Status: In progress

She Quenched My Thirst

The bet/ Stella's past

“I want to fight you. To see if you are really as good as you say you are.”I said as we hopped back over the river. I realized that it took us a while to get back here.

“You would use your powers and that wouldn’t be fair.” He responded.

“I promise not to cheat. Please.” I begged. He was thinking about it. Soon he stopped walking. I was a few steps in front of him when I realized he had accepted my offer.

He was crouched and ready to spring by the time I turned around. He hissed and flew forward at me. I bent over backwards as he flew over me. I use to be in gymnastics so I still have more flexibility than a normal vampire.

Jasper stopped himself from sliding to far away from me. He was about to crouch again but I was all ready running for him. At the very last moment I stepped around him so we were back to back. He moved his head from left to right looking for me. I turned my head at the same moment as him so that he wouldn't see me. I took the opportunity to grab his neck from behind and throw him over my head and smash his body into the ground. He looked pretty surprised.

He was very cute when he is surprised I don’t think he was surprised that often. I crouched down next to him “Not so big and bad now are you?” I smirked at him.

“You just got in a lucky hit.” He said sitting up and looking at me.

“I flipped you over my head, by your neck. Admit it, I’m pretty smart for a newborn.” I smiled at him again. Then he pushed me and I fell over.

“FOUL!” I yelled. He laughed and stood over me.

“Don’t feel so big and bad now do you?” he smirked.

“You cheated” I pouted crossing my arms over my chest. “He always cheats, that’s the only way he wins against me.” Emmett said coming out of now where.

“I don’t cheat I know your moves better than you. I would never let you win.” Jasper said looking at his brother.

“BUT YOU LET HER BEAT YOU?!?!” Emmett yelled. He nodded and held his hand out to me because I was still sitting on the ground. I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet.

“You try fighting her Emmett I don’t think you will win.” Jasper said. “Would you like to place money on that bet?” Emmett asked.

“I would, $200 Stella wins” He said. By now I had walked inside sat down and started a conversation with Rosalie.

“Boys are stupid no matter how old they get.” I said to her.

“Yeah I know but they are still fun to be around because they make you feel superior.” I smiled because Rosalie was right. Jasper and Emmett walked back into the house and asked “I thought we were going to fight.”

“I never agreed to fighting with you, you just assumed because you two bet on it.” They looked at each other and I laughed.

“Don’t laugh at us.” Emmett whined. I stopped laughing but I had a big smile on my face. Emmett scoffed and walked off. Rosalie giggled and followed him out.

Jasper sat down next to me and asked “So how was your life before you became a vampire?”

“I’m not really sure, it’s blurry and dark, but I remember I had a little brother and sister. I loved them so much. They were twins and they never found fault in anything or anyone.

"My brother was Allie and my sister was Lilly. They both had curly blond hair and big brown eyes. They got along with each other and even when people teased them about being close they would shrug it off. I think they are both 15 now. You would have like them Jasper, never sad, always energetic happy smiling.” I smiled to myself remembering the twins.

“It sounds like you really love them.” He said.

“I do but I will never get to see them again. My parents and I were up in Forks visiting my grandmother. We left the twins at home because my grandparents’ house was small and all of us couldn’t fit.

"So they stayed home and we got a hotel room. I think my grandmother was sick and couldn’t have a bunch of us running around. They are lucky I wouldn’t want them to become a vampire. They look forward to their future. The want to be twin singers they post videos on YouTube all the time.”

“Do you want to watch one? I have a computer upstairs.”

“Yeah I jumped up from my chair and pulled him up the stairs. He pointed to his room and I jumped in front of the computer.