Planes, Houses and Relationships

Happy birthday to me.

Aiden's POV

Luna and I were laying there silently, snuggled up close to each other. We had just spent the night together. I looked over at my girl, her eyes opened slightly informing me she was awake.

"Good morning baby," I said pushing a piece of hair out of her face.

"Happy birthday sweetie," She replied, kissing my lips softly.

Oh yeah, today just happens to be my 19th birthday.


Luna left the room to go do something, she wouldn't tell me what. So I took the time to go and pick something to wear.
I walked over to my closet, pulling out a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and a black jacket. I walked over to open my bedroom door, I pushed against it, but it wouldn't budge something was holding it shut from the outside.

"Oi! Let me out!" I yelled banging on the door. I stepped back and realized it wasn't going to open. I walked to the back of room, running up and slamming against the door, just as I hit the it someone opened it from the other side. Sending me flying across the common room.

"Oh hey Aiden," Dan said as he helped me off the ground.

I just gave him the evils and sat down in the nearest couch. I looked around the room to notice seven big-ish presents.

"Oooh, whose are these?" I asked, gently kicking one of the boxes.

"Your's you moron," Lex said slapping my leg away.

"Ooh lets get started,"

I grabbed the closest box, looking at the card.

"This one is from... Dan and Lex," I said, ripping off the wrapping paper like a 5 year old at Christmas. I looked inside.

"Sweet, a new dragon... Oh and it lights up. Wicked, thanks man," I hugged Dan, smiling.

"No problem's little lady," He replied handing me another box. "Now this one is from your littlest brother Jorden, who isn't so little now,"

And he was right too, Jorden was 13 now. Big boy.
I ripped off the paper.

"Oh nice, a new dragon necklace... It's silver, must of cost him all of his money,"

By the end of opening all of the presents I had got: a new guitar from my mum, some Nintendo Wii games from Jet and Gee, some new shoes from Erin, and a bunch of other dragons from various other friends. But nothing from Luna, who claimed she didn't have enough time. I decided not to be angry at her so it wouldn't ruin my day.

"So who wants lunch?" Dan said, walking into the room with 4 boxes of pizza and a carton of coke.


I was sitting on my bed, just staring at all the presents I got. Everyone else was out in the common room, celebrating my birthday without me. I heard a knock at the door.

"Can I come in?" It was Luna.

"Help yourself," I said laying down, burying my face into my pillow.

She down on my floor in front of my bed.

"Can you please come over here?" She asked.

I sighed sitting up, moving towards the end of my bed. I looked at her, nodding for her to continue.

"Well baby, the truth is... I did buy you a present but I wanted to wait until we were alone to give it to you," She pulled a small box from her pocket, handing it to me. "Go on, open it,"

I opened the box, inside sat a beautiful gold ring, with an emerald and two diamonds. My jaw dropped.

"Aiden-Lee Cartington, will you marry me?"