Status: In progress

She Quenched My Thirst

Aille and Lilly

I logged onto You Tube and searched for their videos. I clicked on the first one of them singing ‘Until the end of time’ by Beyonce and Justin Timberlake.

They sounded really good for young people. I smiled as I remember filming this video for them on my phone because their computer wasn’t working.

I smiled as I clicked on the next video of them singing another song from the 1960s. Near the end of the song I walked into the room and Allie said “That’s our sister Stella. Say hi to the world Stella.” Then they moved the camera to me standing in the door way looking slightly awkward.

“Hi world. I’m Stella. Hope you enjoyed the song.” I smiled at the camera before they took it away from me.

“Well that’s all bye everyone.” Lilly said waving at the camera before the video stopped. I smiled again as I looked through the comments. They were mostly good comments except for the one or two people who gave them some advice and the arrogant douchbag who insulted them because they were young and maybe had one bad note.

“They are really good, they might make it big one day.” Jasper said.

“I know they are related to me. A lot of people thought I was adopted because my hair was brown and had blonde highlights, and my eyes were green. I looked like my father when I was human but I was always seen with my mother. My father has brown hair and green eyes and my mother had blond hair and brown eyes. They twins look just like my mother."

“What was that horrible sound?” Alice asked coming into the room with Rosalie, Emmett and Edward.

“That sound is my little brother and sister singing, and there very good at it.” I said to Alice. I could feel myself getting angry. Jasper put his hand on my shoulder and forced waves of calmness into me. I took a deep breath and turned away from Alice.

“Just keep it down, I’m trying to read a magazine.” She said before walking out of the room. I was seething quietly and Jasper still had his hand on me trying to keep me calm.

“Stella get a hold of your emotions or you will lose control of your instincts.” I took a couple of deep breaths and got a hold of my head.

“I hate her.” I muttered putting my head on the desk. Jasper didn’t say anything because I insulted his wife and she can still hear our conversation.

I moved from the table and walked to the window wall and looked out at the view.

“I want to visit them one last time.” I muttered to Jasper.

“Then you should, now one’s stopping you.”
“I don’t know how they would feel about me being the walking dead.”
“You can’t tell them you’re a vampire. That’s illegal.”
“Vampires have laws?” I asked.

“Oh we never fully explained the Volturi to you did we? Well come on, let’s find Carlisle.” He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out. I felt a jolt of electricity going through my body when he touched me but I don’t think he noticed that I became a little lighter like I was walking on air.

He knocked on Carlisle’s door and Carlisle told us we could come in. “Hello Carlisle, Stella would like to know more about the Volturi, I thought you would be the best person to go to.” Jasper said releasing my hand.
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Ok so this is the last pre written chapter so they are going to come a lot slower... maybe not for a while because I have test to do so enjoy this while you can :) Don't forget to comment on the makes me happy.... :D