Planes, Houses and Relationships

Things just aren't the same.

Luna's POV

The battle of my conscience inside my head was driving me insane.

'You have a girlfriend, you should stop playing with Aiden's emotions and move on.'

'Fuck Charlotte, lately she's been making you depressed with her family issues. You need to get a break from it, and Aiden will be that break...Permanently.'

I then watched the angel me wrestle the devil me inside my head and sighed. I really threw myself into a tough predicament.

Aiden and I travelled out to the common room shortly after our close moment, Aiden picking a show for us to watch before she had to go to class. Which show was it? Well when Aiden's got control of the TV, it's gonna be a sitcom of some sort, it just happened to be her favourite, Will and Grace. So we were sitting on the couch, me sitting normally, and Aiden was cuddled up to me, resting her head on my shoulder, my arm around her to keep her safe. The devil me was winning the war, I was letting myself fall back into my old habits of holding Aiden, so that she felt safe, it was something I would do at any given moment. I zoned out from the show and watched some flashbacks in my mind, from our times together, the days that I was mean to her at school, giving her a hard time because of her dress and music style, to the day I felt those feelings for her...To our first kiss, and then eventually...To when we made love. I must have had a wierd look on my face from thinking about this because Aiden poked me to get my attention.

"What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Me? Oh...Nothing, well...Just thinking." I do that alot.

"What about?"


"What sort of stuff?"

"Good stuff."

"Luna...Please tell me?"

"Oh fine...I was thinking...About us." I bit my bottom lip a little at the moment, averting my eyes.


"Well...Past tense us...Two years ago us."

"Oh...I see."

"And I know this is just a fucked up situation right now...But I was wondering...If you still um...Well...See I've been thinking about leaving Charlotte...This last month has been very VERY difficult. I've been with her for almost a year now, but this last month I have seen, heard and felt things that I didn't want to. Her parents are extremely religious and homophobic, and when she finally got the guts to come out and tell them...Well I feared for my life! Her father brought out a fucking gun and pointed it at me and told me to get the fuck off his property. He then dragged Charlotte inside and the screams and yells I could hear...They scared me Aii. I ran from that place, back to where I was staying and I just sat in my room, thinking. Seeing vivid images in my mind, that I don't ever want to see again. I got a call a few hours later, it was her. She sounded...different. She was distant, shut off and it was as though the fun loving girl I knew was gone, and replaced by a robot. She may seem like she's a ball of fun, but it's a facade she puts on around people. But lately, the way she's been treating me...It's gone on far enough. I dunno if you've noticed, but I've been very conscious about not showing my bare skin. I um..." I stopped talking and drew my arm out of my sleeve, the remnants of dark heavy bruises becoming visible.

"She hit you?" Aiden asked, covering her mouth with her hand, the look in her eyes was so intense.

"It's not uncommon. It's an almost weekly thing. But her father did something to her, something bad. I hate him. I hate what he did to her, and you of all people know how caring I am, but there is only so much that I can take, and I am getting to the end of the line." I stopped talking and looked into Aiden's eyes.

"Help me Aiden, please." I begged her.

"H-How?" She asked, unsure of what to do about what I had told her.

"Like this..." I said as I leant in and gently kissed her again, using my arm to pull her in closer, my body right up against hers. My lips began to massage hers, the way she loved it. She ran her tongue along my bottom lip as a sign of asking for entrance to my mouth. I opened my mouth into the kiss and greeted her tongue with my own. Our tongues fought a battle for dominance, hers always won. My hands began to run over her back, rubbing and massaging and just as we were in the heat of the moment, the door opened...

"What the hell?"