Planes, Houses and Relationships

Dorm rooms.

Aiden's POV

I was laying on the couch in the common room, on the brink of falling asleep when I was suddenly awoken by Luna and her barging through the front door. Laughing their heads off.
They didn't acknowledge my existence until I cleared my throat, their eyes instantly turned to me.

"Oh hey Aiden..." Charlotte said with disappointment in her voice. "Why are you here?"

"Because I live here," I replied, sitting up. Holding my head, because it was killing me for some reason.

Luna rushing over to me, probably checking to see if I was okay.

"Don't you have class or something?" Charlotte asked again.

"Don't you?" I said raising my eyebrow, standing up. Walking over to the fridge taking a can of coke from inside. "I have play writing class in an hour. So yous can have sex when I leave."

I walked into my room, slightly slamming the door. Falling onto my bed, hugging the can closely. When I suddenly heard yelling from the common room.

"Just leave Charlotte!" I heard Luna yell.

"Why?! So you can go cheat on me again with that fucking emo?!" Charlotte yelled back.

Just then I heard the door slam, thinking that Charlotte left until I heard another voice.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" I heard someone yell, it was a guys voice. Unusual.

"Nothing Jet, Charlotte was just leaving." Luna said. Oh so it was Jet.

"Good I will walk her out." I heard Jet say, the door slamming soon after wards.

I rolled over in my bed, in case Luna did in fact decide to come into my room.
A knock at the door.
Yeah she did.

"Just... Go away," I mumbled, snuggling into my pillow. I felt her sit down at the end of my bed, her back touching my leg. "Why did you do it Luna? Why did you kiss me? Why did you ruin any chance I ever had of getting over you?"

She placed her hand on my leg, rubbing it gently. In a comforting way I guess.

"Because... I wanted to see if it still felt the same..." She replied with a nervous tone.

"What felt the same?"

"To see if... I felt the same... If I still got... Butterflies..."


"I was right..."


"It does feel the same."

I was completely shocked, she still felt the same, I can believe it! This is the greatest thing ever, no wait. It isn't. She has a girlfriend. She doesn't really love me. She loves... her.

I sat up, and looked her straight in the eye.

"It felt the same for me to." I said smiling, looking deeply into her eyes.

She leaned forward and kissed me. The same way she used to, massaging my lips. Holding me close. After a few minutes we pulled apart, she pulled me close and I snuggled into her chest, holding her closely.

"I think I still love you," She whispered into my ear.

"I... know I still do..." I said back, kissing her lips lightly one more time.