Planes, Houses and Relationships

2 weeks early.

Lexia's POV

Aiden had confessed to me 8 months earlier that she wasn't in love with Luna anymore. She was living a lie. She'd told me she'd tried to make herself believe it, but it just wasn't helping anything.

Luna had been better for a long time now since the hospital, but I wasn't so good. I was constantly getting up in the middle of the night and the early hours of the morning to throw up whatever I had eaten that day.

My room had gone from a one person's heaven to a young mother's nightmare. It was filled with toys that Daniel's mates had bought for him, odd bits from some of the lecturers and alot of other stuff that had been delivered from family and friends in Australia. There wasn't much longer to go, Daniel and I had been counting down since the start of the 8th month. Now I was ready and the baby would be coming in 2 weeks whether I liked it or not.

I was sitting in the lounge room with Daniel, Aiden and Luna watching TV. Everytime something good came on, Aiden would switch the channel.

"Aiden, for frig's sake, stop changing channel's!" I yelled at her, shooting her a glare. Her eyes looked at me and then the huge bump in front of me.

"It's not me, it's my fingers." She answered grinning sarcastically. Daniel laughed. I thumped him in the chest with my fist. He grabbed his chest and tried to look tough.

"Ow." He whispered looking at me with sad eyes. Aiden put the remote in the middle of the floor so she couldn't change it anymore. I tried to get up, I was sunk into the couch so much I couldn't get out.

"Oh my god." I said to myself trying to lift myself. Daniel laughed and got up and outreached his hand.

"Thanks." I said getting up. I walked into the bathroom and gave my face a wash with cold water. I leaned into the mirror so I could take my make-up off. I leant back and turned around to walk out of the bathroom when I felt something run down my leg.

"Oh, no, not now, what the hell." I said to myself watching as water formed a puddle in front of me. I suddenly felt the need to sit down, I turned around and put my hands against the sink, I bent over and started to breath, but the pain was overbearing. I started to whine almost silenty, thinking it was braxton hicks, talking to mum on the phone she'd told me everything. I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom.

"Lex?" I heard Aiden say from behind the closed door.

"Aiden, get in here." I screamed, obviously contractions were starting, and they weren't far apart either.

Aiden opened the door and saw my state.

"Oh god." She said, running over to my side, almost slipping in the pool of water I'd left.

"This thing has decided to come now!" I yelled, clutching my stomach.

"We have to get you lying down, c'mon we'll put you on the couch in the dorm lounge." She said, helping me to stand up and putting my arm over her shoulder.

"No, no, I won't make it, it's has to be here, NOW!" I yelled again. I didn't mean to be so rude towards her, but the pain I was in, I didn't give a shit who I was yelling at. She helped me sit on the floor and she bent my knee's.

"How do you know so much?" I asked, starting to pant.

"Movies, darling, c'mon rest your head against the cabinet, I'll go get people and stuff." She said getting up and running out of the room. I sat in there in absolute agony when I heard running.

"LEXIA!" Daniel yelled running in and crouching next to me. He grabbed my hand and I squeezed it hard.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow." He said, his hand turning a bright shade of red, then a dark shade of purple. Luna brought towels in with her and spread them all around where I was.

"AIDEN, I need to push." I said as another contraction hit me. I yelped in agony. Luna sat in front of me so she could see everything. Aiden sat next to her.

"Okay, Lexia, darling, you're defianately dialated." Luna said informatively.

"How the hell do you know so much?" Daniel asked her.

"I did midwifing for work experience once, got to watch all this kinda stuff." I felt at ease knowing someone around here knew what to do.

"Lexia, you're gonna have to start pushing." Luna said, Aiden held a towel in her hands.

"Okay babe, you can do this." Daniel said, I shot a look at him.

"Shut up, you did this to me." I panted. He kissed the side of my head and brushed my sweaty hair out of my face.

"Okay, ready? 3, 2, 1, PUSH!" Luna yelled.