all in the past now. She's out of my life...Atleast I hope. She dropped a bombshell on me too, told me that she'd been cheating on me with that girl that Aiden was talking to...Sheik or whatever her name is..."


"Mhmm. God why didn't I leave her ages ago? I could have avoided this whole situation, and be dating Aiden again, like I am meant to be? I guess I was just a coward..."

"You're not a coward Luna, you were just in a tough situation, but I think you made a good choice. You don't need someone like her in your life."

"Yea I guess. I'm gonna go out and watch some TV, wanna come with?"

"Nah, I got a hunk of a man lying in my bed that needs attending to." Lex giggled and I rolled my eyes, shuddering over dramatically.

"Yea you go do that, I'll see you... uh... in a few hours?"

"Something like that."

"Have fun," I smirked and walked out into the common room, getting comfortable laying on the couch, my head rest on the right side, and my feet stretched out on the left. I flicked through some channels, stopping on one channel, where an episode of The L Word was on.

"Oi Aiden, hot lesbians on TV!" I shouted, trying to get her attention.

"Huh?" She came out of her room and saw that The L Word was on and went to sit on my feet and I pulled them out from under her and sat up, on the right side of the couch, and her on the left.

A commercial break came on and I just looked at her, she seemed a little bit uncomfortable making eye contact with me, and I shrugged a little.

"So how's it going?" I fiddled with my cast a little, dissapointed that it was covering half of my sleeve tattoo.

"Not bad. You?" She replied, fiddling with her jacket sleeves.

"Not bad, just... Um... Nah forget it." I shrugged and sighed, Aiden looking up at me, searching my eyes for something.

"What? Luna?" She asked and I just wanted everything to be... How they were, when we were younger, back in Australia.

"I don't know Aiden. I want this to work... This uh... Friendship. It's hard, really hard. I just have the biggest urge to cuddle up to you, but I can't because... I'm afraid that you'll push me away... I love you Aiden, and I just hope you can understand just how sorry I am for what I put you through..."

"Luna I love you too... But we have to move on.. I know its hard... I can assure you its harder for me. Seeing you with another girl made me realize that it was time to find someone new... I want you back... But I'm... I'm just scared."

"But what are you scared of? You know I would never cheat on you..."

"It's not just that, I'm afraid of being hurt, that you might compare me to her or that one of us may have to leave again, I couldn't take it."

"I would never EVER compare you to that whore. I would never do that to you. You know what effect it has on me if I hurt someone, and I don't think either of us is leaving any time soon, even if we did, we're old enough to buy our own places now, so we could move somewhere close..."

"I know...I know how it hurts you... But... I'm so confused. Part of me is screaming for your touch, and the other wants to run away."

"I promise it will be like it was when we lived in Australia. Just continued from where we left off..."

"Promise?" Her eyes piercing into mine.

"I promise," I looked into her eyes and I leaned into her and she met me half way, our lips massaging one another's and our hands finding themselves around our bodies.

We pulled away, to catch our breath a little moment later, and we stood up.

"Want to continue this elsewhere?" I offered, nodding my head towards our rooms. Aiden nodded and grabbed my hand, my fingers entwining with hers for the short journey. Closing the door behind me, I looked at my cast and then back Aiden...